Monday, May 9, 2016

The Voice, Ep. 10.20 & 10.21

Top 9

Team Adam

Shalyah Fearing - "A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke
Yuck, I'm done already with the music at the beginning. I hate this song. And then she has to drag it out way the words way too long. I have a headache and this is not helping one bit. I don't care for how she sang it at all. I wish she would sing so deep in her throat. She sounds so guttural. Boy, she really did get into it at the end, didn't she. Not sure that it needed to be so over-dramatic. This song seemed to last for days...
My Grade: B-

Laith Al-Saadi - "We've Got Tonight" by Bob Seger
If I'm forced to listen to Laith, this is the type of song and performance that I can actually stand. His voice was soft and mellow, and his vocal strengths really showed.
My Grade: A

Team Blake

Paxton Ingram - "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) by Whitney Houston
OK, Paxton, I'm kind of loving your song choices. I think out of EVERYONE in the competition, he is the ONE who is actually taking risks and making some interesting music.That said, I will say that this seems to have taken some of the changes that Mackenzie Bourg did earlier this year on Idol. He sounded pretty great and didn't suffer from some of his pitch problems, with the exception of the notes he held out for a really long time - those were a bit off. Other than that, this was a really good performance.
My Grade: A-

Mary Sarah - "My Church" by Maren Morris
She sounded good, as always. Still nothing to get overly excited about. I don't think her voice is all that strong or recognizable. I don't see her standing out on country radio...just one of the crowd, if she makes it there at all.
My Grade: B+

Adam Wakefield - "Love Has No Pride" by Bonnie Raitt
I don't know what it is with people and their horrendous song choices. Where did they find this one? So boring! It's songs like this that make me wish they would eliminate 2 or 3 people each week like on Idol this season so we could just get to the end! There are 9 people left and I don't care about more than 2 or 3 of them at this point. Adam should be here because his voice is incredible, and I love his performances when he sings the right songs. This was just - meh.
My Grade: A

Team Christina

Nick Hagelin - "Hold On, We're Going Home" by Drake
I love when he plays his guitar. I think this was an OK performance, but nothing too special. I don't know that it will be enough to save him from the bottom 2 again. Surprisingly, his performance actually got better and ramped up when he stopped playing guitar on the 2nd verse and got up from the chair. He ended it much stronger than the beginning, I felt. I would have liked it more if it was a better song choice. He spent way too much time doing falsetto at the end. His regular voice is so much prettier than his falsetto. I like the falsetto when he does it in small doses, but doesn't sing lines of it at a time like Robin Thicke.
My Grade: B

Alisan Porter - "Cryin'" by Aerosmith
Finally a good song tonight! I think she'll slay it. I just hope she doesn't get too screechy. Finally, something to get excited for tonight! I'm extremely sleepy and the rest of the singers have just about knocked me out with boredom. Like I said before - can we just name her the winner and be done with it? We all know that she really has no competition. She rocked this like a champ.
My Grade: A+

Bryan Bautista - "1 + 1" by Beyonce
I didn't care for this song, but I always love his voice.
My Grade: A

Team Pharrell

Hannah Huston - "Say You Love Me" by Jessie Ware
Her voice is great, but I was kind of bored by this performance, to be honest. I felt like she was kind of screaming at the end, more than singing.
My Grade: A-

The Results

Bottom 2

Paxton - "How Will I Know" by Whitney Houston (also done by Sam Smith)
Beautiful version! He sounded great. He really belted it out with such emotion.
My Grade: A

Nick - "Change the World" by Eric Clapton
Interesting song choice. Definitely not the R&B we are used to. It was kind of a nice change of pace, but I didn't really get much out of this performance. I don't really think it showcased his voice all that well. It was just OK.
My Grade: B

Saved by America: Paxton
Going Home: Nick

Wow, I'm a little surprised. First of all, I was a little surprised to see Paxton in the bottom, and not someone like Shalyah. I know that Nick has been prone to some sympathy votes because of his adorable son, but also because he is just a nice, likable guy. The on-screen percentages through the commercial were very close with Nick having the slight edge. I assumed that based on the previously mentioned features, that Nick would maintain that lead and get the save. Paxton is also a very likable guy and this was his first time in the bottom. I think his body of work is probably stronger than Nick's, and I think Paxton deserved to stay. As much as I liked Nick, it was probably time for him to go. He was very inconsistent, and like I said before, it was all about song choice with him. When he picked well, he usually performed well, but he picked some yucky songs and tended to be quite pitchy. I'm glad Paxton gets another shot. Like I said in my review of his last performance - he, out of everyone, is the one taking the most risks song-wise, and I find him the most interesting. Alisan is by far the best singer in the competition, but she is somewhat predictable.

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