Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Survivor, Ep. 31.10

Starting this recap off a little different tonight. I just had to share the screen capture below in preparation for tonight's 2 episodes!!!

Each week there is a Survivor Power Ranking in which former Survivors (different each season) and Gordon Holmes rank the remaining players in order of how safe they think they are for the upcoming episode. The person at the bottom is most likely to go home. Points are awarded for who goes home and what place each person has them in. So, this week, for the first time, EVERYONE has put our Joe in the bottom. (And rightly so, if we're being honest. I mean, 4 individual immunity challenge wins in a row would be epic.) I found the comments this week interesting (especially Mike's warning) and really funny.

Column one is Jenn Brown; middle column is Max Dawson (who included comments from last season's winner, Mike Holloway, and also Kelly Remington and Sierra Dawn Thomas, both also from last season); and finally the last column is the blog writer, Gordon Holmes. Click here to see the entire ranking.

Here's to hoping they are all wrong! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving (and also my birthday), and I'm hoping that one of the things that I will be able to be thankful for is Joe making it past 2 more episodes! Wishful thinking, I know, but a girl can dream. P,S. if you're thinking of getting a last minute birthday gift for me, a new heart might be in order, because I'm sure tonight's 2 episodes are going to give mine a major workout, and if Joe goes home, it could end up a little broken,

And now, on to the recap!

Orkun Camp
Jeremy thinks he, Spencer and Fishbach can come back to their "power group" to take out someone like Ciera. He has some damage control to do with Tasha - whom he didn't tell he was flipping. She said they get one time of keeping her out of the loop, and that was their one time. Joe is kind of mellow (maybe just tired and not fully comprehending what just happened)...but really pissed and trying not to lose his cool. The 3 guys confess to Joe and Tasha that they flipped.

Again, the camp life is yucky because of non-stop rain. They look so miserable! Keith cracks me up - he said he woulds stay out there 50 days to win a million dollars. He said it was NOT fun, but going on a cruise is fun! Fishing is fun! lol Keith..the comic relief!

Reward Challenge

...and it's still pouring!

Reward: warm shelter get-away with food to a Cambodian circus
Challenge: battle for a ball to get it into a hoop - 3 baskets wins
Last Ran: Season 18 - Fishbach's season; he scored the winning point for his team

Ooh, we haven't had a physical battle challenge for the first time this season!

Purple: Wentworth, Kimmie, Fishbach, Jeremy, Keith
Green: Tasha, Abi, Joe, Ciera, Spencer

Round 1:
Purple: Joe, Spencer, Ciera
Green: Jeremy, Fishbach, Wentworth
Jeremy scores for Green

Round 2:
Purple: Tasha, Abi, Joe
Green: Wentworth, Kimmi, Keith
This was a battle! Joe is throwing girls out of the way and stiff arming them! Fishbach is yelling "kill him!" Keith was under the pile for awhile. Joe grabbed Wentworth from behind and it looked like she tried to bite him!
Joe scores for Purple

Round 3:
Purple: Joe, Spencer, Ciera
Green: Jeremy, Fishbach, Kimmi
Fishbach only goes after Joe. Jeremy sprinted and Joe took him down. Spencer brokeaway!
Spencer scores for Purple

Round 4:
Purple: Joe, Abi, Tasha
Green: Jeremy, Wentworth, Kimmi
Jeremy and Joe take each other down body slam! Jeremy is just holding him down and the ball isn't there! Tasha is sitting on Kimmi who tried to hold on. Tasha ripped it from her but Kimmi pulled on her leg as Tasha just dragged her through the water.
Tasha scores for Purple

Purple wins! I don't like it one bit that Joe was in every single one of those battles! Clearly it helped them win, but that expended A LOT of energy and he could have gotten seriously hurt!

Ciera had a little bit of a breakdown seeing the little kids. It made her miss her husband and her kids. It was shortlived and of course she was ready to make a plan. She said Fishbach needs to be blindsided because of the advantage he got. Joe loves this plan. For appearances, they all seem to be 100% on board with this plan. BUT what happens if Joe loses the immunity challenge? Will they let him go and still go after Fishbach? I'd like to this so, but I'm not that optimistic,

Orkun Camp
Back at camp, while the winners are on their reward, they all talk about how physical Joe is and how unbeatable he seems. They are all fed up with him winning literally everything. He's winning rewards and every individual challenge so far. These 5 are dead set on getting Joe out.

Fishbach is feeling really great about his position because of his advantage and because everyone else is on board with getting Joe out. He does say that he knows he should never say that on Survivor. I'm hoping this is foreshadowing.

At night, Fishbach starts getting some pretty serious stabs of pain in his stomach. He is scared that his body is breaking down and he doesn't want to have to leave the game. He is very sad and upset and emotional...understandably. He wants this 2nd chance to go his way so badly! I wonder if this mindset will blind him a little bit and cause him to not be fully aware of what's going on around him.

He asks for a ray of hope, like the sun for 15 minutes...cue bolt of lightning. He cries that he is not going to quit...then he runs for the jungle again. He is really not looking good. If he has to go, Jeremy loses a huge ally.

Immunity Challenge
Here we go...cue nervous stomach and pounding  heartbeat...

Challenge: balance on a block of wood on one foot, while balancing a ball above their head with a buoy.
Last Run: Keith's season

Jeff hands them a white and a black rock and tells them they can improve their structure. There is a crew available to waterproof their shelter and put the fire in the middle. The payment: 5 people have to sit out this immunity challenge. White = willing to surrender and give up for the better of the group, Black = I'm competing for immunity. So many things to consider here! Joe is black and Keith go black and EVERYONE else go white! Holy crap! So, what that means is they get their fortified shelter and only Joe and Keith are competing for immunity. Keith says he's a competitor and he wants to compete. Joe said he considered sitting out, but he said he can handle the weather and it doesn't bother him. Wow...what a turn of events!

Of course Jeff has to rub it in over and over again that Joe is 3 for 3 and hasn't lost, and no one else has worn the necklace but him. Shut up already Jeff! This is going to be brutal even though there are only 2 of them competing. Keith is a worthy competitor.

Keith's ball drops and JOE WINS IMMUNITY #4!!!!!! It wasn't as hard to earn as the other 3, but it is still an amazing accomplishment nonetheless. People are going to be PISSED...beyond belief. The more he wins, the more they despise him and want him out all the more. What an awful place for Joe to be in. It sure is hard to be a beast.

Orkun Camp
Wow, their shelter looks amazing. You know things must have been rough out there for them to offer something like that.

Spencer tells Fishbach that Ciera should go next because she is a major player. The Reward 5 team are still set to go for Fishbach. Fishbach has said that he doesn't want to use his advantage too early.

Tasha meets up with Spencer and suggests they go after Ciera because she has unhinged several groups. If they get her out, the other 2 are up for grabs. Spencer thinks it's in his best interest to get Fishbach out. I agree.

Joe, Tasha, and Spencer tell Jeremy about the plan to vote out Fishbach. Spencer said as long as it's a blindside, he won't use his advantage. Secretly, Jeremy still wants Fishbach to stay. He mentions that he has 2 idols. Oh Jeremy thinking about giving him an idol to save him?! That would be crazy! He tries to persuade them to go for Ciera and pin her as the bigger threat.

Oh my...again, I have no idea what's going to happen!

Tribal Council
They all talk about their lowest points which were the rain and Fishbach's gastrointestinal problems. They then talk about being selfish or unselfish choice at the immunity challenge. Ciera and Tasha both said they knew they wanted to take one for the better of the group. Joe said it was plain and simple: if he doesn't play, he goes home.

Talk shifts to the voting blocks and things shifting. Of course Tasha answers Jeff's question about thinking about Fishbach's advantage. She said there has been a lot of talk about it. Great...that might just give him a clue and he may decide to use it!

Ciera is hoping people vote the way they said there were going to, otherwise it could be her going home. If that's the case it will suck because she chose the wrong rock and that could be a million dollar mistake.

I think either way this goes will be good because both Fishbach and Ciera are dangerous and need to go.

The Votes
Jeff is ready to read the votes..."if you have an immunity idol and would like to play it"...Jeremy interrupts! Holy cow! Here it comes! If he gives it to Fishbach, that is going to piss a lot of people off and I think it will do him more harm than good. He's going to ruin a lot of relationships. Is that worth keeping Fishbach? I don't think so. Granted, he still has another idol, so that buys him a little more time. If it ends up going his way, it will be one more thing that he can add to his resume, I guess.

Fishbach's mouth literally dropped to the floor! And his eyes were like saucers when he said it was for Fishbach. Wow...

Fishbach - doesn't count
Fishbach - doesn't count
Fishbach - doesn't count
Fisbhach - doesn't count
Fishbach - doesn't count

Oh man, I was starting to get worried that they just threw a vote away on Kimmi. That sucks for Ciera. Hahahaha! She was a little too good for her own good.

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