Monday, June 16, 2014

The Bachelorette, Ep. 10.5

Marseille, France
One minute into the show and we get our first "Staaahp" from Andi. Oh boy...

1 on 1 Date: Josh
Josh and Andi walk around the city, saying "merci, merci". 

Next, they take a boat sailing. Andi wants to dig deeper and see if there is more to him than the stereotypical ball player that she's dated in the past. And by digging deeper, she must have meant by making out. He said the main reason he stopped playing ball was because he wants to have a family. 

Andi is worried that the only thing she has with him is physical chemistry...which is what she had with Juan Pablo. And because that obviously didn't work out, she's worried about Josh too.

Dinner was at a palace. The conversation centered on her first impressions of him and judging him right away as an athlete, and athletes often aren't faithful. He opened up to Andi and told her that he had actually been cheated on by his girlfriend. She listened to her friends who said he was probably cheating on her, and she ended up going out and making out with someone else. I have to say, I really like this side of Josh. Now that he's not all giddy and blushing, and totally nervous, he showed that he can have a normal conversation. 

What night wouldn't be complete without a private concert by Ben Fields. Shocker! He must not have ever seen the show before. He was so caught off guard, because he thought the night was over and couldn't believe that they could possibly have a private concert just for them. The music put a spell on him, just like it did with Marcus. I thought he might actually drop the l-bomb on her too, but he didn't

No question, he received a rose, and he couldn't have had  bigger smile on his face when she offered it to him. 

Group Date: Andrew, Chris, Cody, Dylan, JJ, Marcus, Marquel, Nick, Patrick
It's time to mime! The point of this date is to communicate non-verbally.

The guys are performing, and the crowd could really care less. Marquel was trying to get the kids involved. JJ reenacted his first date with Andi, which she appreciated. What she didn't appreciate was Nick's sulky attitude. He did not want to be there, mostly because it was a group date. The guys urged him to get out there and do something, but he wasn't really having any of it. What a party pooper.

After that embarrassment, JJ is the first to steal Andi away. He took her up on a huge ferris wheel. 

The rest of the guys attack Nick for the way he has been arrogant and smug around the rest of them. They think that he thinks he's the front runner. Andi walks in on the conversation, and takes Chris for one-on-one. She asks him what's going on, and he hesitatingly said that the someone didn't handle the whole Eric thing well (meaning Nick running to be the one to comfort her). Back at the couches, Cody and Nick get into it.

Andi said she already wanted to talk to Nick about his attitude on the one-on-one date, but by Chris saying something, she really thought she needed to address this. She said Chris is one of the nicest guys, and for him to say something, really meant that something wasn't right. 

Cody said right away that Nick made fun of him for being thankful to be there. He said he was kind of making fun of him. 

Finally, it's time to talk to Nick. He said he really had fun today. Really? She said he seemed salty. I'm still not sure what that means. She said she can tell that it's not his cup o' tea. She said she doesn't like to watch him on group dates because of how he acts. She asked him how everything else was going and trying to get him to talk about what was going on. He hesitated, and she pulled a good one on him. She asked him if she was his wife, would he tell her. Touche! He said "fair enough", and then said that he thought Cody was mad for him mocking him. He said he told him he was wrong and apologized to him. She said she liked that he owned what he did, but she said he downplayed it. She took that as a little bit manipulative. Later, Nick said he wasn't the secret admirer, but he wrote her a letter, which he read to her. That pretty much made her forget about everything. She asked him if he was going to kiss her or what. So now she's stuck. She really likes him, but now it's complicated because she's not sure about some of his actions with her and the other guys. 

Marcus tells Andi again that he is falling in love with her. 

Drama with the Guys
JJ told Marquel that he overheard Andrew saying after the first Rose Ceremonies, that he was surprised that Andi gave roses to the 2 "blackies". JJ wasn't sure if he heard "blackies" or "black guys". Either way, Marquel wasn't too happy. He wondered if he should confront him. or not. They all agreed that Andrew would just deny it or say something really stupid. My question is, if this happened at the first Rose Ceremony, why is JJ just now talking about it? That was weeks ago!

Marquel chose the group date to talk to Andrew. And he didn't just pull him aside, which would have been the smart thing. He brings it up in front of everyone, and says he doesn't need any of them to chime in. If that's the case, why are you doing it in front of everyone? When Marquel tells Andrew what he said and why it was offensive. Andrew just laughed and said it was absurd. Marquel said he said no such thing, and he thinks of him as a friend. He said what he was told was completely wrong. Marquel told him that he just wanted to make sure that everyone knew he wouldn't stand for talk like that. He appreciated what he said, and he wasn't going to spend time worrying about who was telling the truth.

Andrew is last to talk to Andi, and he talks about being attacked and it makes him question whether he wants to be in this "competition". 

Group Date Rose: JJ

1 on 1 Date: Brian
She takes him for a walk around the city. They end up at a movie theater, and they watch The Hundred Foot Journey. In the movie, the characters do a lot of cooking. So, after the movie, Andi said they should go to the market and get the same ingredients that they did in the movie, and then go back to her apartment and cook. I have to say, that's actually a pretty cool idea for a date. Along the way, they try some sea urchin..yuck!

It's time to cook, and he is very lost. He suddenly was very quiet and she was getting a weird vibe from him. I think he was just so nervous. He told her he didn't know how to cook, but wow, it was like he was on the mime date. She felt very uncomfortable, and this was not how she thought things were going to go. She felt like he was so far away from where he was during the first part of their date. It was very visible, it was like he flipped a switch. It was very strange.

The meal was ready, and neither of them were impressed, so they decided to go out for real food. Suddenly, now he seems back to himself again. Now he regrets that he didn't make a move with her. Again with the regrets. Last time it was the missed kiss after the half court shot, and now he had a whole day with her and he blew half of it.

At the end of the date, she's still willing to give him a chance to continue to build what they have. She offers him the rose.

Rose Ceremony
The guys are looking forward to talking to Andi...which of course means...she doesn't need to have a Cocktail party tonight. She was so sure that she wanted to send 3 guys home and there was no need to talk to any of them.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations (3): Andrew, Marquel, Patrick
Remaining Guys (8): Brian, Chris, Cody, Dylan, JJ, Josh, Marcus, Nick

I have to say, I'm really going to miss Marquel! I really started to like him. He had me at his Seinfeld black and white cookie reference. On the flipside, I am NOT sad to see Andrew and Patrick go. How fitting is it that the closet couple, Andrew and Patrick leave at the same time. I don't think that one would have been able to stay without the other. Now, they can just be together. In the end, Patrick can say he ended up with an "Andy"...just not the one you would think.

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