Monday, April 25, 2016

The Voice, Ep. 10.16 & 10.17

Top 11

Team Adam

Shalyah Fearing - "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus
Right off the bat, she sounded a little off. Something felt disjointed about the whole song. I'm not sure what it was, but something just didn't work. She has a big voice, but the background music almost drowned her out somehow. She really sounded strained as she tried to sing louder at the end of the song. She has a lot of growing to do and I don't think she's going to get there in this competition. There were some really off notes at the end, and it was kind of painful. I'm sure the coaches didn't hear any of it and they will say how perfect it was. I disagree.
My Grade: B-

Owen Danoff - "Fire and Rain" by James Taylor
I wondered how long it was going to take for him to sing a James Taylor song because he looks and kind of sounds like James. This was a nice performance, but again, it's just so dull. He needs o do something more dynamic and memorable. No one is going to remember this performance after tonight. There's a reason he was in the bottom 2 last week, and this will probably put him back there again tomorrow night. This performance seemed like it was 20 minutes long and was never going to end.
My Grade: B

Laith Al-Saadi - "Make it Rain" by Ed Sheeran
And just when I'm ready to right him off...he goes and does one of my favorite songs. While he did a nice job, he didn't add anything to this song that hasn't been done by anyone else. He added his signature growl, but it wasn't enough for me to be totally blown away. I prefer, obviously Ed Sheeran's version, and Matt McAndrew's version on The Voice was pretty epic. Clark Beckham did a great version on American Idol. I don't think Laith's version matches up to any of those versions. It was good, but not great. The growl can only take you so far.
My Grade: B

Team Blake

Paxton Ingram - "Break Every Chain" by Tasha Cobbs
I'm not familiar with this song, but dang...he sounded amazing and what a powerful song! If he could sing like this every week, he would be around until the end. He can be very inconsistent, and with this song, he brought back the Paxton we saw early on. Just when you think he couldn't bring it any harder, he took it up another notch. Those modulations were unexpected, but in a good way. Wow, this was amazing! And that last note was incredible.
My Grade: A

Mary Sarah - "Johnny & June" by Heidi Newfield
She's got a decent voice. I don't think she really stands out as an amazing country singer like some female country singers on previous seasons. To me, to be a good female country singer, you can't sound like anyone else. I don't know that she has a very distinctive voice. I don't know that this song was great for her voice. She had quite a few pitch issues, especially at the end.
My Grade: C+

Adam Wakefield - "Lights" by Journey
OK, so slowly, but surely, Adam is making me more of a fan each week. I like that he's willing to sing different songs than just country. This was a great song choice, and I think he did a great version of it. I think he could have done a little more with it toward the end. It kind of stayed on the same level through the whole song and got a little boring at the end because it didn't really go anywhere.
My Grade: A

Team Christina

Alisan Porter - "Stay with Me Baby" by Lorraine Ellison
Oh no, not this song again. They forced La'Porsha to sing this song on Idol a few weeks ago. I wasn't a fan of it when La'Porsha did it, and I'm not loving it now. It's just too old fashioned. I will say that I probably prefer Alisan's version to La'Porsha's. She can sing anything. She's still at the top of the pack for sure. She rocked the heck out of it. Can we just crown her the winner now? No one else comes anywhere close to being as good as she is. Are you kidding me?!
My Grade: A+

Bryan Bautista - "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars
Nice song choice. I don't know that I love the arrangement he did though. It was a little too disco lounge. He sounded great, but I wish he would have done it a little more like the original. It was the background music that really annoyed me. It was so distracting.
My Grade: A-

Nick Hagelin - "Your Body is a Wonderland" by John Mayer
I didn't remember he played the guitar! Not one of my favorite John Mayer songs, but I think it should be good for his voice. His voice on the word "porcelain" just made me melt. I know he loves his falsetto, but I love his regular voice so much more. And he doesn't always nail the notes when he goes to his falsetto. He really started getting into it on the 2nd verse, and man, it started getting really good. I started to feel like this was his song. His voice sounded so smooth and combine that with his guitar playing...loved it! I liked how he got the crowd into it at the end. Really great performance - one of his best!
My Grade: A-

Team Pharrell

Daniel Passino - "True Colors" by Cyndi Lauper
This was a really sweet performance. I liked some of the subtle changes he made to the song. I don't know that it was super innovative or dynamic and it was maybe a little boring. He's got a good voice and I really wanted to love this. I'm not sure why I didn't. It was definitely good, but it wasn't all that memorable.
My Grade: A-

Hannah Huston - "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt
Can we ban this song, please? This song has been done to death on reality singing competitions. I will say that I don't know that I've ever heard someone with her kind of voice sing this song. It was beautiful and you could tell she was really connected to the lyrics, which made the performance that much better. She really soared and her vibrato was really pretty toward the end. There were even some interesting note changes in there that was really pretty.
My Grade: A


Bottom 2: Daniel and Owen
Not really surprised at all with this bottom 2.

Daniel - "Jealous" by Nick Jonas
Much, much better than last night. Great, popular song choice. I don't know what Owen is singing yet, but unless he does something popular or upbeat, he's a goner. There wasn't anything wrong with this performance. It was pretty solid. He used his falsetto in the right spot and it really worked.
My Grade: A

Owen - "Burning House" by Cam
Ooh, interesting song choice. I'm sure his version will not compare to Emily's last season. It's a great song, but I don't think it's the right song for him. He sounds very pitchy and very nasally. I think...nope, I know he messed up the words. Poor guy...definitely not the kind of performance you want to have when you're singing for your life. Oops...more and more missed lyrics. Sorry for the pun, but he's going down in flames here. I don't think anything can save him now. He got lucky last week when he had a great performance to give him the edge over whatsername last week. It was close last week. It's not going to be close this week.
My Grade: C-

OK, so the percentages were about as close as last week, surprisingly. I'm not sure who is voting for Owen at this point. I love that Pharrell was so supportive of Daniel and he was really begging, for the first time this season, for people to vote for his artist.

Saved by America: Daniel
Going Home: Owen

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