Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 32.2

Days 3-6

Brains Camp
The Brains FINALLY have fire. So much for Debbie knowing how to do everything. Maybe she's just holding back and doesn't want to "show off" her skills? Yeah, right.

Debbie refuses to drink any treated water. She said she looked at the water that Liz has been boiling and she won't touch it. She said the chances of there being organic chemicals present that they need to boil and filter the water are slim to none. She has 20 years of experience analyzing water, don't you know?! She said she's got an immune system like a horse. The thinks she can judge the water just by looking at it. Liz said the fact that she is still there and feeling fine doesn't prove that she hasn't picked up a parasite. I agree with Liz. It's not going to show up immediately. What is she thinking?! You can't see parasites in the water!

I'm starting to like Peter. His commentary on Debbie was pretty funny. Does she have 30 or 40 cats? I think the answer is probably 40 cats. He said you want someone like her, who has no game, on your tribe. He wants to keep her around as long as possible.

There's a clear divide on the tribe: the old (Joe and Debbie) and the young (Peter, Aubrey, Neal, and Liz). Apparently Joe used too much of the kerosene on the fire, and then left the bottle on its side and it ate through the cap and they lost most of it. This caused a little tiff with Joe and Liz.

Brawn Camp

After Tribal-Alecia thought it was going to be her going home. She thinks that she heard some of them saying they changed their mind at Tribal and she's very confused. She said they need to stop talking smack about her if they do want her there. Jenny and Jason said she was very close to being the one gone and she will be the next to go. Man, I sure hope so! They should have never voted out was such a lame excuse.

Scot was not having any luck striking the flint to make fire. He wore himself out just striking the flint! Come on! They are also very, very burnt and are starting to blister. This is an infection waiting to happen, I think.

Oh look, Alecia decided to do something! She decided to work on the fire and she was bound and determined not to stop until she had it going. They immediately balked at where she was trying to put the fire. Cut to 5 HOURS later and she is still striking the flint! She better hope she never has to do it at a Tribal Council to save her life because that was ridiculous - even with flint! But, none of the others could do it either, so that's pretty sad. I have to hand it to her though for sticking with it and finally getting it.

Beauty Camp
Tai knows he's in trouble. He knows he has to look for the idol, but he's worried he will get caught again. He decided to make an excuse to go for water. He returned to where he was looking before to see what he missed. First he was attacked by ants! But then, sure enough!! He found a clue hanging pretty much in plain site. He then got lucky and it said it was buried at the base of the tree. But's another clue. It sounds really confusing. He needs to look for a black palm, and then he will find a key to open what he dug up. He found it! It was WAY, WAY up in the tree. He shimmied his way up and his feet were leaving trails of blood behind. Ouch! Oh, Tai! That looks so painful! It's way too high and he can't quite get there. He realizes he's been gone too long from camp, so he's going to have to give up for now and come back another time. Wow...I think this might be the most difficult idol they've ever hidden!

Back at camp, I think Tai has a crush on Caleb! He said he missed sleeping next to him last night. Oh my! Caleb said he likes hanging out with Tai and he was more than happy to let him cuddle with him at night when he was cold. These 2 are absolutely hilarious! I LOVE THEM!!! It is so surprising that they get along so well because they are so incredibly different. Tai teased Caleb and almost stole a kiss. Caleb was holding a piece of fish in his mouth and he motioned for Tai to grab on to it. Instead, Tai went in with his mouth! Freaked Caleb out! That was the reaction Tai was looking for. But Caleb's next reaction was unexpected...he told him: "Next time, just ask." lol!!!

Reward/Immunity Challenge
Challenge: Race into the water to get a 300 lb log, they untie it and carry it through an obstacle course to a cradle, then slingshot balls to a target to raise a flag.
Reward: 1st tribe gets Survivor fishing kit and a boat, 2nd tribe gets a much smaller kit

Julia and Debbie sit out. Debbie is very vocal on the sidelines and even has some palm tree leaves as pom-poms...that's a new one!

Brawns are out quick, but they get hung up. Beauty takes the lead, despite Caleb and Tai taking some big falls. Brains and Brawns are close together.

Brawns make it to the platform first. They passed up Beauty, whose ropes are all knotted up. Oh no!

Caleb knocks down the 1st target for Beauty! Peter knocks down the 1st target for Brains. Scot knocks down the 1st target for Brawn.

Caleb for the win! He nails it!!! Woohoo! Way to go Caleb!!! Beauty has immunity and a great reward. Scot just misses the target. Peter doesn't miss, and Brains have immunity! Brawn loses again!

So, there is only 1 acceptable outcome at this Tribal Council. If they don't get rid of Alecia, they are freakin' idiots! Based on their logic last time, they could vote out Scot because he missed the target. I sure hope they use a different logic this time.

Scot admits that he missed and if he would have connected, they wouldn't have lost. Scot said that him, Jason, Cydney, and Jenny are so tight and genuinely like each other and get along well. He said he would be shocked if one of them turned on the group. (Famous last words? I sure hope not.) Jason's hilarious. He still won't even use Alecia's name. He still calls her "blondie" and he said she's a "ditz and a half", ha! He said she's always confused. She's like an ostrich...she's a bird but can't fly. Ha!

Alecia left the camp, while everyone watched her go. They noticed her looking back like 5 times, and Scot said, "we get it now, we know where you're going now". YET...they ALL stay in the shelter, laying down and allow her to go off by herself. They think there is no way she's going to find the idol. Are you people kidding me?! She's the least likely person to find an idol, who is also the most likely to go home. You don't think that this is the perfect setup for her to actually find the dang thing? If she does, you all deserve to go home for being incredibly lazy, both physically and strategically. That's just ridiculous. You don't let someone just go off by themselves! I am just dumbfounded right now. I have to hope that she's just too ditzy to find it, but I'm really sensing a big surprise coming.

Back at the camp, Jenny is really getting annoyed by Jason. He's disgusting and she doesn't like the way he talks about Alecia. Cut to him and Scot sitting by the kettle of water. Scot asks him if he just threw a piece of his skin and if it almost landed in there. Jason joked that they would feed that to "blondie".

Jenny talks to Alecia and she asks her what the smartest thing they can do. Alecia says "be honest". Jenny laughs and says "no". Alecia said "win challenges". Again, Jenny laughs and says "no". Alecia said, "just tell me". She said, "get out the strongest when you can".  Jenny said that they can form a girls alliance. They think that they could get Jason out and still have Scot around for challenges. Jenny admitted that she worries about Alecia but at the same time, she likes her.

Jason gets suspicious of the girls, but Scot said there is no way they are working together. Jenny realizes that getting out Jason would be a big move, but it will also blindside Scot, whom she likes. Now she's not sure what she wants to do. Cydney is worried about Jenny being so wishy-washy, and that's a bad way to go to Tribal.

Tribal Council
Alecia thinks she is pulling her weight around camp and hopes they keep her around.

Jeff says that Alecia almost went home last week so she would be an easy choice, this time around, but the girls could just as easily say "let's stick together and vote out one of the guys". Alecia's eyes perk up, and Jenny says the dumbest thing she could. She said things were definitely up in the air after talking to some people. She said there was some back and forth. Scot and Jason were immediately alarmed. And rightfully so! That's not how she came off back at camp. Now, Jason's fears look completely validated. Classic move of talking way too much at Tribal. Scot said that back at camp the plan was solid and now he's hearing that there was a back and forth and that it was up in the air. She said things were discussed but that doesn't mean that the plan has changed. Jason and Scot are not buying this. Jenny was shocked that her admitting that there was talk would turn them on her so quickly. Well, duh! Ever watch this show before?!

Then things REALLY got interesting! Jenny said, "OK, let's just get this out there. Alecia came to me and said let's form an all-girls alliance." Alecia quickly said that it was Jenny that threw the idea out there, not her. Uh oh, if Jenny's not careful, it's going to be her going tonight and not Alecia or Jason! And it all could have been avoided if she would have just kept her mouth shut! Jenny said it was the biggest lie ever. It's a she said/she said. Jenny said they might as well vote her out and vote out one of the strongest people on the tribe because that would be so smart. She made a final plea and said if they stick with Alecia they will lose. She said she hasn't given them a reason to doubt her up until now and the person at the bottom will say anything to scramble to save themselves. Wow...she's got a huge hole to try to climb out of and I don't think she can do it. She really messed up and Jason and Scot are not forgiving. Like Jason said, someone in your alliance won't come up to you and say they are thinking of flipping and say they changed their mind and everything is all good. They will not forgive and forget what they've heard. If they don't vote Jenny out tonight, she will not still be in their alliance. They do not trust her at all now. They may realize they need her strength to win challenges and keep her, but I don't think things will ever be the same with them after this.

Scot said he hasn't heard a word Alecia has said and only has heard Jenny. He wants her to help him get over her saying things were up in the air. Jenny said her intentions were good. She likes Alecia and wanted to give her a good last day, so she listened to her. Alecia said it's not a good last day if she was lying to her. She said she would do anything to take it back. Scot realizes she probably misspoke and she would be better for them physically and mentally.

Survivor 1st! Jenny gets up and stands up on her stump and shouts "Give me one more chance and trust our original alliance!" Wow.

The Votes
First of all, thank goodness Alecia didn't find an idol.


Noooooo! Holy crap! I cannot believe this! Wow...just wow. She really screwed the pooch on that one. I really thought they would give her another chance, just for challenge purposes only. Alecia is such a liability and is so undeserving of a place on the tribe. Yes Jenny royally horked things up and shattered her alliance, but man...2 weeks in a row, this tribe is NOT forgiving in the slightest. Mess up in a challenge - BOOM- voted out. Let it slip that you were wavering on the plan behind your alliances back - BOOM - voted out! No second chances...unless you're Alecia, it seems. That girl is going to have 9 lives. I'm not sure why she gets a free pass in all this mess.

It was nice to see Scot didn't vote for Jenny. However, Jason did. Will that cause some friction between them now?

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