Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.39

Nomination Fallout
Paul and Victor have lost all respect for Corey and Nicole. They really thought they had a true alliance for once. But again, they were lied to and stabbed in the back.

Paul talked to Corey and Nicole to see if anything was salvageable if one of them wins the Veto. Victor was so hurt and he said he will be coming after them now if he stays. He said he doesn't see them as friends anymore.

Paul is going to use Victor's anger to his advantage, because if he continues to be mad and throw a fit, he will for sure go home.

Veto Comp
It's the one with the BB Comics where they have to swing down the zip line and then match up the comics with the studio wall. The one who matches all of them the quickest, wins.

Pau has a good strategy. He decides to get the order first, and then go back and find the correct version of each comic.

James got all distracted by Natalie's comic. Ha!

Corey got off to a great start, as he couldn't find the ladder. Ha!

Corey: 20:37
James: 35:00
Nicole: 13:55
Victor: 29:35
Paul: 18:04

Nicole wins the Veto. Shockingly, Victor did pretty bad at this comp.

Veto Meeting
Of course, Nicole is not going to use the Veto. Paul and Victor remain on the block.

Paul says he won't do what others have said they wouldn't do, and then did anyway, which is to campaign against their best friend. That would NOT be #friendship.

The Votes
Reasons to get rid of Victor: he's a challenge beast and competes best when his back is against the wall, in tough situations. Reasons to get rid of Paul: he talks an amazing game and he will have a lot of votes on the Jury.

Paul said that after 6 times on the block he was running out of material...so he chose to do parodies of former houseguests. He started with doing Natalie, and then did Michelle. Absolutely hilarious!!!!

Victor talked about Nicole looking like an animal but didn't know which one...he would let it "rattle" around for awhile. He also mentioned the knife in his back and said it wasn't like she's ever backstabbed anyone. Ha!

Nicole -- Victor
James -- Victor

Poor Victor, third time is the last time and this time the eviction will stand. It was an incredible run, though.

HOH Comp
They will watch videos of former houseguests. A blank will be filled in by Julie and they will guess if it's true or false.

#1: all correct
#2: James is wrong -- and it was Natalie talking directly to James and he missed it! lol
#3: James and Paul are wrong; Nicole is in the lead with 3
#4: all correct
#5: James is wrong; Nicole in the lead with 5
#6: Nicole and James are wrong; Nicole and Paul are tied
#7: all correct; Paul and Nicole are tied with 6

Tie breaker: Paul wins!!! Wow! I think he's just a little bit excited! Too bad Victor isn't there to share in his excitement. Honestly, I like all of them, this is so tough now! I wonder what in the world he will do. Most likely target Corey and Nicole?

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