Thursday, September 8, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.37

The Demise of Jatalie
Natalie continues to belittle James and blame him for their situation. James continues to apologize for making a bad call.

Every conversation that they have ends up in a fight. Natalie knows she's going home and doesn't want to talk about it anymore. James tries to tell her that anything can happen. He said that she could go home and decide she never wants to talk to him again. He wonders why he let himself get in a showmance in the first place.

Natalie said she can't wait for Thursday for her live eviction and to meet Julie. James told her she was acting like an asshole. He said her true colors were coming out. He called her out for throwing him under the bus. She couldn't believe that someone would say that. She said she didn't do it. He said he's done with her cattiness. He thinks that she was just using him because he was her 4th pick. She started out flirting with Victor, then with Corey, then with Paulie. She couldn't believe he would say that to her. He had tried to snuggle with her in bed on their last night in the house together and she did everything to avoid it and move to another bed. Major problems in the Jatalie world right now. He said he is done with her. He couldn't believe that he was ready to give up his game to let Natalie stay.

The Final Four discuss the plan for eviction. Paul, Corey, and Nicole are all for voting out Natalie. Paul said that he and Victor had a conversation with James. Nicole worries that there was more to the conversation and that maybe he is hoping to work with James if he stays...which he was.

Victor buddies up with James in an attempt to secure him and Paul if James stays. Corey does the same because he feels bad that he's on the block and that Natalie keeps blaming him for everything. He thinks she only has herself to blame. Nicole said his head is just not in the game anymore.

The Votes
Paul -- Natalie
Nicole -- Natalie
Corey -- Natalie

Just as predicted, Natalie gets the boot. This furthers the suspicions/rumors that Nicole and James had a deal before the season even started. Word from the feeds is that Nicole and Corey are ready to work with James and ditch the Final Four alliance :(

I've never seen someone so happy to be evicted. That girl just exudes giddiness.

She tells Julie that her showmance was real and she does have real feelings for James. She says she would never throw James under the bus and that was not her intention.

HOH Comp
It's the slip-n-slide comp where they have to slide up and down a lane and transfer (this time) 8 gallons of butter. There is a small container that they can fill first to retrieve a bigger scooper to transfer more butter at a time.

Core and Paul go for the big container, Nicole and James go for the smaller container. Interesting. Wonder which one will pay off.

I seem to remember Nicole having some pretty good wipeouts the last time she did this comp. I love hearing her scream as she almost falls every time.

Gotta say, I think I'm rooting for Paul in this one! Not sure what any of the other 3 are thinking. I really like everyone who is left,

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