Monday, May 2, 2016

Dancing with the Stars, Ep. 22.7

Theme: Icons

We're in for a double elimination tonight :( I have absolutely no idea who it's going to be. Whoever it is, it's going to be sad, that's for sure. All of them left are good!

And we have team dances, too!

Round 1: Individual Dances

Jodie & Keo - Quickstep
Icon: Stevie Wonder's "For Once in My Life"
Now, THAT is a bright yellow dress! Whoa! Don't look directly at it! To me, this seemed like a very clean routine. It was quick and sharp. I hope she starts getting some higher scores, or I fear she could be an early casualty. THERE's something new: Carrie Ann called KEO out for missing a step and said that Jodie was in time and he wasn't! The judges have not been easy on Keo this season, have they?! I would tend to agree with them, and if you've been reading this blog, you heard me say that I think Keo is holding Jodie back and he may not be quite up to task the way the rest of the pros are. That said, I don't think they would verbally call out any other pro like that, even if they did make that observation. Wow. Jodie being so at ease this week, and really letting go...I have to wonder if that is a sign that she is going this week :(
Score: 26 (and then after all that, she gets some great scores!)

Kim & Sasha - Samba
Icon: Jackson 5's "ABC"
That's quite the interesting hairdo she's got this week. It's kind of the "Kate Gosselin" from years ago-I don't care for it. I would not think of this song to do a samba to. And with a black light?! What an interesting combo. I think she did a good job, but I just didn't really get this dance. The whole theme and dance style were just weird. I'm not really sure what to think.
Score: 27

Nyle & Peta - Foxtrot
Icon: U2's "Beautiful Day"
I really hope that people can see past Nyle's comments last week and realize that they weren't meant in the way they came out. I hope he can continue to prove to everyone what a beast he is on the dancefloor and what an inspiration he is off the floor. I'm so glad we got to see his beautiful face again! The mask was a great character, but I missed seeing his face. This dance was beautiful. I loved Peta's choreography and it was a fun dance, which sometimes foxtrots are a little boring. I didn't really think about it until Bruno said that they brought out romanticism in a rock anthem, which is hard to do, but they totally did! His technique was awesome, and he just glided and floated with such ease.
Score: 28 
(2 10s...but again...they are saying that Bruno wrote down a 9. I don't get this...I get that they write down their score to be turned in. But how is it that the person who wrote the score is completely flummoxed when they say he wrote a 9. It was seconds ago...I think he would remember. Are they trying to sabotage Nyle? Because both times it has happened this season it has been to him. And they always say they are going to look into it, but they never reverse the decision. At least this time they did actually show us the score sheet showing that Bruno wrote a I guess we can let this one slide.)

Antonio & Sharna - Tango
Icon: Rolling Stones' "Paint it Black"
I love this song, and I think this is going to be amazing! I love the black capes at the beginning. They definitely captured the darkness of the song. Antonio was able to reign in his signature smile and bring some intensity to the dance. Way to go Antonio! I didn't know if he would be able to do it or not. I don't think we saw those shiny white teeth the entire dance except at the end of the dance when he got to let go and hug Sharna when it was over :) Very nice, Antonio!
Score: 24

Wanyá & Lindsay - Foxtrot
Icon: Aretha Franklin's "Say a Little Prayer for Me"
I just love everything he does. That cute little smirk just cracks me up! He just throws such a cool vibe into every dance. He makes it his own and nails it at the same time. For me, he might just be the most entertaining to watch (right up there with Nyle). He's cute, and charming, and you can tell that he throws 100% out there every time. They had a tough week with scheduling because of Boyz II Men stuff, but you would never know it.
Score: 27

Ginger & Val - Viennese Waltz
Icon: Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing"
Not much to say about this one, other than it was elegant and beautiful. It's a different side that we haven't seen as much from her. So lovely!
Score: 30 (first perfect score!)

Von & Witney - Salsa
Icon: Elvis' "A Little Less Conversation"
Wow, last week Von was Michael Jackson, and this week he's Elvis...sort of. A bald, black Elvis with nothing but some big mutton chops. He should have worn a wig! One of the strangest versions of Elvis I think I've ever seen. He sure was having fun, though! That was a fun one! Bruno can't stop laughing! The lifts were awesome - as they should be for a guy with guns like his.
Score: 24 (come on...why so low?!)

Paige & Mark - Jive
Icon: Tina Turner's "Proud Mary"
She looks smokin'! Way better than Tina Turner! This song is so fast and it's perfect for the jive. Especially a jive choreographed by Mark and his loosy-goosy legs. There isn't anything that she can't do. It pains me that she was in jeopardy last week. She deserves to be in the finale and I sure hope people are voting for her. It would be a shame to lose her. This dance was incredible and those cartwheels were the bomb! I don't know that anyone has attempted those before on this show. Maybe one of them, but not like 3 where she also flips him! She had such precision on those kicks and flicks and as crazy as this dance was, she didn't get carried away and out of sync. Wow! So much fun! If that doesn't get a perfect score, that would be such a shame!
Score: 30

Round 2: Team Dances
For the first time ever, it's the guys vs. the girls.

Team James Brown
Those guys look so sharp! Antonio & Sharna are first up and then it's Von wearing a cape! Peta and Nyle were right on time. Wanyá was so smooth! I loved all their choreography as a group. I love that they threw in Nyle being deaf and Wanyá getting him to hear the music. As a group, I think they did exceptional! They had a couple of really big obstacles this week: Wanyá missed a whole day of rehearsals and was behind in the camera blocking rehearsal, and Nyle having trouble communicating in such a large group of people. That was great and so much fun!
Score: 28 (10 from Bruno!)

Team Beyoncé
Watch out, these girls mean business. Those girls were definitely channeling their inner Queen B. Kim and Sasha started it off, with just a simple spin? That's it? All Sasha did was pick her up and spin around. Paige and Mark did some great lifts. Ginger and Val were steamy. I liked their group ballroom. And then the clothes came off! They threw in the "Single Ladies" dance, of course! I'm not sure that they were all in sync all the time, but it was a great performance, nonetheless. I just realized that I missed Jodie and Keo's solo...what did they do? Must have been even quicker than Sasha and Kim's 2-turn spin.
Score: 25 (That might be the lowest team score ever...ouch! That really surprises me!)


In Jeopardy: Kim & Sasha, Wanyá & Lindsay, Von & Witney
Going Home: Kim & Sasha and Von & Witney

Ouch, that was rough! But WHEW! I was going to be devastated if Wanyá was eliminated! I will miss Von, but as good as Kim is, I could stand to lose her over some of the others.

Week 7 Leaderboard

Nyle & Peta - 28 + 28 = 56
Ginger & Val - 30 + 25 = 55
Paige & Mark - 30 + 25 = 55
Wanyá & Lindsay - 27 + 28 = 55
Kim & Sasha - 27 + 25= 52
Antonio & Sharna - 24 + 28 = 52
Von & Witney - 24 + 28= 52
Jodie & Keo - 26 + 25= 51

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