Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.36

Nomination Fallout
Nicole is feeling guilty about James being on the block. She thinks he's a nice person and doesn't deserve to be up there. Corey told her she should not feel guilty.

Natalie: "It's kind of fun being on the block together." Really?!

Natalie says that she and James should have stuck with Paul and Victor, and now it's coming back to haunt them. She said Nicole and Corey would have been easy targets. She is mad at herself for listening to James and she wishes she would have put her foot down.

Natalie apologizes to Paul and Victor for betraying and backstabbing them. She said she put her trust in James and that was wrong. She said she betrayed them and they had her back. She admitted her mistake. Paul and Victor were appreciative, but they were suspicious of her throwing James under the bus. They said she has been playing like she doesn't know how to play the game. Yet...she has made it to the final 6 and now she is putting the blame on James. They couldn't believe that she was jumping ship already, even before the Veto. They immediately told Nicole and Corey, who also couldn't believe what she said.

Natalie told James that she went and talked to Paul and Victor. She told him exactly what she said! I can't believe she told him that! He is not going to be too happy about that. She asked if that was OK. James is sure that he is going home and that he's the target. He doesn't think she has anything to worry about.

Veto Comp
There are only 6 left, so all will be competing. The comp is a MacGyver themed game. They will compete individually to try to escape the quickest from 3 rooms. Cool! I know who wins this, and let's just say I'm shocked!

Natalie is doing a lot better at this than I expected! She has some really great ideas! Natalie: 9:06

Nicole now knows what time she has to beat. Natalie gets to watch as she competes. She isn't moving as fast as Natalie did. Unfortunately, she got blown up in the 2nd room as her time ran out.

Victor is up next. He is moving quickly and is past the 1st room. Nicole and Natalie are cracking up as it took him awhile to find the key and figure out he needed water. He unlocked the 2nd room door with only 45 seconds left. Not looking good. And time ran out...he was blown up, too. I can't believe that Natalie still has the best time!

James's turn. I would think with his military experience that he should do pretty well with this. He is struggling finding the key and he empties out the water container thinking it's in there, and cablooey! He is blown up!

Corey is up! Nicole doesn't have very high hopes for him...she doesn't think he is very resourceful. He quickly got out of the 1st room. He quickly found the key and figured out the water. Wow, that didn't take him long at all! He has a whole 4 minutes to figure out the 3rd room. Wow. And he's got it! He got it in 6:14! Nice job, Corey! I really think that he has been holding back this entire season. He is a lot smarter than we know, and he's really good at playing dumb.

Paul is the last to compete. He go out of the 1st room quickly. He didn't figure out the water for a long time...after he rigged a chain and wire to try to fish out the key, and then the wire fell in. And...he's blown up!

I knew Corey won, but didn't expect it to be such a mental comp. I love the #FinalFour celebrating in the HOH room.

Paul says he wants to send Natalie home because she is super smart. She has been doing so well in comps lately. Paul wants them both gone. They don't think James is that smart. Victor wants James to go because he was voted out because of James before and he doesn't want to let that happen to him again. But, he agrees that Natalie is proving to be more of a threat than James at this point. He also doesn't really like her attitude right now. Nicole said she can respect people who stay loyal to their #1 ally, and she turned on James.

Natalie is sure that she will be voted out because they know she's good at comps. James doesn't think so. He said he will tell them to vote him out before her. Natalie said that Nicole and Corey don't trust her, so she said they won't keep her. She asked him if he had a final 2 or final 3 deal with Nicole and/or Corey. He said no, and wondered why she was interrogating her. She said if he stays and he works with them, she won't ever talk to him again. He said that was a really mean thing to say. She again blamed him for listening to him and ending up where she is. He has no idea how she could say that to him. He now has some serious doubts about her intentions and feelings for him.

Corey feels bad that James is on the block and actually wants to still work with him. So, he decides to clue him in that he might not be going home. James said he was going to ask them to vote him out. He said she is on the block because of him. Corey told him not to do that.

Paul and Victor talk about what happens if James stays. He will be a free agent, and they want him to get on their side instead of Nicole and Corey. Paul decided to tell James that Natalie threw him under the bus. He was shocked to hear what she had said about her apologizing and that it was all James's idea that she didn't want to go along with. Basically, Natalie told him that she told them, so I'm not sure why he was so surprised. He said this cuts deep, and he was ready to fall on his sword for her and give up his own game for her. Now, he's not so sure he wants to do that. He goes to talk to Natalie and he was pretty much ready to cry. He is incredibly hurt by what she has said and done.

Veto Meeting
Corey decides not to use the Veto, which is not a surprise, as Nicole would be the replacement if he had (because Victor would not put up Paul).

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