Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Survivor, Ep. 30.13

Can I just say: Go Mike! Can he survive another day? I sure hope so! He's the last one worth rooting for. He truly deserves to win with the way he's played this game. He made one dumb move at the Survivor Auction, and it was a big mistake. But other than that, he's been smart and he's been a force to be reckoned with in challenges. With Tyler gone, he has an even better shot at winning immunity. Let's hope he can also find a hidden immunity idol that is rehidden because he played it at the last Tribal. If he works as hard to find this one as he did on the last one, he should be good to go.

Merica Camp
Dan said Mike pulled out the idol and that gives him 1 free pass. He said he has no plan to work with Mike because he is arrogant. He thinks the 5 of them can take Mike out. Carolyn doesn't trust Dan or his advantage. She said she needs Mike as an option if something bad happens with Dan.Carolyn shared the details of what Dan's advantage actually is. That shows some trust on her part to share that with him. And then in her ITM, she says that if Mike doesn't win immunity he is gone. So, she basically only wants to work with him if voting him out isn't an option.

Reward Challenge
2 teams of 3 race through obstacles, untie knots to release a doorway, then chop the rope to release puzzle pieces. The pieces have letters and they are completing a phrase. First to complete the puzzle wins.

Reward: take a helicopter ride and then surf and turf.

Rodney makes a plea to go on the reward. Jeff comments that it is called a "reward" because you earn it. Mike said all he could say was "win".

Dan, Sierra and Rodney (blue) vs. Carolyn, Mike and Will (red)

Blue in the lead with the doorway released. In 2 chops, Dan gets through the first rope and with 2 chops Mike gets the next one. Red is catching up, as they are both working on the puzzle.

Mike puts up a barrier so the other tribe can't look and cheat. 30 minutes in and the 2 teams are completely stumped. It's now 45 minutes! Wow...I don't think we've ever seen so many people so confused! It's now an hour - the longest word puzzle in Survivor history! Jeff keeps trying to give hints all over the's not sinking in to anyone! Finally it clicks for Carolyn and she knows what it is. The blue side is still clueless...and Rodney is shut out again!

Carolyn stared over at the other side, as she debates whether or not to honor her word to give her reward to Rodney. She ultimately decides to keep it. She hopes he doesn't take it personally...that she has been on every reward except for one...and he has been on none.


It just hit me, just how much weight Will has lost. All of a sudden, his face is extremely thin! His chest and belly are disintigrating in front of us.

Mike pitched that he, Carolyn and Will should be the final 3. One of each original tribe would be represented. Carolyn was intrigued. Will was concerned because Mike could win every immunity and he is the biggest threat. Mike had one request: do not let Rodney win the game.

Merica Camp
Rodney said surf and turf is his favorite meal...of course it is. Again he said Carolyn screwed him on his birthday and she went back on her word again today.

Dan was hungry and went looking for food. He said he found some kind of fruit, but he had no idea what it was or if it was any good. Whew! I was worried that he was going to get some crazy idea to go look for the idol while the 3 were at the reward and the other 2 were resting.

The food did some good for Rodney and it made him feel "some type of way". He said he felt like he got a reward, it was "like the whole enchilada for Rodney". He said he felt like the old him was back and he was out for revenge, so watch out...and this was just after 1 piece of fruit! He's coming "full force, you better watch out baby". Haha!

Mike told Sierra that Dan can only beat Will and Rodney. He said they aren't taking her to the end. Of course she knows she will lose to Mike, so unless he wins immunity, he's still going next.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: throw a grappling hook to retrieve 3 bags with a ball in it. Use 1 ball to solve a rotating/balancing table maze. I can tell already I'm going to be a nervous wreck for Mike. Let's just hope for a blowout...leave 'em all in the dust Mike!

Dan gets his first bag, Will and Mike each get their first. Sierra is the first to get her 2nd, followed by Mike. Mike has #3! He is the first to the maze. Rodney just hooked himself with his hook! That was  hilarious!

Dan is the next to get to the maze. And Rodney again swings his rope right into the dirt at his feet. That is too funny!

Mike keeps dropping over and over and Dan is catching up. I don't know if he is just rushing and overcompensating trying to stay ahead of Dan or what. Finally Dan drops. Mike has slowed way down and is really taking his time. Dan is getting frustrated when his ball drops. Dan is rushing. Sierra and Will are on the maze now as well. Carolyn and Rodney are still with the hooks. Safe to say neither of them are going to have any chance to win this one.

Mike's ball is in and out of the final spot like 5 times. There is a hole that is so close, and I couldn't even watch for fear it was going to fall through the hole and he would have to start over. Sierra made it to the inner circle, and it was so close between her and Mike...but Mike pulled it off! Much to the dismay of the other 5...they now cannot vote for Mike and they HAVE to vote for one of their own. Who's it going to be? It better be Dan, that's all I have to say.

Merica Camp - Pre-Tribal
Let the scrambling begin! Dan: "GOOD LORD this guy is unbeatable!"

Dan said that Carolyn should be the next on the chopping block. Sierra, Rodney and Will all agree. Sierra tells Dan that they are saying him...just so he's aware that his name is being talked about. Nice job, Sierra. That girl just can't keep her mouth shut.

Dan leaves, Mike and Carolyn come in, and they all say that Dan should go. So, Will, Rodney and Sierra are all playing both sides.

Mike tells Dan that "your alliance is gunning for you". Mike said he could save him. Dan was appalled, and says, screaming "HE HAD THE UNMITIGATED GALL TO SAY I COULD SAVE YOU." He said Mike was giving him no evidence. He just really can't stand Mike can he?

Dan approaches Carolyn and Sierra. He showed them that Rodney and Dan were sleeping in the shelter, and that means that they feel like they are safe. Mike said he thinks the guys are together and they are voting for Carolyn. She doesn't know if she can trust Mike. She wants to believe the guys are voting for Dan. Now she's torn on whether or not she should play her idol. She obviously doesn't want to use it if they stay true to their word and vote Dan. But if she's wrong and they vote for her, she's going to be taking that idol home as a souvenir if she's not careful.

Tribal Council
Rodney really is losing it...he is making no sense. Dan continues to make an idiot of himself.

Again, I have no idea who is going home!

The Votes
"Excuse me....", says Dan...he said he'd like to play his advantage, because he didn't want to go home withough having used it.

Carolyn said she's not taking a chance, she decided she wasn't going to go home, and she decided WISELY to play her idol. Obviously, if it was a tie, Dan's extra vote would put her over the edge.

Carolyn - doesn't count
Carolyn - doesn't count
Carolyn - doesn't count
Carolyn - doesn't count
Carolyn - doesn't count

Woohoo! Way to go Mama C! Just look at that, they all were against her. I'm guessing her vote and Mike's vote were the ones for Dan? That shows where the lines were drawn! I am SO GLAD to be done with Dan! His attitude was really starting to get to me! I didn't think they were ever going to vote him out! Will is next...Will needs to go! But everyone knows they can beat him, so he will most likely go to the end with whoever takes him.

The finale next week looks like it's going to be a good one!

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