Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 32.1

Yes!!! Survivor is back! Woohoo! Make sure to check out my season preview with cast photos and bios before proceding with tonight's first episode recap!

And they're off! They've got 2 minutes to grab anything and everything they can from the ship. Loose chicken! Caleb jumps right in and wrangles him! Good job, Caleb! Things are being thrown left and right...they'll be lucky if no one gets knocked out down below. And there it is, someone got conked!

Their rafts look so unsteady with all of the things piled on top. Will someone's raft take a dump? Tha sure would suck!

Brains (Chan Loh) Camp

In true "Brain" fashion, the group immediately starts discussing numbers and "assessing" everything.

Debbie's voice is going to get old real quick. She seems to like to talk a lot and she really is putting herself out there about being good at everything. No doubt this group is going to tire of her very quickly. She talks like she knows what she's doing...but does she really? That remains to be seen. She was trying to explain to Neal how to start fire after saying that she knows how to do it under all conditions. Neal is skeptical because she could have started the fire but isn't.

I cannot believe how buff Joe, the 71-year-old is! He's gonna kick some butt! And speaking of "butts", I think he is going to butt heads with Debbie. I think they are going to have opposing ideas on how to do things.

Neal said they have the "geriatric tinge" with Joe and Debbie. They think Joe could be the first to be medi-vaced. I don't think so. Neal's idea is to align the "4 young bucks". Sounds good to me!

On the beach, they are weaving some palm fronds and they are all moving very, very slowly. The heat is affecting them already. Aubry looked visibly ill and she said she was getting dizzy. She asked Neal and Debbie to help her because she wasn't doing so good. They told her to lay down in the shelter and take it easy. She said her Brain was scrambled. Debbie was being very nice to her and was really being comforting to her. Elisabeth thinks she was more having an anxiety attack than pure dehydration and heat exhaustion. Neal thinks this is a sign that their Brains tribe is going to repeat the last Brains tribe and have a total collapse.

Brawn (To Tang) Camp
Scot seems to be the vocal leader.Alecia is tiny, but she's done a lot. Scot didn't hold back his former profession, he just came right out with it that he was a pro basketball player. That could help or hurt him.

The Brawns are being very "brawny" and are working hard. They might be working too hard because they are going to wear themselves out in this heat.

Jason and Scot see Alecia doing nothing. They have no idea why the "California girl" is on their tribe.

Jason is showing the first signs of over-aligning himself. He talks to every tribe member and he makes a deal with each of them.

Darnell and Cydney bond and form an alliance.

Poor Jennifer! This has got to be a first on Survivor! She has a bug crawling around in her ear! She can't get it out and she can feel it's legs moving around and going deeper and deeper in her ear canal! She is worried not only what it's doing to her mentally, but what damage it could do to her physically! I don't even know what they could do for her out there, depending on how deep it is. Yikes! And what's worse, I read that Probst said it was actually a worm. Ew!! They told her they didn't see anything moving in her ear and they said it could be water. She said it isn't because her ear is bleeding. I feel so bad for her! She didn't sleep at all. She hoped it would crawl out, but instead it's going deeper. Its movements are so loud for her and it looks so painful. Finally, they saw it come crawling out and Scot pulled it out and squished it. Wow...brutal way to start the game!

Beauty (Gondol) Camp
Nick. Enough said. He's a decent looking guy, but man is he an asshole! He truly believes he is better than everyone else and he is not going to hold back from telling everyone.

The girls were sizing up the guys (well, Caleb and Nick). The girls immediately bonded. They don't think the guys will align together because they are so different. Anna and Julia bond and they think they can trust Michele. Anna recognized Caleb and she thinks they can trust him because he had an alliance of 9 on Big Brother and he was loyal.

I love that Caleb is wondering why in the world Tai is on their tribe. He said he has Mr. Miyagi glasses, lol! Oh how I've missed you Caleb! With only a few words, you know everyone (viewers) is going to love Tai. He loves all living things and has a very unique outlook on life. He's been through a lot being a refugee, so he's basically just a survivor of life.

So right away, I think I'm #teambeauty because I knew I loved Caleb, but now, I think I also love Tai.

Uh oh, runaway chickens again! Gotta love chicken chasing on Survivor. Nick realizes they are running around like chickens with their heads cut off and are wasting calories. Tai decides that they should tie the chickens together with a long string to let them roam "free". He thinks they will like that. How cute! And look at Caleb petting the little chicken...awe!

Caleb's doing it all...first Tai was up in the tree, but then Caleb went up as well and was cutting down some coconuts. Caleb and Tai got fire going pretty quickly...good for them! I see Caleb and Tai forming a nice little alliance. Hopefully if they know what's good for them they will stay far away from Nick.

Tai is the first from any tribe to decide to look for an idol. He literally pulls a tree up - roots and all - because he thinks it looks out of place and could have an idol hidden under it. He was wrong. So he pulls another tree out - roots and all. He's digging so fast that he's afraid he might have missed it. He asks the camera guy if anyone is coming. They all notice he is missing and they think they know what he's up to, so they are coming from him. Meanwhile, he quickly places the tree back and tells it he's sorry, but he's looking for something. Nick asks him if he got lucky and he said no. He told them he was looking but hadn't found anything. He said he wanted a few more minutes to look. He realizes that he's been caught and really messed up. They don't trust him at all now. He better hope he finds something!

Reward/Immunity Challenge
1st tribe to finish: tarp, matches, flint, lots of goodies PLUS immunity
2nd tribe to finish: flint PLUS immunity

Challenge: 4 divers from each team go into the water to a boat. They dive to get the paddles for the boat. They take the boat to shore and push it onto a cradle to make it into a cart. Then they have a choice to do a puzzle or stack balls when standing on a wobbly board.

Darnell dives and immediately loses the goggles. He was asked if he was sure he wanted to dive and he said he was, and right away it's looking like a mistake because he's struggling.

Beauty is the first to get all of their paddles. They have a pretty decent lead over Brains. Thanks to no mask, Brawns fall pretty far behind.

Beauty and Brains are struggling to get their boats in the cradle and now Brawn has caught up.

Beauty is first to get to their wheels, followed closely by Brains, and then right behind was brawn. But, Beauty's boat slipped off and they are struggling to get their wheels on. Brawn passes them up and Beauty is in last.

Brains start on the puzzle. Brawn also chooses to do the puzzle.

Beauty blew a really big lead and they are moving very slowly with getting their boat going. Finally they get to the decision and they go with the puzzle as well.

Brains: Liz/Aubry
Brawn: Jennifer/Alecia...but Alecia is doing nothing so Scot comes in
Beauty: Julia/Anna

Brains comes in 1st

It's literally neck-and-neck, piece for piece between Beauty and Brawn. I really want Beauty to win!! Come on!
Beauty comes in 2nd
Brawn comes in last

Everyone sees Darnell as the choice to go because if he hadn't lost the goggles they could have won. He apologized, but Scot said they can only take so much stupid. The other option is Alecia. Scot is open to keeping her. He told her the only issue he has with her right now is her scheming, so if she can cool it, she's good. They say something about Darnell having an idol, and then she sort of alludes to the fact that maybe she has an idol (exactly what Scot and Jason told her to STOP doing). She's still acting sketchy, so Scot is ready to send her home. He said they were throwing her a bone and she just dug her own grave.

Tribal Council
Jason says he's happy with most of his tribe, because they match up to his standards. He says he's not afraid to say the 2 that don't are Darnell and "blondie".

Scot said the first rule of diving is to hold on to your mask when you dive in. He said Darnell volunteered and said he could dive so they didn't question it.

Alecia said she was "a mental giant". Cydney said she's only trying to make a good impression. Everyone chimed in with how little Alecia has done at camp and in the challenge. She said she tried on the puzzle and when she couldn't do it she switched out. She said she will always try, but they didn't see her trying very hard.

Darnell got emotional because he felt bad that he let everyone down. I really like Darnell, and I hope they give him a chance. I think they really only have one option and that's Alecia. Darnell might have messed up, but Alecia will hold them back.

The Votes
Side note about how incompetent Alecia is...she tried to write on the scroll without taking the cap off. Have you ever watched this show?


Oh no, a tie on the first vote?! Come on, guys! I was really hoping they would be united and all be for Alecia. Who seriously wants her to stay? Come on!

Revote - Alecia and Darnell don't vote and they can only vote for those 2.


Noooooo! That is ridiculous. I really wanted to see him get to redeem himself. I think they really are going to regret that decision. Alecia can't be trusted and she does NOTHING! She does nothing to help out at camp, which they have all noticed. She stood around doing nothing at the puzzle portion of the challenge. There is no reason they should have kept her. Not one. What were they thinking?

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