Monday, October 5, 2015

The Voice, Ep. 9.5

Blind Auditions: Part 5

Tonight's show will complete our 4 teams.

Team Adam

Dustin Monk, 27
Ooh, I really love his voice! Perfect tone, great range. He had a great growl, and power without screaming. He is really talented! Loved this performance.
Chair Turns: 2 (Adam and Blake)

Shelby Brown, 16
She looks like a young Adele. I can't think who her voice reminds me of. I can't believe she is only 16! What a big, booming voice! She had so much power, but she didn't yell or I'm a fan! She had great control and great range. She also gave a great visual performance. She seems like she's been doing this for years. Wow...really impressed!
Chair Turns: 4

Let me just say...Adam is back on his game this season! Plenty of 4-chair wins, and he got some of the absolute best talent this season! Last season, he got the shaft and all the good singers chose Pharrell over him...not this season! The montage of all his singers gave me goosebumps!

Team Blake

Dustin Christensen, 35
We haven't heard too many guys like him this season. He's got a very mature voice with some grit and growl to it. He had a really great performance.
Chair Turns: 4

Blaine Mitchell, 24
So, he's from Texas and loves country, so I didn't expect him to sing Train's "Drops of Jupiter"! It had a slight country flair to it, which was kind of cool. I really liked his performance a lot. His last high notes were incredible! He held them for so long, and they were so on-pitch! Loved this performance! I was getting so nervous because no one was turning around!
Chair Turns: 2 (Blake and Gwen; Adam couldn't turn)

I forgot how many good singers Blake ended up with. 

Team Gwen

Chase Kerby, 30
"The Scientist" by Coldplay is one of my all-time favorite songs. This was a beautiful rendition of the song. He is gorgeous to look at, but his voice is just as beautiful. I got some major goosebumps on that one! Wow...the richness of his tone was so perfect, but it was so light and golden at the same time. I wanted to hear so much more than that! I can't believe Gwen is the only one to turn around! I think if he auditioned earlier they would have all turned, but since they all only have 1 or 2 spots, they were being really picky,
Chair Turns: 1

Summer Schappell, 21
I do not care for the pukey color of purple or gray hair she has. And we have another country singer, believe it or not. She does have a really pretty voice.
Chair Turns: 2 (Gwen and Pharrell; Adam and Blake couldn't turn)

How interesting, when they showed Gwen's montage of singers, she has 2 girls with very odd colored purple hair. She has quite a few good singers, but she has a lot of girls with quirky, odd voices that I think will get annoying pretty quickly.

Team Pharrell

Amy Vachal, 26
Hate the song choice, and it didn't make me love her voice. I think on another song, I might like her. Her performance was a little sleepy to me.
Chair Turns: 3 (Blake, Gwen, Pharrell; Adam couldn't turn)

Sydney Rhame, 16
That is not what I would have expected. She has a very, very deep voice. Usually I don't care for girls with a deep voice like that, but she's really good! And she does have a range, and she didn't live in her bottom register for the whole song, which I really liked. She did a great job on that Ed Sheeran song. Beautiful! I love that Blake, Adam, and Gwen (whose teams were full) sat on the back of their chairs and peeked around the corner just to get a glimpse of her performance! I don't think that's ever been done before!
Chair Turns: 1 (Adam, Blake, and Gwen couldn't turn)

Pharrell has a very unique and ecclectic team.

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