Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 33.1

Season 33 is finally here! Woohoo!

Tribe Divisions
2 boats arrive, but they are not yet separated into their tribes. On the beach, Jeff asks them to grab a wrapped buff with their name on it, and they open it up to find what color they have.

Jeff tells them the twist. He announces Will as the youngest (only 18) and he hasn't even graduated high school yet! He left school to be on the show.

Scattered on the beach and in the jungle are items to collect. One station has a choice between 2 items. They have to decide on things that will give them help right away and what will help long term. Pots vs. hammers, fruit, fish, etc.

Jessica saw something - it appears to be a clue of some kind, that was dropped by someone else. She carefully put it in her pocket without anyone noticing.

Millennials took the chickens and left the fishing gear. Gen-X took the fishing gear because it will last them all 39 days. Millennials said they took the chickens because they lay eggs.

Before they leave, Jeff said they are in the cyclone season. He said they will need their shelters immediately and it's going to get real very soon.

Millennial Camp

I really like Adam so far! He's got a very fun, loud, outgoing personality. So far...they all seem to genuinely like each other and get along well.

They get started on their shelter and they talk about how much they like everyone. Jay and Taylor are going to have a bromance, for sure "bro". They are suckered in by Michelle and Figgy because they are cute. They all love each other and they think they are invincible. They don't plan to lose to "old people". They have a pretty solid 4, it looks like.

Hannah seems to be not fitting in with the surfer mentality of the rest of the tribe who all seem to think they are there to hang out and have a good time.

Zeke. Oh, Zeke. We will all love this guy. He's hilarious. He thinks he's on a tribe of children. He does not share the same ideas and philosophies as they do, even though he's 28.

Their shelter is not great. They are going to be in trouble. Adam is worried, but everyone else is just so happy to be there and don't have a care in the world. They decide to go swimming even though there is a storm coming. Finally, when it gets dark, they decide to work on the rest of their shelter (duh!) because the storm was coming and there was no protection. They crawl in, and it breaks - "apparently, there's a weight limit", someone says. Adam said their "shelter" was clearly one of the worst in Survivor history. It didn't take long for people to start breaking down. Hannah thinks they are being punished for not building their shelter better.

Day 2, they continue working on the shelter in the pouring down rain. There is so much mud!

Gen-X Camp
Paul addresses the group and said their odds changed because of how the tribes were divided. Ken said they can't underestimate the other tribe. He kind of came in and stole Paul's thunder, and took charge. He said he's lived off the grid and knows what to do.

Jessica excuses herself while everyone is working on the shelter to read her clue. It's actually not a clue, it's something new called the "Legacy Advantage". She will get an advantage if she lasts to day 36. If she doesn't, she must give it to someone else. Wow, that's an interesting twist!

Paul and Rachel work on digging a hole. She jokes that he is only joking around and she has to keep an eye on him. What?! He didn't take too kindly to that, but he didn't say anything.

David is hilarious! He hates everything about being outside - the trees, the water, the bugs, everything. He had to cover his ears when they were chopping with the machete. They joked that there were girls who had more testosterone than him. He spies part of the group and thinks they found the idol because of the way Ken was holding something in his hands. He didn't want to be paranoid, but he thought they should get it out in the open. He's going to be a hoot if he can stick around. He told Chris and Bret that he was all with them and would tell them if he hears their names come up. They think he is way too paranoid and that worries them.

The rains come, and people's skin is already looking pretty shriveled. They didn't get their shelter done either. They were working on it on day 2 while the rain poured down. Treemail comes, and they get a letter about the storm. As a gesture of goodwill, Jeff gives them a tarp because no one has had a chance to really get their shelter built. The letter does say that they will have to give it back. The other tribe gets the same thing.

The Storm
As the tribes continue to try to put together their shelter, they get a visit from Jeff. Everyone is shocked! He stops at the Millennials' camp first, and then the Gen-X camp. He tells them that the storm is getting worse, but the storm has been upgraded to a cyclone and the tarp is not going to help them. For the first time in 33 seasons, they are going to be evacuated. That means it's going to be pretty darn bad! Jeff told them to grab their personal belongings and the chickens. They will leave everything else behind and they will see what is left in the morning. They are going to be taken to a safe location to wait out the storm. The rains started to pick up quite a bit while Gen-X was getting to the beach to be evacuated. That looked absolutely brutal!

Finally, the storm lifts and the sun comes out on day 3. The camps are an absolute disaster area. There is nothing left. Trees are down everywhere. A tree fell on the shelter of the Gen-X tribe. Good thing they were evacuated!

Gen-X Camp
After the storm, they come back and start to rebuild.

David just never stops talking. But he's so funny! He talked about growing up and always being worried about dying. He was freaked out by a walking stick crawling on Ken. But...he did let it walk on him. Baby steps. He knows he doesn't bring much to the table, so he starts to look for the immunity idol right away. Bret and Chris see him. They said they need to reign him in before he gets out of control. Others found out about him looking, so that made a lot of other people nervous as well.

Millennial Camp
Surprisingly, Zeke takes charge of building the 2nd shelter, even though he lives in New York and has no idea what he's doing. However, he's actually doing a good job and they are all accepting him as the leader. he got the fire going! Way to go, Zeke! He was so proud of himself because he did it without flint. He thinks he has reached a milestone in his life and his life has changed. He has been so affected by the experience of being on Survivor, and it's only day 3!

The "Triforce" of Figgy, Taylor, and Jay is still going strong. Hannah sees herself as an outcast. She reaches out to Mari. They agree that the tribe is dividing between the "freaks" and the "geeks"/ "cool kids" and "misfits".Mari tells the rest of the group that the 4 pretty people are going to be inseparable and they need to split them up.

Immunity Challenge
I was starting to think we weren't going to have a challenge!

Both tribes brought back their tarps, so no penalties.

Challenge: race under obstacle for a club; cross rope tunnel - choose 1 of 2 paths; balance beam - choose 1 of 2 paths; open crate and solve a puzzle. If they choose shortcuts, they get 10 pieces added to their puzzle. Interesting!

Winner = immunity and flint

Chris blocks 2 Millennials under the obstacle from getting their clubs, so Gen-X gets to the mat first.

Gen-X takes the first shortcut. Millennials don't take the shortcut. Gen-X takes the lead and then takes another shortcut.

Millennials are still on the first obstacle, while Gen-X is at the puzzle, but with 20 extra pieces.

Millennials take 1 shortcut, so they will have 10 extra pieces. 70 pieces vs. 60 pieces.

David and Rachel vs. Michelle and Figgy on the puzzles.

Gen-X lost the lead that they got from the shortcuts. They swap out people.

Millennials have a lot of pieces together, and they are done! Millennials win immunity!

Gen-X Camp - Pre-Tribal
Chris said that David and Rachel said they were good at puzzles and neither of them accomplished much on the puzzle before swapping out, so both of them are on the chopping block. Rachel was barking orders and he didn't like that. They were already wary of David. I fear that he may be the first to go. Noooo! He's got a lot to prove and a lot of growing to do. I would love to see his journey and evolution through this game. I hope they don't cut his game short. I hope they target Rachel.

Bret and Jessica are good with voting for Rachel.

David is worried because no one is talking strategy with him. He starts to talk to people and tells them that he doesn't want to go home. Jessica told him she would make a deal with him if he had an idol. He said he didn't have one. She said she heard that he did. He did his best to prove that he didn't have an idol. Bret doesn't believe him.

They decide to split the vote in case David has the idol.

Tribal Council
Jessica tells Jeff that she has a bacterial infection in her eye that has spread to her other eye. She had some sand get in her eye when they were evacuating.

Jeff says "David". He says, "Oh, crap". Jeff asked why he said that, and he said because he's afraid of everything. LOL!

Rachel and David both say that they want to stay. Rachel apologizes for speaking her mind and if she hurt anyone by things she has said.

Everyone agrees that idols are in play. David wants to prove that he can be trusted.

The Votes

Whoa! Where did those other names come into the mix?! So glad that David gets to stay! Pretty great first episode. I think it's going to be a great season!

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