Monday, May 4, 2015

The Voice, Ep. 8.21 & 8.22

Top 6

India - Team Christina
"Glory" by John Legend
This song was unfamiliar to me, but I really liked it! India has definitely grown on me as the competition has progressed. She had a couple of bum notes that squeaked because she tried to sing them with too much force, but it was a powerful performance. She has slowly refined her singing to not be so operatic all the time, and it's much more enjoyable to listen to.
My Score: A-

"Lay Me Down" by Sam Smith
What is it with this song? First it was on Dancing with the Stars about an hour ago. It is not my favorite Sam Smith song, and it just keeps coming up everywhere. This was another good vocal performance, but she ventured back into the crazy runs and vibrato. I could have done with less of just became too busy.
My Score: B

Joshua Davis - Team Adam
"Desire" by U2
Joshua had a great song choice last week, but I think he blew it again. This was a mess. If he would have done it more acoustically, I think it could have worked, but the horns were so intrusive and out of place. It made it hard to listen to. This song did absolutely nothing for his voice at all. Not that we could even hear his voice because the horns and trombones were drowning him out. The constant repetition of the same notes was just too much. The end was a little bit better when he really started to let loose, but as a whole, this was not good.
My Score: C

"In My Life" by The Beatles
This is a much better song choice for him than his first ones. The stripped down songs allow us to really appreciate his voice. He doesn't need all the background instruments and vocals. This was really pretty and so sweet. His vocals especially, really sounded amazing on this song. He might have saved himself with this performance. Based just on the first song, he was for sure going home. I would love to have a guy sing this song to me :)
My Score: A

Koryn - Team Pharrell
"Everybody Hurts" by REM
Interesting song choice. At least she started out at a decent volume, so she had somewhere to grow to. I still wish she would stop shaking so much and she still needs to tone down that vibrato. But those pipes, man, she can really blow the house down. So much power comes out of that little body. I'm still not sure I see what everyone else sees with her...I think everyone is really over exaggerating just how good she is.
My Score: B+

"Dream On" by Aerosmith
Look out people, the scream factor is going to be at level 100. Get the ear plugs ready. This was surprisingly much better than I thought it would be. I loved how she handled that classic slide from the really low note up to the higher was so smooth. Dare I say, this might actually be my favorite performance from her! I think part of it was because she used her pure voice, with a lot of power, but she dropped the vibrato. This was kind of an epic performance. Wow!
My Score: A+

Kimberly - Team Christina
"Free Falling" by Tom Petty
I feel like I love her song choice every week, and every week, I seem to be surprised by the song choice. At this point, I shouldn't be surprised by all of her rock choices because that's clearly the kind of artist she wants to be. Another great performance from Kimberly. She proves the point that song choice is everything. Any other season, I would be annoyed by someone like her because of the big diva vocals. But she picks great songs, and that makes all the difference. She's not singing Whitney Houston and Patti LaBelle every week. Thank you, Kimberly, for proving that black girls can sing more genres than R&B.
My Score: A

"Dirty Diana" by Michael Jackson
This wasn't my favorite performance of hers. It was a little too screamy for me.
My Score: B

Meghan - Team Blake
"Steam Roller Blues" by James Taylor
Yuck, yuck, yuck. That's all I can say about this. She has GOT to pick better songs. I honestly don't know who in the world keeps voting for her. Vocally, she has a good voice, but she just does nothing for me performance-wise. I actually had to fast forward through to the end of the performance when she started screeching because I couldn't take it any more. And again, I have to ask: what kind of an artist does she want to be, because she is all over the place with her song choices.
My Score: C

"Amazing Grace"
Wow, completely a capella at the beginning. I think she should have just done the whole song that way. Very moving.
My Score: A

Sawyer - Team Pharrell
"Shine On" by Daisy May Erlewine
I love the story behind this song and what it means to him and his mom. This song was so obscure, it took me forever to even find who sang it on Google. I don't know this song, but I really liked it and it was so perfect for him. This was a beautiful performance.
My Score: A+

"Take Me To The River" by Talking Heads
This was a very different performance for him. He had some go-go dancers, and no guitar. It was very different, but it also surprisingly suited him very well! It was a lot of fun. It was nice to see him smile and have some fun. His voice sounded great.

The Results

Bottom 2: India (Team Christina) abd Kimberly (Team Christina)
Instant Save: India
Going Home: Kimberly

Wow! That's quite a shocker in my opinion. The vote couldn't have been any closer: 50-50. For starters, I really thought Joshua would be in the bottom, and would be going home for sure after last night. He had 1 good performance and a not-so-good performance, plus he had been in the bottom before. And who in the world keeps voting for Meghan and making her safe? She should have been in the bottom, and she should be the one close to going home. I really don't understand that one. Kimberly was seen as a frontrunner along with Sawyer and Koryn. I'm kind of sad to see her go because I really enjoy her performances.

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