Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Voice, Ep. 10.13

The Live Playoffs, Top 24 continue...

Team Adam

Laith Al-Saadi - "With A Little Help From My Friends" by Joe Cocker
Ugh, hate this song! Very predictable song for him. It was another fine performance. Just not for me.
My Grade: A-

Owen Danoff - "Hero" by Family of the Year
He's got a really good voice, but he is also borderline boring. I'm not sure what this needed, but it needed something. I liked what he did with the end of the song, but it was a little too late.
My Grade: B+

Shalyah Fearing - "Listen" by Beyonce
It's so hard to believe that she is only 16. She flew off the handle a few times, but with a little work, I think she could be really good. There were a few too many pitch issues to make this a truly powerful performance. Her loud, booming voice was ridiculous. It would have been insane if she was in tune. I'm sure the coaches will all be over the moon with this, but my ears heard too many problems and it was just way too over dramatic for my taste.
My Grade: B

Caroline Burns - "All I Want" by Kodaline
I seriously love this song. It is just so incredibly good. Her voice is so pretty. She looks like she's 10 years old, but she sounds so much more mature than that. She slayed this song. It was incredible. By far my favorite of the night. And not just because it was the best song choice of the night. She gave me goosebumps! The last 2 notes were gorgeous and very haunting. Loved it! That performance should have gotten a 4-chair resounding standing ovation - not Shalyah's.
My Grade: A+

Brian Nhira - "Alive" by Sia
Love this song - this should be good. I really like this guy - he seems so grounded and down to earth. He was a little under pitch, but it was still enjoyable. He was getting a little emotional, but he held it together pretty well. I was really hoping he would stay in pitch, because if he would have, this could have been a truly incredible performance. He was just a little too strained because he was forcing it too much.
My Grade: B

COMEBACK ARTIST: Nate Butler - "Sara Smile" by Hall and Oates
Yuck! This is why I'm not that crazy about Nate - his old song choices. Yet another really boring performance tonight. He does know that he is singing to earn people's votes, right? No one is going to remember this, let alone say, "I just have to vote for this guy".
My Grade: B-

Team Pharrell

Emily Keener - "Still Crazy After All These Years" by Paul Simon
Boring and unmemorable. I didn't think her vocals sounded that great. I'm not sure what they see in her. Mediocre at best. Lots of pitch issues at the end when she struggled to hit the high notes.
My Grade: C+

Moushumi - "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber
Love this song. I liked her soft and tender approach to this song. She has one of the softest, fluffiest voices I've ever heard. I like that she had the song really keep building throughout. She added a little power toward the end. I think she could have taken it a little bit further. It was a little on the boring side, even though it sounded really pretty.
My Grade: B

Lacy Mandigo - "Love is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar
This is a big song to tackle, but she did an amazing job. She was very powerful and very into the performance. I don't really care for her deep tone. I like her voice when it is more open, but when she gets kind of gutteral and deep, I don't like it.
My Grade: B+

Caity Peters - "I'll Be Waiting" by Adele
I don't know this Adele song. Either it's not that great, or it's just the way she's singing it. I'm not loving this at all. It seems like it's all over the place. She's definitely sounded better. She just sounds like she's shouting, not singing.
My Grade: B-

Hannah Huston - "Ain't No Way" by Aretha Franklin
Yuck, awful song choice. I like Hannah, but I hated this song for her. She sounded pretty good until the end. It got way too screechy and strained. That seemed to be the common theme tonight.
My Grade: B-

COMEBACK ARTIST: Daniel Passino - "When I Was Your Man" by Bruno Mars
Great pick, Pharrell! This is a great song for him. He sounds great. His high notes were very strong. He really got into it at the end, and that big high falsetto note was incredible.
My Grade: A

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