Thursday, September 1, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.34

If there was ever a lock for an eviction, this might just be it. Corey is 100% voting to evict Michelle for Nicole. Victor is not about to vote out his homeboy. That's 2 solid votes for Michelle. If we needed any more assurance, there's the $5,000 bribe that Corey gave to Victor for his vote. So yeah, that's absolutely the 2 votes they need to force the tie. While James and Natalie are voting to get rid of Paul, there 2 votes don't matter, because Nicole is the deciding vote. Nicole has been targeting Michelle for weeks. So, that's it. Michelle is finished. Poor James is sticking with his gut and is almost positive that Paul is going home. Boy, is he going to be surprised (unless Nicole decides to fill him in at the last minute right before the votes).

Veto Fallout
Paul is pretty happy to still be on the block. Nicole's decision spoke volumes to him because if she really wanted him or Victor out, she would have pulled down Michelle and put Victor up there next to him so that one of them would have to go. I love their devotion to this alliance. They are all playing so smartly right now. I hope they can follow it through to actually BE the final 4.

Paul lies to Michelle saying that he doesn't know which of them will go. Natalie laughed and said she didn't know either. They said that only Nicole and Corey probably know how things are going to go.

The Bribe
Victor and James are making fun of Corey for getting $5,000...that he has to give to someone else. James said he should probably give it to one of his friends so it doesn't go to waste. James told him to seriously consider giving it to him to throw the next HOH comp. He said he was totally serious. He says he feels good about throwing the next comp because he has 2 "secret" weapons -- Natalie and Michelle. One, they aren't secret. Two, they aren't really weapons.

Corey told Nicole about James pressuring him to give him the money. He thinks it's pretty sketchy. She worries that something else is going on that they don't know about.

Nicole worries that Victor could potentially vote out Paul because he's a threat. They think that maybe offering Victor the bribe to secure his vote would be a smart move. Nicole supports Corey's decision, so they call Victor and Paul to the HOH Room. He makes the offer to Victor, and was so shocked! He said Corey was going to make him cry. The whole thing was soooo cute! Paul called it a "mucho friendship move". Paul thinks this Final 4 is a super alliance. So much friendship going on right now! Victor said they are all going to take a trip together. Paul said that that trip is to the Final 4. They can't believe how lucky they all are to have such a great group of people working together. Too bad they haven't been working together since the very beginning - they could have been having so much fun together!

The Votes
Meech made another epic speech. First Paul gave her a kiss, and she said it was better than the last Paul. Ouch! Burn! She said she is threatening them with the fact that she will cry uncontrollably if they evict her and then she will have to go out and see Julie like that. They shouldn't do that to poor Julie. And secondly, she will be going after Victor because he's been evicted twice and doesn't deserve to be there. She said if they aren't careful either Victor or Paul are going to win because they are good at competitions and they are smart.

Victor -- Michelle
Natalie -- Paul
Corey -- Michelle
James -- Paul

And just like we thought, it's a tie. Just like we thought, Nicole evicts Michelle. On her way out, she tells whoever wins the next HOH to get ready for some but-kissing because that's what Victor will do. She said that's exactly why they need to get Nicole out. Her last act of anger on the way out was to grab Paul's inflatable duck floatie that he likes to wear around the house.

Julie called Michelle out for not campaigning. Michelle said that Nicole is the "most boringest HOH ever" because all she does is sit up in the HOH Room and not talk to anyone but Corey. She said no one knew what was going on because she wouldn't talk to anyone. Well, I think that just shows what a good game Nicole is playing and how her game was flawed.

We saw in James's goodbye message that he was in fact blindsided, and that's what was said was going on in the live feeds. James was so sure she was safe and told her it would be best to keep quiet and let Paul be the bigger target. She really thought she was safe, but did start to campaign...but only within the last couple of hours. Either way, it didn't matter, her fate was sealed days ago. The thing is, James was going on his gut. He never actually talked to Nicole or Corey. Michelle never talked to them either. This result really shouldn't have come as such a surprise since they didn't actually talk to them about what was going to happen...they just assumed. Oops.

HOH Comp
It's the chicken wire comp to maneuver eggs. After getting the eggs through the obstacle, they have to roll their eggs to knock over the letters HOH. First one to knock down all 3 wins. There is also a Have/Have Not challenge to get an egg in the Have slot.

Well, we know these comps favor the girls with little fingers. Natalie is the most likely winner in that case. I can see James having tiny hands, so he might do well also. I see Corey as probably having the biggest, most clumsy fingers, so count him out. Paul and Victor are wildcards. This does NOT bode well for the Final 4. They have the numbers, so they should be able to pull off something...hopefully...even if James or Natalie wins HOH.

Oh snap! Added challenge! There are eagles up over head that can try to poach their eggs as they roll them on the top. Yikes!

Go Paul! Go Victor! Go Corey!

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