Monday, May 9, 2016

Dancing with the Stars, Ep. 22.8

Round 1: Regular Dances

Nyle & Peta - Paso Doble
I can't wait to see him take on the paso! I think it's a good idea to have 8 seconds of silence for the audience to get to hear what Nyle hears. His troupe was having trouble getting the timing without the music. Love the song choice: "Victorious" by Panic at the Disco and it's the original version and not some messed up version from the band. He is looking smokin' as usual. Add in the smoke, holy crap. The part without music was stunning and so dramatic! Overall it was so much fun to watch. I did get the sense that he felt a little rushed through the whole thing and maybe just a little off his game and trying to catch up throughout the whole thing. Len found a lot to critique, but he always ends with just as much positivity and admiration for what Nyle does each week. Carrie Ann was so moved, she could hardly get out her critique. Wow.
Score: 29 (and Bruno said there is no confusion this week and he wrote the 10 himself - ha!)

Antonio & Sharna - Viennese Waltz
Haha he can't pronounce Viennese!  He looks so sharp! That smile is everything. I get lost in that smile! He's moving so smoothly and he looks like he's really taking the lead on this dance. He and Sharna really look like a couple in love in this dance. So beautiful. I sure would hate to see him go, but I think it's going to be either him or Jodie tonight. I think this was one of his best dances, which would be appropriate if it turns out to be his last night on the show. The extra time he put in this week really seemed to pay off.
Score: 27

Jodie & Keo - Jive
Well, it looks like I'm not the only one who thinks that Keo is holding Jodie back. Ouch. Sorry Keo. He's a great dancer and a decent choreographer. But her week with Val proved our point. This was a very cute and fun jive. They were having a blast. To me, it looked pretty near flawless. We'll see what the judges saw.
Score: 30

Paige & Mark - Viennese Waltz
I love Mark's concept for their costumes making them look like frozen stone statues for Demi Lovato's song "Stone Cold". This is such a powerful and strong song, and I can see Mark bringing that to the dance. Not only are they stones, he wanted to make a blizzard in the ballroom. They look like they are frozen. Was there any doubt she was going to be amazing. I liked their robotic movements - they acted it out perfectly. I really loved this dance! For a Viennese Waltz, it had so much drama and creativity. Way to go Mark on the choreography! Perfection! I got goosebumps!
Score: 28 (can't believe that wasn't a perfect 30)

Ginger & Val - Argentine Tango
Those outfits are insane! The lifts were incredible. The passion and intensity were palatable. The whole time all I'm thinking about is why can't I figure out what song they're dancing to! It's an instrumental version of something I know because I'm humming along to the whole thing. What is it! It's driving me nuts! Something Lady Gaga? What is it?! Is it "Telephone"? I think that's it. I can't wait to watch it again because my mind was so distracted by trying to figure out the song.
Score: 30

Wanyá & Lindsay - Jive
Wow, seeing Wanyá now vs. Week 1 and 22 lb lighter! That is incredible! I knew he was a lot thinner, but 9 weeks and he's lost 22 lb! A western jive...this should be fun! I just don't know how he can be in jeopardy - he's just so much fun! He is so much fun to watch because he just loves every second. I say it every week, but his interpretation of the dance moves is all his own and it's just so quirky and fun! Ooh, he really started to lose his timing and really botched some of the steps at the end. That's going to hurt him in scores. But man, was it fun! And he slipped on her bandana, but he kept going! And wow, for the first time, Len said almost word for word, my entire critique! He mentioned the missed timing, he mentioned his unique and quirky rhythms and how much he always enjoys watching them.
Score: 25

Round 2: Judges' Team-Up

America gets to score the dances live via

Team Bruno: Nyle & Peta and Jodie & Keo - Argentine Tango
Oh Bruno is loving dancing ("playing") with Nyle! He has an interesting idea to have the guys dance together and the girls dance together. I cannot wait for this! Of course, I'm loving it already because of the purple costumes! And Nyle is shirtless! This is a pretty slow Argentine Tango. The part where Keo lifts and spins! I like that they had Nyle and Jodie do a part together as well. Lucky Jodie! Well, I expected a more dynamic and energetic routine, but it was still pretty incredible.
Score: 29 (America - 9) 
Side note: I think you should be able to vote AFTER the dance is done. The dance ended and because I was typing my critique, I wasn't on the ABC website. So, I quickly switched over to and the voting window was closed? Come on! The dance literally had just ended, which means the voting window was only open DURING the dance? Ugh! Wish I had known that!

Team Len: Ginger & Val and Wanyá & Lindsay - Samba
Len is so excited! I don't think I've ever seen him so excited! Len hasn't done the Samba since 1973 and he wants to make an appearance at the end - yes! It's a perfect jungle set-up, and Wanyá and Val are in a boat discovering Ginger and Lindsay on the island. Ha! They were really in sync. Wanyá and Ginger danced really well on their partner work. Wayná's got a fake ab shirt on! Haha! Almost forgot - but got my vote in for them. And then there's Len!!! He's wearing a grass skirt! No wonder he wanted a spray tan on his feet! LOL!!! That's hilarious! So much fun!
Score: 29 (America - 9)

Team Carrie Ann: Antonio & Sharna and Paige & Mark - Paso Doble
This is a perfect pair-up - the 2 athletes. This dance has everything - fog, dust, rain - wow! Visually, it looks amazing right from the start with the claps of dust. So much power in this dance - no surprise! Antonio spinning Paige so fast! That was incredible! He looked like a pro out there! They all looked like Greek gods at the end with the water pouring down on them. So cool! That was awesome!
Score: 9 (America - 9)

The Results

In Jeopardy: Jodie & Keo, Antonio & Sharna, Wanyá & Lindsay
I'm so sad to see anyone In Jeopardy. They are all so good, and someone has to go.

Going Home: Jodie & Keo :(
She went out on such a high note - a perfect score! Her reaction was beautiful and priceless. She left with such grace and appreciation for her time her. A true class act. And best of all? She starts work on Fuller House tomorrow! Yay!

Week 8 Leaderboard

Ginger & Val - 30 + 29 = 59
Jodie & Keo - 30 + 29 = 59
Nyle & Peta - 29 + 29 = 58
Paige & Mark - 28 + 29 = 57
Antonio & Sharna - 27 + 29 = 56
Wanyá & Lindsay - 25 + 29 = 54

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