Saturday, June 28, 2014

BBUK 15: Week 3 Recap

Week 3 Recap

Big Brother Prisoners
Mark and Pauline are the Prison Guards. What they don't know is, the prisoners have been told by Big Brother to sneak things past the guards. Some people are in charge of distracting the guards, while the others sneak to the evidence room to steal evidence. Then, they have to hide what they stole around the house. The first job is to  peel potatoes. Finally, Big Brother announced that that wasn't the real task. Pauline and Mark now have to find what was hidden. Whatever is not found, they are allowed to keep. Along with the items, they won some exercise equipment, a takeaway and some massage oils.

The Power Couple are given the opportunity to Veto 3 of their housmates' nominations. Their nominations will not count. Toya and Matthew choose Steven, Marlon, and Ash.

Christopher -- Chris and Marlon
Winston -- Danielle and Kimberly
Danielle -- Chris and Ash
Kimberly -- Chris and Marlon
Helen -- Danielle and Chris
Mark -- Chris and Danielle
Jale -- Steven and Ash
Chris -- Steven and Winston
Ashleigh -- Ash and Winston

Vetoed Nominations that don't count:
Ash -- Danielle and Chris
Steven -- Danielle and Chris
Marlon -- Ashleigh and Kimberly

Chris = 5 nominations
Danielle and Ash = 3 nominations
Winston, Steven and Marlon = 2 nominations

When Big Brother announced the nominations, he included Kimberly's name...that is because of the vetoed nominations. Big Brother said that Toya and Matthew vetoed Ash, Steven and Marlon. By process of elimination, they can figure out who nominated Kimberly.

As a result of this, a huge fight ensues among all of the housemates. First it's Winston and Toya, then it's Ash and Toya. And then back to Toya and Winston. Helen and Ashleigh physically dragged Toya to the bathroom. Matthew was left to try to rationally defend and explain their decision with the group. I thought he handled himself really well.

Toya addressed everyone and said that her and Matt didn't even get to vote, and they were hoping that people's true colors would come out. And that's exactly what happened. She then blew up in the Diary Room. She said if Ash tries to apologize, she will pack up her bags because she will blow up. And she thinks they are childish? Her biggest complaints were that Ash called her a Prick (which was after she screamed at the group to "calm the f*** down!") and with Winston just being a childish idiot who pees on the toilet seat.

The next day, Toya tells Big Brother that if Marlon stays after eviction, she will leave the house. She said there is no chance of reconciliation between her, Marlon, Winston and Ash; "it's not gonna happen." Meanwhile the guys have had enough of her as well, and they can't even look at her.

Power Couple Save

Toya and Matthew are given the opportunity to save one of the people that are nominated. They get to see the nominated housemates' VTs to help make their decisions. I'm afraid they did not help Toya's impression of them. Later, they go to the Power Pod and Big Brother gives them earpieces and a secret screen. They can now listen in on people's conversations. They listen in to Helen and Marlon talking. Helen thinks Steven might go home this week. They are now thinking that they should save Steven.

They ultimately decide to save Steven because they think he needs time to prove himself, and they don't think he deserves to be up. Their reign as the Power Couple is now over.

BUT, now Steven's safety comes with a price. He has to choose either Matthew or Toya to take his place! Wow! What a twist! He picks Toya. That was a pretty easy decision I think.

Memory Test
The house is in on the joke against Christopher, Danielle, and Mark. They are to make their partner remember a number. Winston, Ashleigh and Ash are the ones who pretended to memorize.

Christopher thinks Ashleigh has to remember numbers of hard boiled eggs. She calls out 9, 7, 11 and 13 and of course because there are no hard boiled eggs, each one he breaks on his head completely cover him in raw egg. Ashleigh played the part and looked like she was really trying to remember.

Danielle and Ash are up next. When he calls out a number she has to stick her face in oatmeal to try to find something hidden. Yuck!

Winston and Mark up next. Mark gets dumped with bright pink paint! Ha ha! He did every one of them! "Winston you need to think about which one it is!!!!" Ha ha! Mark was NOT happy!

Big Brother announced that the actual test was a test of trust and they passed because all of the tricked housemates trusted their partners with trying all of the numbers they said...even after they were wrong time after time.

Late Night Pranks
Some housemates thought it would be funny to put flour in the hair dryers. Big Brother tells Mark that because of safety concerns, Big Brother can't turn on the appliances this morning. Mark freaks out!!! He runs out of the DR on a rampage against those who were messing around. He started screaming and pacing around. Then he threw himself on the couch in tears. Oh Mark...if there's one thing I hope he gets out of being on this show, I hope it's to learn to live with change and not freak out about the smallest things!

Shopping Task
Housemates will be called in 3 at a time. They will be asked Yes or No questions. If they all 3 answer Yes, they earn 10 points. If they all say No, they earn 5 points. If they answer differently, they earn 0 points.

Group 1: Ash, Matthew, Kimberly -- Will you twerk it? They all say yes, and then must twerk! = 10 points
Group 2: Marlon, Ash, Winston -- Would you like to see which housemates have nominated you? They all smack YES!! I think they might have broken the buttons! = 10 points
Group 3: Jale, Christopher, Chris -- Will you serenade a fellow housemate with a karaoke classic? They all said Yes = 10 points (They sang One Directions "What Makes You Beautiful"; Christopher sang to Toya, Jale sang to Marlon and Chris...sang to Winston! lol)
Group 4: Steven, Danielle, Toya -- Will you eat Big Brother's brilliant breakfast? They all said Yes (Poor Danielle, why does she always get all the gross things? Steven threw up before even eating anything) Even though they all said Yes, no one could eat the gross egg, cheese and fish omelet, so they got 0 points
Group 5: Ashleigh, Mark, Christopher
For theirs, they were given an action of one of their housemates and they all have to guess who it was.
--Who sold her ex-boyfriend's things on eBay? Answer: Toya --they all got it right
--Which housemate said their super power would be invisibility so they could go to a Justin Bieber concert? Answer: Chris -- only Mark got it right
--Which housemate claims to have never read a book in their life? Answer: Steven --all got it wrong
--Which housemate would rather have money than love and would rather have a lonely in a ferrari than a in love in a banger? Answer: Marlon -- only Ashleigh got it right
--Which housemate said their ideal night in would be to have a threesome with 2 models and watch a film with chocolate and sweets? Answer: Winston -- they all got it right
--Which housemate was booted out of her home for doing exorcisms in every room? Answer: Jale -- they all got it right

Results of the Shopping Task -- in order to pass, their number of points has to surpass what was in Big Brother's Brain Box. They earned 49 points. The number they needed was 55, which means they fail. They now have to live off a basic budget. Marlon and Winston blamed the 3 who didn't eat the breakfast.

Helen's Formal Warning
Helen AGAIN was warned about her horrible behavior in the house. She had a big blowup with Matthew, in which she called him some really horrible names and was very threatening. Because this is the 2nd time Big Brother has had to talk to her about this, she FINALLY received a formal warning. Here's to hoping she does something again and Big Brother throws her out! That's the only way we're going to be rid of her since she has that ridiculous pass to the finals. What was Pauline thinking giving that to her?

Steven's Mission
Steven loves to use big words, so Big Brother gave him a task. Big Brother will give him some made up words, and he has 45 minutes to use as many as he can and work them into conversations about other housemates. He has to get them to believe that they are real words.

1st word: hyperdimentionalistic "a person who has different opinions around different people" (Kim)
2nd word; krobotic "a person who is like a robot and shows little emotion" (Matthew)
3rd word: fhrosty "a spooky person"? ...I couldn't really tell what he was saying with all that apple in his mouth... (Jale)
4th word: churpellent "a person who talks shit" (Marlon)
5th word: fidiotic "when you fake how stupid you are" (Winston)

Big Brother gives him a reward of a special dinner for successfully getting 5 housemates to believe him.

The crowd chants "Get Toya out! Get Toya out!" Ash gets quite a lot of boos, while Winston gets the biggest cheers of the night.

And it's Toya! Toya has been evicted. She actually screamed in delight. She said it was her time, and she had said early in the week that if Marlon wasn't voted out she would leave, so she got what she wanted.

Good riddance. I liked her at the very beginning but this last week, she's been ridiculous, and she needed to go.

Ash has some work to do next week, or he'll be next to go. He needs to get himself away from Helen.

Big Brother tells Helen, Ashleigh, Kimberly, Danielle, and Jale to stand up. This week all the girls are in power. All the girls are safe from eviction this week and will have all the power. I wonder if they did this on purpose because the first 3 people evicted have all been evicted.

All of the boys will be nominated. The girls will be able to save some of the boys.

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