Friday, November 28, 2014

The Voice, Ep. 7.18

The Top 10

Team Adam
(Side note: how hot does Adam look in that suit! Geesh!)

Matt McAndrew - "Fix You" by Coldplay
Oh, I have goosebumps before he even sings this! It's going to be so good! You can't go wrong with Coldplay, and with Matt's voice? Yeah...perfection. Those floating high notes, beautiful melody...and then that big push to the big chorus. Holy crap...what a performance! And just when you think it can't get any better, he perfectly shouts the big ending and then comes back in for that tender ending. Such dynamics in this song, and he did it perfectly. That song is hard, and not many people do it justice, but he did that and then some.

Damien - "You and I" by Stevie Wonder
Oh man, another Stevie Wonder song? No, no, no. I love when he does current ballads, I really dislike when he does the old "classics". This is probably my least favorite performance of his, entirely because of the song choice. I love his voice, but this was really painful for me to listen to. I couldn't wait for it to be over actually. Boring, boring, boring.

Chris Jamison - "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars
Interesting song choice, but Adam knows what he's doing. I love that Adam was singing with Chris to show him what he needed to do. He totally killed this! There was nothing that he could have done any better with this song. It was a tough song because there are so many fast words all run together, but he mastered it. Such a great performance. I continue to just be impressed with how much he works the stage. He is so comfortable up there, and looks so natural. I have fun watching him because he has so much fun performing. I am such a huge fan of his!

Team Blake

Reagan James - "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea
I am not a fan of this song. I normally love her voice, but the way she is kind of speak-rapping this song so low...I really don't care for that at all. Parts of the song, she wasn't even singing, she was like speaking it, and yet somehow it was off-pitch. This song doesn't really showcase really how good she is. She sounds too much like Anita, and that's not a good thing.

Craig Wayne Boyd - "I Walk the Line" by Johnny Cash
Oh my would never know that this was "that" song because he changed it so much by turning it into a ballad! It sounded nothing like the all. I like the original (shocking I know). But, wow, I really like this version too! The more he sang, the more I liked it! This guy is so good! I got goosebumps on that long note at the end that he held forever...woah!

Team Gwen

Anita Antoinette - "Let Her Go" by Passenger
I love this song, so maybe this will be something of hers that I will actually like. But more likely: she will ruin this perfectly good song. And yeah...she ruined it. I'm just not down with the reggae stuff. I'd love to hear her sing something and not make it reggae. She might actually have a decent voice. I will say out of all her performances, this might be her best performances, at least for me. Did she mess up the words towards the end of the song, or was that just me? It was like either the mic cut out, or she missed singing a word or two.

Ryan Sill - "Starlight" by Muse
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this song! I don't know that I've ever heard a Muse song on any musical competition show, so this is awesome! (It turns out Gwen really had to fight to get this song, so that must be why!) I loved his rock performance last week, so I think this is going to be awesome! Goosebumps! He totally rocked it. This is the kind of stuff he needs to keep doing. I just love his voice, and how he transitions from his full voice to his falsetto so effortlessly. He can sing tenderly, but then he can totally rock it out. He had maybe a couple of notes that weren't quite right and maybe his voice cracked just a little, but it was still an incredible performance. I don't know why he keeps ending up in the bottom...why is no one voting for him? I don't get it.

Taylor John Williams - "Come Together" by The Beatles
Woah, he lost his signature hat! He decided for a strange 60s-style headband. a good look (but maybe better than the hat?). The beginning of the song started out too low. I liked it more once the song picked up a little bit. I think it was an OK performance, but he just isn't blowing me away with any of his performances.

Team Pharrell

Luke Wade - "Try a Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding
Yuck! Pharrell, stop giving him such old, crappy songs! I want to hear him do something current! I really want to like Luke, because I do like his voice. But, if this is the kind of stuff he wants to sing, I can't be a fan. I do like that he changed the song a little bit, and that helped, but it still wasn't great.

DaNica Shirey - "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston, no, no. I can't stand her song choices. Last week was an exception, and it was really good. Now, she's back to doing the same old thing again. This song has been done a billion times before...pick something a little more original! I just don't see anything about her that is so special. Why do people continue to vote for her and she's not even in the bottom 3? I don't get it. Yes, she can sing loud, and she's got a nice vibrato...but what's so special about that? I keep hoping that people will get confused by her because she always has completely different hair, that maybe they wouldn't know who to vote for. No such luck.

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