Monday, June 23, 2014

The Bachelorette, Ep. 10.6

Location: Venice and Verona, Italy

Andi meets the guys and tells them the first date starts now. Everyone in the group, including Cody, is totally expecting Cody to get this one-on-one because he is now the only guy in the group to not have a one-on-one date yet. Shocker...Andi picks Nick.

1 on 1 Date: Nick
She chose him before Cody because she has a lot of questions about Nick after what happened last week. She wants to make sure that she still has the same feelings for him now. 

As the weeks go by, I like Nick less and less. Now we have to watch a whole one-on-one date with him? Yawn. He's so dull! 

The day part of the date consisted of them walking around Venice, going into shops, trying some food and going on a gondola ride. A few smooches along the way, but no real conversation whatsoever. I'm seriously falling asleep here.

Dinner in a huge hall with painted ceilings. Andi thinks he looks like a prince in his tux. Um, no. She dives right into a rehashing of their last conversation about his saltiness on their group dates, and the negative comments from the other guys. He said he was hurt by the comments and doesn't like the "front-runner" stuff. She asks him if he thinks he's a front-runner. He pauses and says he doesn't like that word. He said he doesn't want to think about anyone else having a connection like what they have. He appreciates that she can speak openly about her concerns and ask tough questions. Then he said he is definitely falling in love with her. She is glad that he owned up to what he said, and she thinks that her first impressions about him were right. 

She offers him the rose and he accepts. Cue the music...literally. OK, so there's a fancy dinner...let me guess, there's going to be a private concert for the 2 of them. OK, not quite this time, but since they are in a masquerade ballroom, she gives him a mask and she takes one as well, and they walk out to the courtyard, guessed it...a private performance by an instrumental band.

Secret Admirer Letter #3
Andi receives another letter from her secret admirer (SPOILER: it's Chris).

Group Date: Brian, Chris, Dylan, JJ, Josh, Marcus
They watch a marionette show, and then head to a castle with armor and swords. As Chris says, it's "not very romantic".

Andi says that she has told them that she has wanted them to be honest from the beginning. She now has 2 of Italy's best lie detector test administrators. Now THIS is something new and interesting.

Andi said that she wants them all to know that she is also honest and looking for the truth, so she will go first, because honesty is a 2-way street.

The guys are all, understandably, nervous. But, I have to think that, if you don't have anything to hide, then you shouldn't be that nervous. Josh and Chris seemed especially worried. Josh even asked the guys "how accurate are these things?" Someone answered "pretty accurate".

1) Have you ever cheated on a test? -- Yes
2) Are you here for the right reasons? -- pause Yes
3) Do you believe you can fall in love with Andi? -- long pause Yes

1) Are you ready for marriage? -- Yes
2) Have you slept with over 20 women? -- Yes
3) Do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom? -- No

Dylan felt awful after his test. He said he didn't think he was going to make it for the rest of the date. I thought he just felt bad about his answers to his questions. He grabbed Andi and wanted to let her know that he was going to go back to the hotel. She said she felt bad that he wasn't feeling well, and asked him what hurts. Like a child who couldn't speak, he put his hand on his chest/stomach and his head. What was that all about?

1) Do you prefer blondes to brunettes? -- No
2) Are you ready for marriage? -- Yes

1) Are you here for the right reasons? -- Yes
2) Are you good in bed? -- Yes

1) Do you want kids? -- Yes

1) Have you lied to Andi? -- No
2) Are you here for the right reasons? -- Yes
3) Are you Andi's secret admirer? -- Yes

Chris was hoping to tell Andi in a romantic setting that he was the secret admirer. But, with her knowing the results of the tests, that ruined his whole plan.

The Results
3 men told 0 lies
1 man told 2 lies
2 men told 3 lies
Andi told 2 lies

Josh said he didn't need to see what she lied about. Brian was eager to open the envelope. The test showed that she lied about Italy being her favorite country in the world, and she said "Yes" to the question "Do you think all the guys are here for the right reasons?" To be fair, she hesitated on both questions, and that would be hard to say one way or the other.

Andi couldn't decide if she should look at the results or not. As much as she wanted to know who lied 3 times and who is here for the right reasons. Ultimately, she decided to rip up the results to show them that she trusts them and that she's there to find out who they are in the most authentic way possible.

Cocktail party time on the group date. Andi is hoping that the guys will own up to the lies that they told.

Brian gives her his hand and puts her hand on his heart. He said she didn't see the results of his lie detector, and he wants her to ask him any questions she wants. When she asked him if his name was Brian, his face got all red and he laughed. He said his heart was racing because she was next to him. She asked if he's ever lied to a girlfriend. He said "no", twice. Andi wondered why he said it twice. She asked if he's ever told a girl she looked good when she didn't. He said "yes". She then goes back to her earlier question of "have you ever lied to a girl?" He laughed, and said "yes". Clever one Andi! She caught him on that one! He then asks her questions. Have you ever been in love? She said "yes". I think that was a pretty good one-on-one for him.

The guys talk about who the secret admirer is. Chris says he doesn't know and wonders why someone would do that.

Marcus tells Andi that before his one-on-one date, he told the guys that he might want to leave. He said the situation just wasn't for him, and it was hard for him to deal with the other guys all going for her. He decided to stick around and he's glad he did. He told her that he is in love with her (again).

Josh tells her that he really didn't think the lie detector test was fun. He said he felt like she didn't trust him. He said he hoped she would find out things on her own. She is wondering why he's having such a strong reaction to the test. He said if she didn't trust him, then he shouldn't be there. She started getting really defensive like she has when she's been put on the spot by others (Eric). She's now wondering who's really being honest with her. She is now thinking that she should have looked at the results.

Chris opened up and said that he hasn't been fully honest with her. She starts smiling, because she already knows what he's going to say. She said she knew it. He said that everything that he wrote in those letters was true. 

Back at the hotel, Dylan tells Cody what they did on the group date. Cody said that of all the people in the house, Nick should be the one to take the lie detector test, because he's not a good guy, and he's fake. Cody vows to show Andi, the "real Cody" on their date.

Group Date Rose: Chris
After Andi leaves, Josh congratulates Chris on getting the rose (even though he's not happy to see someone else get it). JJ addressees the group and says he doesn't think they should be congratulating people on getting roses and getting one-on-one dates. He's actually kind of sick of it. He said it's getting very hard for him to get excited for other people's successes. Other people getting roses just means that those who don't get a rose are more likely to go home and not be the one with her at the end. Chris asked, "what's the alternative, we just don't speak to each other?" Chris told him to just do his own thing, and if he wants to be sour grapes, then go ahead. You tell him Chris!

1 on 1 Date: Cody
Cody said her relationship with Cody is the furthest behind, and that's why she's waited so long to take him on a one-on-one. But did she ever think that by having the one-on-one, things might either progress faster, or she would know that he isn't the one.

Cody said he's going to pull out all his tricks, and he's going to make her fall in love with him. They are in Verona, and he is ready to be her Romeo.

They go to the Club de Giulietta, where they receive letters written to Juliet (just like in the movie "Letters to Juliet"). They sit down to read some letters and help answer some of the letters. Chris reads a letter that sounds an awful lot like Cody's situation on the show right now. Who planted that letter in there? He answered the letter, and read what he wrote. He actually had a lot of really good pieces of advice and it was really well-written.

Dinner in a courtyard is next. Cody said that their letter writing date, made him want to write a letter. So, he wrote a letter to Juliet. He read it to her. It was such a good letter! We are seeing such a different side to him on this date! She was so pleased over how sweet the letter was. She was smiling and happy. He said that he has never felt like this before and he can't wait to get to know her more. All good things right? Well, he must have said something that she didn't like, because her smile quickly turned into her signature pout/ when she's being argued with. You can tell this isn't going to end well. He keeps talking and saying all the right things, while she gets antsy and fidgity. Just stop him if you've got something to say Andi! He says he wants her to meet his family, and he wants her to come to Chicago. She now looks like she's going to cry and she has her arm propped up on the table with her elbow and her head is resting on her hand. She looks devastated. He says "the longer you keep me around, the more you're in trouble, because the more you're gonna like me." Finally, she's had enough of this (apparently) awfulness and she says "just stop". She said that right now they have a friendship and she doesn't know if there could be more or not. She said the reason she brought him on this date was to find out if there was something there. She doesn't think there is. She's now weeping, and she says she can't do this to him and she doesn't want to hurt him by taking him to next week. She said the right thing to do is to not drag it out for him. Gotta hand it to her for being honest. She said she doesn't feel deserving of all the things he's said and done and she feels like she's taken it for granted.

So with that, she says goodbye to Cody. He's says "you're killing me, you're killing me". 

Cocktail Party
Dylan's ready to make an aggressive move to get the first one-on-one time since he missed out on their group date. But guess's Nick! And he already has a rose! That's like Rule #1! That's not going to win him any points with the rest of the guys, that's for sure. Barely 2 words, and he just grabs her and kisses her. "Good job, Nick" she says. She definitely respected his move. The guys told Dylan to just go and interrupt them. He does so, but we don't even see their time together.

Chris calls Nick's move an arrogant move since he already had a rose. Josh said he wanted to talk to her first, too. 

Each of the guys are pretty much laying their feelings all on the table in their alone time.

Josh wants to make sure they are on the same page. She said he made her feel bad for what she had chosen for the date. It was the same thing again, about how he trusts her and he wants her to trust him. She says she does, and he gets a little defensive and raises his voice a little, just like before. I'm not sure he got his thoughts across to her the way he wanted to.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations (1, but 2 eliminated total): JJ (Cody eliminated on 1-on1)
Remaining Guys (6): Brian, Chris, Dylan, Josh, Marcus, Nick

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