Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Survivor, Ep. 31.9

Each episode that passes, the probability of Joe going home dramatically increases. He's already won 2 immunity challenges in a row. How many more can he win? Yikes! Here we go!

Orkun Camp
Everyone congratulates Wentworth on her big move. Everyone wondered where she found her idol, but smartly, she kept her lips completely sealed.

Kimmi tells Joe that one of the 3 girls must go next - they are the 3 witches...haha! She said they can't let them get close to Jeremy and Tasha because that wouldn't be good.

Jeremy, Fishbach and Keith wonder how Wentworth found her idol. They know she must have found a clue. Jeremy has an idol, but he knows he needs to find the rehidden one to be in control.

Joe knows he has to find the idol in order to have any chance of staying. Honestly, he doesn't seem to be looking as hard as he should be. Abi creeps up on him and said she had to go to the bathroom where he was looking and she asked him to give her 10 minutes. Really?! So lame, Abi! But Joe, why did you give in to her?! That is not the way you're going to find this thing. Oh, how I would love to see Abi go home tonight!

Reward Challenge

Challenge: use wooden poles to make a staircase, then go through a maze; key opens a box of puzzle pieces that reveal 3 numbers of a combination to raise a flag
Reward: Survivor spa treatment
Last Ran: Brawns vs. Brains vs. Beauty

Schoolyard pick, one person doesn't get to participate

Purple: Tasha captain - Fishbach, Spencer, Joe, Ciera
Green: Wiglesworth captain - Wentworth, Jeremy, Kimmi, Keith

Abi is not picked - big surprise

Purple is making quick progress and get all of their steps in place for an early lead. Green can't get the poles in the right order and can't even seem to move them.

Purple continuing to dominate. They are through the maze and Joe starts on getting the key loose. Probst is out of derogatory remarks for how far behind Green is. He said it might be one of the biggest blowouts in Survivor history. They are still on the poles! How can they not get them in order of smallest to biggest?! Wow!!!!

Spencer and Ciera working on the puzzle. Spencer did this the last time and his tribe lost. They have some numbers up, but they aren't looking right. All of a sudden Green finally has the poles and Keith works on the key.

Purple thinks they have it right and are trying it out. And it is right!!!! First try! Clearly I wanted Purple to win. It's a big win for Joe and Spencer! Even Fishbach got lucky with a win on this one and he didn't really even have to do anything.

Yes! Joe in the shower! But wait, Joe...they're talking without you!!

Ciera just never stops talking, does she? She said she knows people are close with Jeremy, but she said if they go to the end with him, they won't win.

Orkun Camp
Jeremy is bummed about the loss. BUT...this gives him a chance to be by himself and look for another clue or the idol. Seriously, people...don't leave this guy alone! He knows the first one he found was in a tree...and what do you know...he finds it again! No!!!!! You already have one, it's time to share with your shield - Joe!!! I don't think this guy can be stopped. He's playing a pretty flawless game.

At night, he was going to follow the clue to the path they used when they merged. Everyone decided to stay up late around the fire...which they never do. He decided he would say he had to go to the bathroom. He sneaks off...and hanging from a lantern was the immunity idol. This is just annoying that he now has 2. The jokes abound on Twitter about Jeremy not having as many idols as his wife claimed to have on their season! Too funny!

Does it kind of feel like we are getting the Jeremy as the winner edit?

Fishbach sees Wiglesworth and Joe talking and he said they have a shared arrogance of how awesome they are. Fishbach is annoyed that no one wants to go after them. Ummm...yes, they do, but Joe keeps winning! Fishbach decides to talk to "The 3 Witches" because they are on the bottom and he knows they want to make a big move. Of course they are up for that. Joe is the obvious target, but should he win immunity again, they talk about voting out Wiglesworth because she is a social player. They also talk about how dumb some people are playing the game and how annoying it is.

Immunity Challenge
Let the panic set in...3 in a row is very unlikely, right?!

Challenge: balance on a pyramid that is in the water with very small footholds
Last Ran: Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty (Again?! Are we basically seeing their whole season of challenges?)

As they get set, it starts to pour! Like a lot of pouring down rain!!! Great, it was already hard to begin with, and now the whole thing is wet and pelting them in the face.

They will stay on the first perch for 10 minutes. At about 9 minutes, Probst cuts a rope that releases buoys. First person to reach it gives up immunity and earns an advantage. Spencer and Fishbach immediatley jump in for it. Spencer should have easily had this, but SOMEHOW Fishbach beats him! What?! Crap, Spencer!

They transition up to the top of the pyramid, and 5 people go in! Wentworth, Jeremy, Ciera, Kimmi, and then Tasha!

Abi is a statue...she isn't going anywhere. Joe is wobbling all over the place, come on Joe! Wiglesworth is very steady. Keith is a little wobbly and he goes in.

Joe, Wiglesworth, and Abi are left. My heart is pounding as hard as that rain that is pelting them in the face!

At 30 minutes, they will have to go to one foot! Oh please, no!

This has got to be so hard! Wiglesworth couldn't get to one foot and she is out! I am so glad the water movement from her falling didn't knock him in.

Oh my gosh! They are both moving and their feet are cramping. Oh no, Joe is struggling. Abi actually grabs her loose foot like she is doing a yoga pose and she looks steady again! Crap! Come on, just end this and put me out of my misery! Abi is so determined to stay up there. She has the weight of all the people sitting on the bench on her shoulders to get Joe out.

And then...I don't know how...but...Abi falls in!!!! Joe wins immunity!!!! #3 in a row!!!!! WOOHOO!!! Again, I scream so loud that I scare my poor Bella! She begins meowing out of fear and wondering if we are under some kind of attack! Sorry Bella! I seriously don't believe my eyes! I mean, he has to lose eventually, right?! My hands are literally shaking so hard I can't type! Oh well, it's a good night! And worry about Spencer for going for the advantage and losing :(

Kimmi is adament to splitting up the 3 witches. They need to split votes so something doesn't happen like the last time. They want Wentworth to go and Ciera will be the backup.

Fishbach sneaks off to read what his advantage is. It says that he can steal a vote from someone at Tribal Council. Oh man, one of the last people that I want to get this. I wish he would use it tonight since we know Joe is safe. He said he's definitely not using it tonight though, because he knows he's safe. Yikes, this could be really powerful. He gets to choose someone who won't get to vote, and then he gets to vote a 2nd time.

Fishbach talks to Jeremy and Spencer and said they should go for Wiglesworth with the 3 witches. Spencer is worried about trusting 3 people who they can't trust. Jeremy and Spencer ask if he's sure the 3 witches actually want Wiglesworth out and will vote for her. Jeremy isn't sure that he wants to blindside 4 people who will come back to camp: Tasha, Keith, Joe, and Kimmi. Please vote for one of the 3 girls...don't risk voting out "one of your own".

Why is no one talking about targeting Fishbach because of his advantage? Joe should have been pushing for it this time since they didn't go for it last time.

Tribal Council
It is still pouring down rain and they look miserable!

Keith is having trouble concentrating because he hasn't eaten.

Wiglesworth utters the words of death "I feel pretty confident."

The Votes

Oh no...another blindside! People, watch out for Fishbach, he's sneaky and has an advantage! I wish they would have targeted him!!

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