Wednesday, February 5, 2014

American Idol, Ep. 13.7

This week marks the beginning of the new Hollywood week. I say "new" only because this won't be like the Hollywood weeks that we are used to. I don't know a lot of specifics, but I'm kind of hoping that one of the changes is the removal of the dreaded group round. The first major change is that each singer has to sing right away upon arriving, and if the judges don't like them, they are going home...right away! Like Harry says "If you screw this up, it's over!"

212 singers have made it to many won't make it past the first round? They think they are on their way to the hotel, but they are secretly being brought to an airplane hanger where they will have to sing, and if they don't make it, they won't even make it to the hotel!

One thing we are sure to see are at least a few of our early favorites completely bombing. It happens every time. Forgotten song lyrics, balls of nerves, or both. Another thing we are sure to see are people we don't remember from the auditions, who now, we question how they ever made it to Hollywood, because it is apparent that they CAN'T SING at all! I'm very excited to see some of my favorites, and see who emerges as possible front-runners, and see if anyone comes out of nowhere and really blows me away.

Here we go! And go they do...they fly through singer after singer. Way too many singers to comment on. 160 singers made it through without having to sing again. They wanted to hear about 50 people that they were on the fence with.

After they listen to the 50 singers, they separate them into 2 buses: one bus is going to the hotel, the other bus is going to the airport. They have no idea where they are going! Bus 1 went to the airport, with one of my favorites: Johnny Newcomb. Bus 2 had a few that I liked (one being Adam Roth, the musical therapy guy who they just found weird, but I knew had something special), so I'm pretty happy about that. 20 from bus 2 made, which means there were 30 people cut.

Round 2 for Hollywood week: In groups of 10, they come out and sing and they will be told to stay or go.

I LOVE SPENCER LLOYD!!!! Absolutely amazing performance! Absolutely the perfect song choice and I loved him playing the keyboard.

I loved Sam Woolf again, he did a really good job.Also in his group was another one of my favorites, CJ Harris. CJ was so amazing again. He ranks right up there for me so far. And they both made it!

Alex Preston is so different, but I really like what he does! He is so talented. Brian Watt was also in this group, and "Superman" (as Harry called him) brought it, and it was great. He is so smooth and easy, I just love listening to his voice. I can't believe he didn't make it through :(

Kenzie Hall was really good. Her version of that song was really cool, and those quick lyrics were ridiculous.

Ben Briley gave me goosebumps, Briston Maroney was so good...I just love him! Dexter Roberts continues to surprise me with how good he is

Rachel Rolleri was really good, and sounded great at Keith harmonized with her. Maurice Townsend continues to be one of my some goosebumps with him too. Casey Thrasher gave another emotional performance.

Welcome back to Munfarid! He did "Proud Mary"...what? And it was good! This kid is freakin' awesome! He's not someone I would want to win, but gosh darn it, the show would be so much more fun with him on it.

Kristen O'Connor was really good. I don't think I really remember her from the audition.

I loved Keith London's version of Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy". Such a strange choice, but dang, he sang the crap out of it. The judge's were so distracted by his guitar and the song choice they told him to sing again because they talked through his whole first performance. I personally liked the first song better, but he's still really good. And, he did make it through.

I was looking forward to Savion Wright again, he was one of my favorites from auditions. He did not disappoint! His voice is so beautiful.

From 160, they are now down to 104. And now, it's on to the Group Round. Darn it, they didn't get rid of that. Cue the drama queens, ego maniacs, and the sleep-deprived meltdowns and freak outs.

First megagroup: Casey Thrasher, Dexter and Ben, aka "Backstreet Cowboys" ..they make a perfect group. Surprisingly, many other groups are also finding their stride and feeling pretty good about themselves. And then there are the groups that end up disintegrating and forcing their members to try to find other groups. One guy left because he was really sick, so his other 2 group members (who weren't getting along any way), had to find another like 3 am. They had to be up again at 6. Totally crazy!

I just hope this round doesn't screw things up for any of my favorites. Forgotten lyrics and someone else totally ruining the group's performance and ruining the chances of someone good...always 2 of my biggest fears from Group Round.

To be continued...

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