Monday, September 1, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.30

HOH Competition, continued
After 41 minutes, it's Frankie in first followed by Christine, Caleb and then Nicole. Derrick is struggling almost as much as Victoria. Derrick realizes he has no chance of catching up to the other 4, and he doesn't think the other 4 will put him up, so he decides to go for the $5,000 and 5,000 hollas.

At 2 hr. 11 min, Derrick fills the small snowman's head. Caleb is now ahead in the HOH race followed by Christine and Frankie.

Nicole is falling out of the race a little bit, so she tells Christine that toward the back of the pool is thicker liquid and it doesn't slosh around as much. That gives Christine the boost she needs and it's neck and neck with Caleb. Nicole is hoping by helping her that she will help save her.

Caleb has a big wipeout, but he just needs a couple more! Man, this is going to be so close! And it's Caleb for the win! Christine was reaching with her fingers, but she couldn't quite get the coal out.

Caleb's win didn't come without a price. He is really banged up. He had to be helped off the course by Derrick and Frankie. His knee was really hurting him. Everyone else was exhausted too, and they just collapsed inside the house.

Obviously Nicole is a target this week. But, the guys have been leery of Christine for some time. Frankie told Derrick and Cody that he was right about Nicole and Christine working together because he saw Nicole helping Christine.

Cody is stuck in the middle because he likes Christine more than Frankie, but they are both in his alliance.

Cody tries to convince the group that Frankie is dangerous. Some of the group thinks that Christine should go on the block next to Nicole, but Caleb is a little bit worried about doing that if she's not the target.

Team America
Frankie is kind of glad that Donny is gone because he wasn't pulling his weight in the Team America challenges. He looked right at the cameras and said that right to America. Derrick was shocked that Frankie would say that and does not want to be guilty by association.

Have Nots
Caleb has to choose 2 Have Nots for the week, who can enjoy "snot roast" which is mushrooms, a

Derrick volunteers because he knows he has to take some heat off himself after winning $5,000. No one else volunteers, so Caleb was forced to choose someone else, and he chose Nicole. She was very upset that she continues to be picked on. She thinks this absolutely means she is going on the block, because it will make her weak.

Derrick comforts her gives her a pep talk. He said nothing is certain and she should continue to fight hard.

Caleb nominates Nicole and Christine.

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