Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Survivor, Ep. 25.9

I just love Malcolm! The way he handled the whole Lisa situation was so nice to see. He really is a good guy. He deserves to win...don't know that he can now, but he sure deserves it.

Reward Challenge:

Oh boy, it looks like it's going to be another muddy challenge. Let's see if this one goes better than the last one that ended up in a stalemate.

Wow, this challenge is going to be very lopsided. They chose their teams and the team of Penner, Malcolm, Denise and Carter should easily beat Skupin, Lisa, Pete and Artis. And, big surprise, Abi didn't get picked, so she will sit out (AGAIN!) and not have a chance at winning reward.

The red team gets out to a big lead and Pete struggles to find his bag. Red team needs 12 balls and they make 11 before the yellow team gets one. For some reason, they can't get the last one! Yellow manages to get 6 balls in before Red gets their last one.

Red team of Penner, Malcolm, Denise and Carter win the reward of a feast and they got to deliver school supplies and toys to some really cute kids.

It is so cute to see Malcolm with the kids. I keep forgetting that he taught elementary school in Micronesia. Is this guy for real? I didn't think guys like him actually existed.

Immunity Challenge:

Gotta love the balancing challenges. They have to balance 6 balls on a paddle...yikes! One at a time they add a ball and try to get it to sit in an indention. Skupin and Pete fighting it out for the win. Just like that, Pete's balls start falling off, and Skupin wins.

It looks like Penner is enemy #1. Will they be able to take him down?

Oh my gosh...Abi talks about how annoying Skupin is. Next thing you know, she's throwing a coconut against the tree over and over and it flings and hits Skupin right in the face! Haha! That guy is always getting hurt, even when it's not his fault.

Skupin goes from being zero to hero. He could have easily gone home if he didn't win immunity. Now, he's a key swing vote. Who knows what's gonna happen!

Tribal Council:

What is Abi's deal? She is always so mad? Geesh! She should be happy that she's riding her tribe's coattails and doing absolutely nothing!

Somehow, out of nowhere, Artis becomes the main target of the anti-Tandang tribe. Why not go for Pete again? Why not vote out Abi and get rid of the Immunity Idol?

Tied 4 votes for Artis and 4 for Penner. The tie-breaking vote goes to Penner and against Artis! Artis joins Jeff and RC at Ponderosa. I will miss him, he was a hoot and we didn't get to see nearly enough of him.

I wonder what Tandang is thinking right now. They thought they had numbers...but they were wrong!

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