Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 29.8

Huyopa Camp
Everyone is still reeling from Julie's voluntary departure from the game. Everyone's games are kind of up in the air at this point and no one is sure of anything. No one knows for sure where anyone stands since they haven't had a Tribal yet.

Reward Challenge
Challenge: load a cart with large pieces, then use pieces to build a temple, then raise their flag. Winners get a taco bar.

Schoolyard picks:
Yellow: Keith, Natalie, Wes, Jeremy, Reed
Blue: Baylor, Jon, Jaclyn, Alec, Josh

Missy wasn't picked, so she sits out.

Yellow is in the lead on the first run. They are working well together, led by Keith and Wes. Blue starts to catch up building the temple puzzle. Yellow is done first and Natalie releases the flag and yellow wins!

Yellow chooses to send Jon to Exile Island. Keith said he's a big guy and he can do well on his own.

At the reward, Natalie asks "Should we be talking about strategy like everyone else does on a reward?" Keith said if Julie hadn't have quit, he doesn't know who they would have voted for. Jeremy isn't buying it...he knows they were coming for him.

Meanwhile Wes has no shut-off valve. Keep the tacos coming...and then #TacoOverload. His dad warned him to slow down, but he didn't listen, and he paid the price for it.

Huyopa Camp
Josh is sad they lost, but he is happy to be at camp with the people he is so he can talk strategy. He wants to work on Baylor some more. He tells her that she at least owes him one vote because he stuck his neck out for her several times. She felt like he was blackmailing her. She says (not to him) that she doesn't owe him anything and that the Christian thing to do is to give without expecting anything in return. At this point, Josh is fed up with her and he's done trying.

Exile Island
Jon has a clue, and he realizes it's a clue to an idol hidden on Exile, and not back at camp. He heads to exactly where he thinks the clue has told him to go. He was running out of time because the tide was coming in. He climbs this really tall pillar, and sure enough...BINGO! There's the idol!

Huyopa Camp
Wes continues some bodily function problems after his #TacoOverload. The girls are disgusted with all of the gross talk. Jeremy is the only guy with some common decency.

Baylor tells Alec that she feels like a slave because he treats her like she's his baby sister. She said she wanted some food and he said "this ain't no charity". Alec continues to shout orders to all the girls to keep the fire going.

After the guys go for a walk, Jaclyn said that they just lost hers and Jon's vote for the way they were treating her and the other girls. Keith may or may not have said that he was going to whoop Baylor.

Alec and Keith want to stick with the plan to get Jeremy out. Alec says the words of his own death "I feel pretty comfortable right now." He said as long as Jeremy doesn't win immunity, they will vote him out. Yep...we'll see.

Immunity Challenge

Poor Keith didn't even get to use his immunity necklace since they didn't go to Tribal.

Challenge: see a series of images, and then recall them by showing the image on a block.

Round 1: Jon is out on the 2nd image; Reed is out on 3rd image; Wes and Alec are out on 4th image
Round 2: Natalie is out on the 1st image; Baylor is out on 2nd image; Jaclyn is out on 3rd image; Keith and Missy are out on 4th image; Josh is out on 5th image

Jeremy wins immunity. Well, would ya look at that! Ha! Another plan blown to bits. How ya feelin' now Alec?

It's interesting that it came down to the 2 alliance "leaders": Josh and Jeremy.

Huyopa Camp
Josh has turned his sights on Baylor since Jeremy won immunity. He's hoping he can get Jon and Jaclyn on his side.

Jaclyn tells Jon she doesn't like the guys any more because none of them talk to her when he's not around, and they made her feel like crap. Jaclyn said they would have a better chance beating some of the others because the guys are tough at challenges. Jaclyn thinks Jon is dumb for thinking so far ahead in the game.

Keith tells Natalie, Jeremy and Missy that Baylor needs to go because she doesn't do anything around camp. Why is he saying this all in front of Missy? How is that a good strategy? Of course Missy tells Baylor, and Baylor is shocked! Missy said she needs to talk to Jon, and Baylor says "yeah, you do." Why does Missy have to do everything?

Jon and Jaclyn don't seem to be on the same page with the vote. It will be interesting to see what happens. She said she feels comfortable with Missy and Jeremy, and she doesn't like the guys. She doesn't know why Jon won't change his mind.

Tribal Council
Jaclyn admits that her and Jon are in the middle and that both sides have come to them. Jon said they must have something written on them that says "come talk to us because maybe we can help you."

And then the conversation turns guessed it...gas.

The Votes

Oh man, we just can't get rid of Baylor!

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