Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Voice, Ep. 9.8 & 9.9

The Battle Round: Parts 3 & 4
Next week: The Knockouts

Team Adam

Cassaundra Robertson vs. Victor Kiraly
The Tony Rich Project's "Nobody Knows"
I so love this song, and boy does this take me back to junior high! I actually got goosebumps from their rehearsal, whoa! There is no question that I love Victor more than Cassaundra. She falls into the trap of "been there, heard that". She sounds like so many other singers who have come and gone...she's a great singer, but I'm not wowed by her in the least. I could listen to him sing all day. He has such a beautiful and soothing voice. This is a deep and sad song, and she just put way too much vibrato in it...it was just so over the top. You could hear the pain in Victor's voice, and it was just plain awesome! She was singing just way too loud and way too many runs. His performance was much more sincere. There were times that they blended beautifully, but he stole the show for me. Just wow!
WINNER: VICTOR (Whew! I am so glad Adam heard and appreciated the same thing I did! Way to go Adam!)

Andi & Alex vs. Chance Peña
The Calling's "Wherever You Will Go
What an interesting song choice, but I love it for them! It will be interesting to hear this song as a duet/trio. I just love the harmony of these girls. But I also really love Chance's voice. He has such great control, and his voice is just so smooth (something Pharrell also commented on). They sounded great as a trio. The girls didn't totally overpower Chance. He held his own, and it was really beautiful. I really don't know who I would pick here. I think I would take Chance and let Blake have the girls -- they belong on Team Blake, not Team Adam. 
STEAL: Blake steals Chance (OK, so I had it backwards)

Amanda Ayala vs. Shelby Brown
Stevie Nicks's "Edge of Seventeen"
They started out really strong in unison. I loved their harmony. This was a really great song choice for them (and the fact that they are both 17 is pretty cool, too). They definitely rocked it out! They were so evenly matched...I have no idea who Adam is going to pick. That whole performance was amazing!

Team Blake

Blaine Mitchell vs. Blind Joe
Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock n' Roll"
I like Blind Joes' voice more here than I did in his audition. But, there's something about Blaine that I really love. He's got a great voice, and he's not too bad to look at either. He's got a great range and a great stage presence. Blind Joe did great too, but I think Blaine's voice is more versatile. That was a rockin' performance, for sure.
STEAL: Adam steals Blaine! Woohoo! I was waiting for it! Adam got another good one!!!

Emily Ann Roberts vs. Morgan Frazier
Patty Lovelace's "I'm That Kind of Girl"
You can't get much more country than these two girls. What gave it away? Well, their thick country accents was kind of a dead giveaway. They're both just so cute! And I don't even mind the thick country accents. They really do have great voices. This was a great battle, and another one that is evenly matched. I don't think either one "won"...it was a tie for me. Vocally and performance-wise...they were just dead even.
STEAL: Pharrell steals Morgan

Cole Criske vs. Nadjah Nicole
Team Gwen

Chase Kerby Vs. Korin Bukowski
Regina Spektor's "Samson"
This song seems more in Korin's wheelhouse, because she has a voice similar to Regina Spektor (props to me for saying exactly that before Pharrell did). They both did a great job with the emotion of the song, and I liked the breaks in Chase's voice. Korin has a unique voice, but it's one of those that can be kind of annoying over time. I loved Chase's audition, and I loved him in this, so I'm hoping he wins or gets stolen. I think Gwen will probably go with the more unique Korin instead. Again, I think Chase would be more versatile because he can sing in his chest voice and in falsetto really well. Korin has one sound, and one sound only.
WINNER: KORIN (Boo! I knew it!)

Braiden Sunshine vs. Lyndsey Elm
Howard Jones's "No One Else To Blame"
I love this song. It's not one you would normally hear on a show like this, so it's very refreshing. That said, I just didn't love their performance. I can't quite put my finger on why. They both sounded great individually and together. Braiden stole the performance with his high run right at the end. That was amazing! I think she would be dumb to let someone like Braiden go (which means she probably will).

Hannah Ashbrook vs. Summer Schappell
Team Pharrell

Evan McKeel vs. Riley Biederer
Stevie Wonder's "Higher Ground"
This seems like one of the more odd pairings. I don't really think these 2 singers are very similar, and I don't really think the song suits either of them very well. It doesn't help that I'm not a fan of this song, or the fact that it gets so overdone on every singing competition. I think Riley hit some funky notes. She did have some nice runs, though. I think Evan pulled off this song a little better. While this battle was good, I wasn't wowed...I was kind of bored by it actually.
STEAL: Gwen steals Riley (another dumb move by Gwen...Riley was not a worthy steal, especially when someone like Blaine goes home instead)

Amy Vachal vs. Jubal & Amanda
The Bee Gees's "To Love Somebody"
I definitely like Amy's voice so much better on this song than on her completely snooze-worthy audition performance. Another great trio performance. Jubal & Amanda didn't completely overtake Amy - she was able to hold her own. I really enjoyed this performance. I'm not sure which way Pharrell will go on this one.

Daria Jazmin vs. Darius Scott

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