Monday, September 12, 2016

Dancing with the Stars, Ep. 23.1

Season 23! Here we go! This opening is pretty cool!

We have 4 judges this season, so the highest score will be 40.

Marilu & Derek - Jive
Wow, was she excited to get Derek or what?! I mean, who wouldn't be?! The jive is a hard one to start out the season with, but she had a lot of energy and it was definitely quick. It seemed like there was a lot going on, but I didn't really see a lot of kicks and flicks. It was a good opening number, though. I love her raw emotions. She is just so happy and grateful to be there. Good for her!
Score: 27

James & Sharna - Foxtrot
I didn't expect him to be such a goofball. He could be a lot of fun to watch. Their dance seemed EXTREMELY short! It barely got going and then was over. I think he had some really good technique. He moved across the floor very well and was very fluid and graceful. Definitely one to watch, for sure.
Score: 31

Calvin & Lindsay - Cha Cha
The season's resident football player with a huge smile from ear to ear that he keeps throughout the entire dance. When the dancers have fun, we have fun watching them. He was definitely having fun. The doubters all said he couldn't dance, but he didn't do half bad! It wasn't the hardest choreography, but for week 1, it was enough to show that he has some potential.
Score: 26

Maureen & Artem - Viennese Waltz
They are so cute together! She made him cry! I had no doubt that she would have a lot of grace and beauty on the dancefloor. She floated across the floor with really great form. I'm not sure how she will do on some of the quicker Latin dances, but I think she has ballroom nailed. How cool that Florence Henderson was there to support her! So lovely! Another celebrity who is just so happy and excited to finally be on the show. Very cool to see.
Score: 22

Babyface & Allison - Foxtrot
Horrible music. He was maybe a little better than I thought he was going to be. He showed some personality and looked like he was having a good time. I had a hard time enjoying it though, because of the crappy music.
Score; 26

Amber Rose & Maks - Foxtrot
If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I will just remind myself of that as I critique her. Bruno said it best when he said "there was more to her than he expected". Let's just say, she has a very interesting physique. I think Maks is the perfect partner for her. With an attitude like that, I think he's the only one who can contain her her and understand her.
Score: 24

Vanilla Ice & Witney - Cha Cha
I can't wait for this! He's the one I've been most excited for! And to find out that he's never watched the show! He has no idea what he's getting into! Very cool that they are dancing to his most well-known song: "Ice, Ice Baby", of course. He's still got the moves! This wasn't nearly long enough, I want more! He was worried about making a fool of himself with his own song, but he owned it! Awesome choreography! I can't wait to see more from him! That was just awesome. Almost as good as Alfonso pulling out "The Carlton". Bummed the judges didn't think there was enough cha cha content. Boo! And how funny that Witney wasn't even born 25 years ago when his song was a hit. I loved Erin's comment "That's just annoying."
Score: 25

Jana & Gleb - Viennese Waltz
So excited to see Gleb back! I love this partnership. That is one hot couple! And this steamy, sultry dance to Ariana Grande's "Dangerous Woman". Holy crap! I can't believe this is only week 1, and they look like they have been a couple for years - on and off the dancefloor. Me likey! Let's see more of that, please! I agree with Bruno, that was the "raunchiest, sexiest Viennese Waltz I've ever seen". It looked more like a Rumba!
Score: 27

Jake & Jenna - Jive
Another cute couple. Surprisingly, they are the same age. I don't know why, but she just looks older than 22 and he looks younger than 22. They are a fun, young couple to watch. I had a feeling he would have some pretty good rhythm. It did feel a little sloppy in a few places. The only thing holding them back is the older fans will have no idea who he is, and it's Jenna's first time as a pro, so most people won't know her either.
Score: 22

Rick & Emma - Cha Cha
The dance was pretty corny, and I don't just mean the corn dog stand. He gave it a pretty good go. It was about what I expected - maybe a little bit better than I expected. I'm not quite sure what about this country western themed dance was cha cha. It was pretty slow.
Score: 20

Terra & Sasha - Jive
This is just going to be interesting. Gotta hand it to Sasha for making it work. It didn't look as awkward as I thought it might with her being so much shorter than him. And, can we keep in mind that she just gave birth 6 weeks ago?!
Score: 25

Ryan & Cheryl - Foxtrot
I hope people aren't too hard on him for what happened in Rio. I think he's a good guy who just has lost his way a little. I hope the show can help him win back some of the fans he might have lost. I feared that he might be a little stiff, but he's actually not doing too bad. He showed some of his fun happy-go-lucky personality, which was nice. He was pretty smooth - a lot more than I thought he would be. Good for him! Loved Bruno's comment about it being a quick version of The Bachelor with getting in the car getting a rose and getting back in the car. Ha!

Whoa, what the heck is going on! Carrie Ann was giving her critique and there was some loud shouting from the audience. She kept saying "Excuse me! Excuse me!" You could tell they were purposely keeping the cameras on her and not panning back to the audience or Ryan and Cheryl. Then there was some commotion and they cut to a commercial. Ryan looked visibly shaken. After the break, he seems to be OK and still has a smile. I hope he can move past this and not let it get to him.
Score: 24

Laurie & Val - Cha Cha
If you don't put them at the top of the list with the best chance to win this season, you would be crazy. Gymnasts always do so well on this show. She's got the personality to go along with all of the talent. Val's a great partner for her, and I don't think there is going to be any stopping these two. And they have the same hair which is kind of crazy. That was fast and fun, and she looked great. Her smile is just infectious.
Score: 31

Week 1 Leaderboard

James & Sharna - 31
Laurie & Val - 31
Marilu & Derek - 27
Jana & Gleb - 27
Babyface & Allison - 26
Calvin & Lindsay - 26
Vanilla Ice & Witney - 25
Terra & Sasha - 25
Amber Rose & Maks - 24
Ryan & Cheryl - 24
Maureen & Artem - 22
Jake & Jenna - 22
Rick & Emma - 20

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