Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 32.11

Days 28-30

Dara Camp - After Tribal
Tai is proud of himself for being the smallest guy and taking out the biggest guy. Tai took control of the game because Scot and Jason talked over him.

Jason tells the group they will never get Tai out now. He applauded their move as a fan, but being the one blindsided - "argh!". Jason is super bummed that he lost his partner and his idol in the same moment. He is now all alone. He said he may just go nuts because he has nothing to lose.

Julia and Michele were frustrated that they were not part of the plan. They realize they are on the bottom of the totem pole now.

Tai told the group that Jason no longer has his idol. Tai, Aubry, and Cydney are a tight 3-some and plan to take out the rest.

Dara Camp 

Tai wanted to talk to Jason because Jason trusted him and he betrayed him. He said that's the first time he's done anything like that and he feels bad because he knows it was hurtful. He told Jason that it was the hardest thing he's ever done. He said he was afraid they were going to cut him loose, so he had to make the first move. He did it in the name of the game. Tai said he was worried that Jason would come back to camp so angry that he would kill Mark the chicken. Jason said he would never do that because he and Mark are still in an alliance. Tai is just the sweetest guy ever - such a loving heart.

Jason said he can't let the group see how angry the whole situation made him. He is looking for a way in with someone to save himself.

Reward Challenge
Challenge: race through obstacles, collecting rings; throw rings on a swinging hook
Reward: chopper ride of the view and stop on a sand spit in the middle of the ocean for a picnic

Random draw for pairs - 1 person won't participate.

Jason is out

Julia/Aubry moving quickly, but Michele/Cydney have their first ring loose. All 3 are moving toward the 2nd ring. Tai/Joe in last, but they catch up.

Tai gets the last ring before Cydney. All start to toss the rings at about the same time.

Michele/Cydney with 2, and Joe catches them up and ties with 2. Julia/Aubry have none.

Cydney lands the 3rd ring and wins it for her and Michele.

Jeff tells them that they can pick one person (including Jason) and they have to agree on that person. They immediately picked Aubry because she hasn't eaten.

Michele is looking forward to talking with Cydney and Aubry to make sure they are good and they still want to work with her even though she wasn't a part of the last move. Aubry said she trusts Michele because she has always voted with them, except the last one, which they had to keep her out of. Cydney asks Aubry what she thinks. They both agree that Michele is trustworthy. Cydney said they can't go to the end with Tai. They need him in the alliance in order to get out Jason and Julia. They need to figure out when is the right time to make their big move.

Dara Camp
Julia tells Jason that they need to win immunity. Jason knows he's next to be on the block. He said they need to fight and figure out where to squeeze in. He said if they can get rid of Tai to make some room. Next vote, if they can get 4 votes for Tai, he either plays his idol and someone else goes home, or he doesn't play it and he goes home. They think they have Michele because Julia and Michele are tight, but they need a 4th. Jason thinks Cydney is their best bet. He's going to have to talk to her. He said she likes blindsiding, so maybe he can sell her on this idea.

Julia said to Cydney that if she's on board for voting out Tai, they are on board. She said it makes sense.

Julia said that as soon as Tai is out of the game, they are eating Mark, and she can't wait.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: race to platform on the water; memorize symbols and matching numbers, and come back to a wheel to match the symbols and numbers to unlock puzzle pieces; first to complete the word puzzle wins

Jason RAN the entire way out into the water! Whoa! I love this challenge! It takes memorization, it's physical. You have to decide how much you can remember at once. The climbing obstacle in the middle of the water is taxing. You don't want to have to do that too many times or you are going to die!

Cydney was the first to leave the symbols. Michele starts writing her numbers in the sand and Tai copied her.

Jason thinks he has the right combo and so does Julia. Jason was wrong, but Julia was right!

Joe has run out of gas and decides to quit. Michele is right! It's all Julia and Michele.

Michele has it and she wins immunity. Darn, I was really hoping Tai would win so he could foil their plans to blindside him. Ironically, the word she decoded was "blindsided". Jeff asked her how many numbers she was able to memorize, and she said all of them. Wow. That's impressive.

Dara Camp
Michele, Cydney, Tai, Joe, and Aubry all talk about what they want to do. Cydney was thinking Jason - until she heard how close Julia was to beating Michele. Michele was on board with their original plan of voting out Jason, but she doesn't want to write down her closest ally, Julia.

Tai said he feels uncomfortable with Michele and Cydney. He said he is taking his idol and his advantage to Tribal because he does not want to go home with an idol in his pocket.

Michele talks to Julia. She is hoping they have 4 votes to go with Tai so she can still make a move and keep her ally.

Jason talks to Cydney. She said they are going with the Tai plan.

Cydney and Michele are in the middle, they can either blindside Tai with Jason and Julia or they can blindside Julia with Aubry, Joe, and Tai.

Jason said that Tai deserves what he gets for what he did to him. He hopes he goes home with the idol in his pocket the same way he sent his idol out the door in Scot's pocket.

Tribal Council
Jeff asked Julia who she thought were on the bottom. She said Michele and Cydney. She thinks that Aubry is holding Joe's hand to the final 3. She said Tai has the ability to make it to the final as well. Tai said he has the idol and the secret advantage and he reminded his alliance to not jump on a sinking ship when you have a sure-thing.

Aubry talked about trust. Jason said he had full trust in his alliance and Scot was voted out right from under him. He said Tai has done that twice now to his "solid" alliances. He asks how you know there won't be a third. Tai said that Scot and Jason had an unbreakable bond and they were in control, and he needed to break that up. He said he jumped to an alliance where Aubry and Joe are even closer.

Michele and Cydney talked about making moves that the jury will respect and not just voting people out to save yourself.

Jeff asked Tai how comfortable he is going into the vote. He said he is not comfortable at all.

The Vote
Tai said he was uncomfortable. He would be stupid to not play his idol. He awkwardly whispers to Aubry in front of him "Should I play my idol?" She whispered back "I think you're fine, but it's your gut."  He DOESN'T play it!!!! Oh no!!!!


WHEW! Whoa, that was close! Tai - don't scare me like that! Poor Julia. She is so young and was such a fighter. She played a pretty good game. Michele was visibly upset and starting to tear up. She just lost her best friend. We see the votes, and she stuck with her new alliance and she did in fact, vote out her best friend.

I sure hope that Tai doesn't get a false sense of security just because he trusted his alliance once. They could easily turn on him, and could believe that they have his back. I'm so worried that his worst fear is going to come true, and he's going to go home with that idol in his pocket.

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