Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Survivor, Ep. 31.6

Ta Keo Camp
It's night time and we aren't seeing Bayon after their Tribal. This isn't good. Probst is coming on a boat in the dark. This isn't good. Please don't be there for Joe. Please don't be there for Joe. Please don't be there for Joe.

Probst wakes up Terry and takes him to the beach to talk to him. Probst tells him that his son is in the hospital and the doctor and his wife think it's serious enough that he should come home. Oh, poor Terry!!! He says his goodbyes, and everyone is just shocked. Kass was visibly upset because she is also a parent. How awful to have to go out like that on his second chance at the game. I really wanted to see how far he could go. Keith said they should bring it home for Terry.

Tribe Swap
Probst fills the other tribes in on Terry's absence. A lot of talk about famly and the parental instinct. Their thoughts are all with Terry, but they all know there is a game to play. With that, Probst says, "drop your buffs...again!" We're going into 2 tribes again, and Angkor is no more.

New Ta Keo: Spencer, Woo, Savage, Abi, Ciera, Kass, Kelly Wiglesworth
New Bayon: Jeremy, Kelley Wentworth, Keith, Kimmi, Fishbach, Tasha, Joe

Ta Keo -- Kass is already worried about being with Spencer and calls him out in front of the group. Woo is so glad to be with Savage because of all of his tribe, he wanted to be with Woo. He said the magic death words of "I'm not going anywhere" because he thinks he is with Woo and Abi, and he could reconnect with his old tribemates (Kass and Ciera) and he should be good.

Bayon -- Fishbach is worried to be with a bunch of big guys again.

Reward Challenge

Challenge: run/slide down a huge runway to get a ring and then toss it on the pole. First one to land it wins the point. 3 points wins.

Reward: picnic

Savage vs. Jeremy -- Jeremy lands it a 1/2 second before Savage -- point to Bayon

Kass vs. Fishbach -- Fishbach with a hard slide! Jeremy yelling to Fishbach on how to throw it. Kass scores. Jeremy tells Fishbach to have faith in himself because they believe in him. -- point to Ta Keo

Abi vs. Kimmi -- Kimmi rolls on her slide! Kimmi's bounces off and Abi walks away! They yell to her to get back there and throw again. Way to go Abi. Doesn't matter she gets it -- point to Ta Keo

Woo vs. Joe -- Loving watching Joe get all oiled up! (FYI: there is now a GIF on Twitter of him...may or may not have stared at it for a couple minutes). They both launch themselves and make it all the way down to the ring...the first ones to do so. They get there almost at the same time. Joe nails it! -- point to Bayon

Wiglesworth vs. Wentworth -- Wentworth's bounced off and Wiglesworth landed it -- point and win to Ta Keo

Ta Keo Camp
Savage tells Kass that he, Woo, and Abi are inseparable and he would love to work with Kass and Ciera again. As much as Savage loves Spencer, he would like him to be gone. Of course Kass is all for this plan because she did not want to end up on his tribe again. She wants to have a part in getting him out again. Oh no! They are going to vote him out and tell him that the vote is going to be for Ciera. Ciera is worried that Savage wants to use her name as the fake target. She said that doesn't show a lot of loyalty. She thinks Woo should go because he's not an original Bayon member. Great. Can't get a minute's break not worrying about someone!

Bayon Camp
Joe tells Wentworth that she is the easy vote, but he wants to keep her and hopes that their alliance they made at Ta Keo will hold up (him, Kelley, Keith). Joe thinks Kimmi should go. Fishbach is worried about turning on original Bayon, so he goes and immediately tells Jeremy. Of course now it is completely evident that Joe can't be he's a major threat. So, who do you think Fishbach wants to get rid of? Joe. Great. No matter which tribe loses the Immunity Challenge, one of my 2 favorites is most likely going home. Luckily, Jeremy is dragging his feet because he needs a shield and doesn't want Joe to go first. Fishbach is worried because you don't get a lot of chances to get out a big threat like Joe.

Immunity Challenge
So, they're sitting down and there's a's going to be a food eating challenge! Man, there hasn't been one of those for ages! Prepare to be grossed out!

Round 1 - 2 tarantulas (huge tarantulas!)
Ta Keo -- Woo and Spencer
Bayon -- Tasha and Kimmi

Round 2 - giant water beetle
Ta Keo -- Savage and Ciera
Bayon -- Keith and Jeremy

Round 3 - pig snout
Ta Keo - Kass and Abi
Bayon - Fishbach and Wentworth

Round 4 - fried frog
Ta Keo - Wiglesworth
Bayon - Joe
WINNER: Ta Keo (what?!)
Round 5 - pig brain
Ta Keo - Woo
Bayon - Kimmi
WINNER: Bayon -- Kimmi hasn't eaten pig in 30 years and doesn't even try it, Woo downs it in less than 5 seconds

Round 6 - scorpion
Ta Keo - Ciera
Bayon - Wentworth

Round 7 - balut (the dreaded duck embryo)
Ta Keo - Kass
Bayon - Tasha

Bayon wins immunity. I have mixed emotions. Spencer is probably a goner. I would hate for Joe to have had to go to Tribal, but I think he might be safer than Spencer is right now since Jeremy kind of wants to keep him.

In a bold move, Jeremy eats part of the leftover balut on his way out -- he said he hasn't eaten in 16 days. He kind of made a cocky face as he left. Like Probst said, "wow."

Ta Keo Pre-Tribal
Woo: "If everything goes according to plan, we're all voting Spencer." They all say they can't waiver on all saying that the vote is going to be Ciera. I'm hoping for another Spencer hail mary here. Spencer has wanted to work with Savage so badly. He knows he's on the outs. Savage tells him the "fake" plan. Savage hates to do it, but no one is going to get in his way, he's there to play a game.

Ciera told Kass and Abit that she has a problem with Savage throwing out her name as the vote. Ciera says they would be dumb to not vote out Woo. Of course Kass is still all about voting out Spencer and getting revenge once again (still not sure why she hates him so much...I don't think he ever did anything to her...just being a smarter player?). However, she starts to think about it and wonders if there is another use for Spencer right now. So, she goes to have a talk with him. He says he doesn't want to rehash all of their past problems all over again. She said there is some stuff going on that could help him and he's not aware of what's going on. He said he wants to work with Savage. She said that was interesting because he wants Spencer as the target and said they should say the vote is Ciera. He is shocked. She said that her, Abi, Ciera, and him could vote Woo. Spencer said if he believes Kass (which he would have good reason to believe that she's feeding him a load of b.s.), he might just have to "bunk with the devil". Kass is now in the middle...whoever she votes will go home. Savage, Woo, and Wiglesworth are voting Spencer. Ciera, Abi, and Spencer are voting Woo. Yikes! Which player with 9 lives is going to be going home?

Tribal Council
Can you beleive we are 6 Tribals in and there are still some people who are getting their torch for the first time?! Lots of secure people thinking they know how the vote is going to go. Kass is coy about whether Chaos Kass or Calm Kass is at Tribal tonight. That should make everyone else nervous, because who knows what she might do. With Savage saying how confident he is, they should all just change their vote to him.

The Votes
Spencer's vote: "My fate lies in the hands of Chaos Kass. May God help me."


Whoa, a Woo blindside! Finally his scared looks are with good reason this time. Poor little Woo...he never stood a chance. Well, I guess I can never say that Kass never did anything for me. Thank you Kass for saving my Spencer.

And next week...they merge! Is it just me, or does that seem way too soon for that? There's 12 people left! OK, maybe that is about when they normally do it. I forgot about Terry also leaving this episode, so we technically lost 2 people.

Awe! What a nice update on Terry's son, Danny. It turned out he needed a heart transplant. He is doing well, praise God!

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