Monday, November 10, 2014

Dancing With The Stars, Ep. 19.11

Theme: America's Choice, and Trios
America has chosen the dance, song, hairstyle and various other things about the dances.

Alfonso & Witney - Foxtrot
I'm not sure why America chose a ballroom dance for him, when he's so good and entertaining at the fun, upbeat dances. I've run out of adjectives to describe how good he is. He just makes everything look so easy! He can be smooth when he needs to be, he can be quick and sharp when he needs to be. There just isn't anything he can't do.
Score: 37 (10 from Len)

Tommy & Peta - Viennese Waltz
Tommy's arms look so much better this week! Sometimes his arms just start flailing around, but tonight, they were smooth and he was finishing the motion. Oh no...he almost fell down! He had a little slip, but he caught himself and was able to smoothly finish the dance like a true pro. Oh Tommy...
Score: 29

Lea & Artem - Samba
I love the song choice for this dance, and her tiger outfit. I just wish they would have used the Maroon 5 version of the song, because this version really sucked and it was distracting. I don't know what's happening to her as the weeks go on, but she is just lacking something. This could have been so cool and sexy, but it was just kind of lazy. I'm not sure how else to describe it.
Score: 34

Bethany & Derek - Viennese Waltz
Just beautiful! I love the theme, and Derek's choreography was just perfect. I love them together so much. And oh, he looked really usual.
Score: 36

Sadie & Mark - Jive
Look at Sadie go! This dance was so fast! She is incredible!She impresses me every week. She dances like she's so much older, it's crazy to think how good she is at such a young age. That was such a fun routine!
Score: 33

Janel & Val - Quickstep
They are just too cute together. I love how they interact. She has such an expressive face, and it really makes the dances enjoyable. This choreography was really tough. It might be her toughest dance. She still did an amazing job, even though Val had a little bobble. I think something must be wrong with the floor because it seemed like everyone had a little bobble tonight. And, let's not forget...they kissed!!!
Score: 38


Alfonso & Witney, with Lindsay - Paso Doble
It's always fun to see Witney and Lindsay together, since they have known each other for so long. "Turn Down for What?"...that was intense! Everything about this was amazing, and so well done! He came off as the strong man with those 2 gorgeous women. I absolutely loved the girls' hair and costumes! Very well done! I didn't think the crowd was ever going to stop screaming!
Score: 40

Tommy & Peta, with Sharna - Samba
Chong Airways...haha! This is hilarious! He better start doing some dancing though, or Len is going to have a fit! There's those Tommy hips! I just have to laugh when I watch him! Unfortunately, as cool and as funny as that was, I'm really worried because there was not much choreography for him! Oh my...he's got the judges speechless, coughing up a lung, and bursts of laughter that came out as a loud honking noise, and a lot of snorting...what?! That was a hilarious attempt at judging on that one!
Score: 28

Lea & Artem, with Henry - Paso Doble
Oh my...2 hot guys doing the Paso...who needs Lea, get out of the way! I love the song choice for this one. Whoa, what was that weird sqautting move she just did...that was kind of gross. Very cool dance, but I would have preferred Lea not be in it.
Score: 36

Bethany & Derek, with Tony - Argentine Tango! So glad to see Tony back! This is always one of my favorite dances because I love the footwork and the lifts. I can't wait to see what Derek comes up with. And it does not disappoint (was there any doubt). The music seems more suited for a Paso Doble because it's so dark with such heavy beats. I love the transitions Derek always makes so interesting. This was so amazing, I can't even say just how amazing it was! And that ending was epic! Wow! I don't know how they didn't get a perfect score!
Score: 38

Sadie & Mark, with Emma - Foxtrot
It will be interesting to see how Mark choreographs a ballroom dance for 3 people. I'm so disappointed that they didn't get a fun dance, because I would have loved to see her with 2 guys. So, this just looks looks like Emma is the third wheel, but maybe that's the thing he was going for, because it did look like she was trying to steal Mark from Sadie. And then he just threw Emma away at the end! How rude! I don't know, I just didn't really care for this for some reason. But how funny is she? She said she forgot the last part of the dance and she had to make it up...and then she gets a perfect score!
Score: 40

Janel & Val, with Keo - Salsa
Welcome back Keo! This is going to be a good dance! I love that Val chose him because he thinks he deserves to be in a great number. I agree. He really got ripped off because of having Lolo as his partner and getting voted off first. Val isn't going to hold anything back, as he said they are going to do Cirque de Sole moves...with a jungle/tribal theme. This number was so crazy! They threw her in the air! And what was that scissor move where it looked like they were going to pull her legs apart?! Whoa!
Score: 39

The Results

In Jeopardy: Sadie & Mark and Lea & Artem

Going Home: Lea & Artem

Yes! Whew...that was close! If it wasn't going to be Tommy (sadly), it had to be Lea to go. I can't bare to see Alfonso, Bethany, Sadie or Janel going home.

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