Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 33.2

Gen-X Camp
CeCe is on the outs because she was aligned with Rachel. David is on the outs because...well...he's David. He's paranoid, he's looked for idols, and he's rubbed people the wrong way. He thinks he's more of a Cochran than an Ozzy. Clearly.

They finally get some fire, and David was the one to do it! Way to go, David! They all congratulate him...but...Chris still says he is the next to go. They want to keep him busy so he doesn't have time to think and worry about things.

Again, he goes out to look for an idol. He said he was going to look for rocks to sit on around the fire. He now has an allibi. He's now feet away from something that looks suspicious. It's a coconut with a marking on it. The trouble is...he has to get it open. He's the weakest person on the tribe, so this could be interesting. He actually got it open after bashing it for a little while. And it's not just a clue, it's an idol. Wow. I am shocked.

Holy crap! Ken just speared a humungous octopus! He wasn't kidding when he said he is at home doing this kind of thing. He had David help him clean it up and prepare it. David was pretty grossed out, naturally. They did kind of have a bonding session, as Ken is actually on the outs as well. He was not in on the Rachel vote. He thinks Paul is running the show. I actually like this pair. Ken is hot, David is hilarious. They could make an awesome watch at least. I don't know if they can actually make something happen or not. David wanted to show his trust, so he confided in Ken that he has an idol. He was so nervous when he told him, he was like shaking and he begged Ken not to tell anyone else. Ken said he wouldn't.

Ken and CeCe talk about Paul and how he's running things. Ken thinks if they work together, they can work their way to the top of the group.

Meanwhile, as expected, Paul goes down. He is the tribe member who has to have a visitor from the medic. He needed water and he sat down. He said his hands were numb and he looked like he was having trouble breathing. He said his chest was getting tight, and his hands were shaking. It was a pretty scary scene. The medic thought he might have had a heart attack, but he did a test and said he doesn't appear to have any damage to his heart. Dr. Joe said it was probably just heat exhaustion.

David hated to say it, but Paul's incident could work in his favor since he's the one he wants out.

Millennial Camp
Taylor is gaga over Figgy. He feels like he has love goggles on. she thinks his blue eyes are dangerous. Love is definitely in the air. This could break a major record for how quickly a couple has started making out! This is like day 6! Michaela thought it was disgusting as she heard them smacking lips in the dark. Jay can't believe he kissed her already and he thinks they are STUPID! He said the power couple could screw everything up for their alliance. He said couples never last on here and he sat Taylor down and told him what's what. Taylor knows this will could kind of put a target on them, but he doesn't actually think anyone cares that much. Zeke thinks they need to remember that they are supposed to be playing Survivor.

Michaela tries to lay low because that's what you need to do at the beginning of this game. She said it's hard because she knows how much is going on. Even though she might not be talking, her face and eyebrows are saying a lot. But...her and Figgy got into a little tiff.

I love Adam. Can I just say that again?! He's hilarious. He seems to be so smart about this game and he sees what's going on around him. He knows that you should lay low and you should not get into a cat fight to draw more attention to yourself! Clear Survivor 101 rules.

Immunity & Reward Challenge
Winner: gets a tarp
Sitting out: Hannah

Challenge: climb a cargo net, jump and get a key; swim the key to the platform then open a chest and get swimming mask to dive and get 5 rings; finally toss all 5 rings onto posts

Chris vs. Michelle - Chris started fast and had a slight lead
Paul vs. Will - Paul is doing very well for having an incident and being old - he beat Will!
Sunday vs. Michaela - Gen-X still in the lead
David vs. Zeke - Zeke passed up David! Look at Zeke go! David struggled getting up the cargo net and he looked so timid jumping, but he got the key. His swimming gave a huge lead for the Millennials

Millennials now opening the chest while Jessica tries to make up time

CeCe goes down first and comes back with nothing. Jay stays down and he gets 2 rings. Next Mari goes in.

Lucy gets the first ring for Gen-X, and Bret gets #2 and is closing the gap.

Mari gets #3 followed by Ken getting #3 for Gen-X. It's so close!

Taylor gets #4 and Gen-X gets #4.

Jay gets #5, but Bret is close behind with #5.

CeCe makes 2 tosses in a row. Jay gets 2 and it's tied. Ken gets #3.

Jay misses. Ken hits #4 and Jay gets #3. Ken hits #5!! Wow!

Gen-X just whooped the Millennials! Paul was looking so spry and he dove in the water to swim out to Jeff to get the immunity idol. What did they do, give him some kind of magical cure?! He looked stronger than ever!

The spoilers were actually wrong because they alluded to Gen-X going back to Tribal. CBS even posted a photo of a Gen-X member with a caption saying they were thinking before Tribal.

Millennial Camp - Pre-Tribal
Zeke is tickled to get to go to Tribal. He tells Adam and Mari that Figgy is the one leading the others and they need to break up the couple. Zeke then talks to Adam and Jay. Jay is now worried because they want Figgy out and there isn't much he can do about it. Jay relays that info to Michelle. She thinks they should go after Mari because she's smart.

Michaela tells Hannah that Figgy should go to break up the couple and then they have no power.

Jay goes to Figgy and Michaela and he tells her that they want her out first and then Michaela. Figgy and Michaela have not gotten along, but with her name being tossed around, she might need to work with them.

Will asks Michelle who she wants gone and she said Mari. She said Figgy is an easy vote later. He is nervous to change up the vote so close to Tribal.

Michelle isn't sure they have the numbers to save Figgy so she might have to pull some strings at Tribal to make it happen. Not sure what she could do, but this could be interesting.

Tribal Council
Hannah outs the pairing up of Taylor and Figgy. So funny! Figgy said they all kid around about it and it's too early to be worried about them. Zeke said it's clear that they would be loyal to each other over anyone else.

Michaela calls out Figgy for lying to her face. Meanwhile Jay, Michelle, and Hannah are whispering and Hannah gets all giddy about the whole Survivor experience. Jeff has no idea what's going on. Too funny!

Michelle said that Figgy is in the middle of some things going on and that she should be worried.

The Votes
Hannah starts to do math and count people on her fingers at the voting station. She is so confused and knocking things over. Jeff actually peeks around the corner to see what's taking her so long. Wow, that's a first!


Adam looks completely shocked...and devastated. In the preview for next week, Adam and Zeke are upset that they too, were blindside. Mari said she didn't see it coming at all and it hurts.

We see that Will, Hannah, and Michaela all vote for Mari. The votes for Figgy were Adam, Zeke, and Mari.

Next week, a new twist!

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