Thursday, June 26, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.2 (Night 2 Premiere)

Tonight we see the rest of our houseguests move into the Big Brother house. How will they be received by the current houseguests? We'll see soon enough. Will they immediately make 100 different alliances like the first 8? Probably. Let's just hope we get some more creative names.

Here we go!

Group 2, first impressions:
Victoria Rafaeli -- looks like she will use her looks to her advantage
Caleb Reynolds -- cute country boy; a better looking Judd
Brittany Martinez -- looks way too young to have 3 kids
Christine Brecht -- very quirky and nerdy, but she looks like a total game player
Derrick Levasseur -- his cop experience and skills are going to help him in the game
Jocasta Odom -- why the bowtie, why? is it surgically attached to her body? why else would she wear it ALL the time?
Zach Rance -- so cute! reminds me a lot of Dan Gheesling
Hayden Voss -- this season's David, but let's hope he's not quite as stupid and annoying

Before entering the house, Julie informs them of the first twists.

1st group of 4 to enter the house: Jacosta, Christine, Hayden and Caleb
2nd group of 4 to enter the house: Victoria, Brittany, Derrick and Zach


Caleb loves Amber (she's taking a big bite of his cake...whatever that means). Hayden is hilarious and he's totally starstruck by John Travolta (Cody) and The Rock (Devin). He referred to himself as Spicoli (from Fast Times at Ridgemont High)...and he totally does look like him!

Devin knows he has his alliances, but he's also looking to work with some of the new people to make sure he has all of his bases covered.

Zach totally reminds me of a perfect combination of Alec and Peter (The Sheyld) from Big Brother Canada Season 1. He looks like Alec and sounds like Peter.

Frankie and Victoria hit it off right away because they both love pink and are both from Florida.

Joey loves Christine.

Just as Derrick said in his interview before entering the house, he lied about being a police officer. He said he works in parks and recreation (which he did when he was younger). This is either a really smart move, or, if he's found out, a really bad move. He seems likable enough and has a nice story about being a husband and daughter, so he might be able to get away with his story.

Donny is in trouble because he can't even remember the first 7 houseguests' names. He is too funny! Now, he is impressing the house with his cricket whistle. His strategy is to distract them. It totally worked because they were all trying it. He wants them to say "Donny is funny" not "Donny is good at this game." Very smart, Donny. Very smart!

Why is Caleb so intense! Yikes! He looks like he's going to have a Hantz meltdown. He is giving off a very strange, intimidating vibe. I don't know if that's just who he is, or if he's playing a character.

Zach has lots of questions for Frankie, and his approach is a little rude. I think he forgot who was HOH already. OK, I change my first impression of him being like Dan. He's definitely not smart enough to be a all.

HOH Competition #2: Over the Coals
Unlike the first group, this group is straddling the log and holding on with their arms and legs as they are slowly rolled over a "fire".

Derrick doesn't use the handles, he is bear hugging this thing! His hands are clasped...he's going nowhere. Donny on the sidelines is glad he doesn't have to do this one. The girls were having fun eyeing the guys' butts as they spun around and around.

Victoria is about to faint and she says she's too pretty to blackout. Seriously, Victoria? She's out first. Frankie is bummed because he wanted her to win it.

Cue the barbecue sauce. Gross! That's much worse than the sunscreen the other group got. Brittany lost it soon after being sprayed.

Jacosta goes down, followed by Christine and Zach...with a completely fake fall.

Derrick also falls purposely. He wanted to prove that he could compete, but not make himself a target. Mission accomplished. And his fall was a little more believable than Zach's.

Everyone thinks Caleb is a beast...that's bad for him. He doesn't care about a target on his back, he wants to win it. That's bad. This kid needs to brush up on his Big Brother strategy. Devin wants to team up with him because he looks like a machine.

Nicole is scared of the boys left on the log because they look like zombies dripping with blood. That probably doesn't help her fear of ghosts.

Hayden drops and Caleb wins the 2nd HOH.

Twists Explained
Julie gathers the houseguests to tell them the new twists for the season. Obviously, we all know that there are 2 HOHs. Those 2 HOHs will each nominate 2 people. The 4 nominees will play in a new competition called "The Battle of the Block".

Frankie and Caleb now look terrified and like they might have just wet themselves right now.

The winners (playing as teams of 2, it sounds like) will dethrone the HOH who nominated them...which means...they are now back in the pool with the rest of the houseguests. An HOH can now go from being HOH to being evicted. Julie said this, but I'm trying to think how that will be possible all in the same week. Yes, they are no longer HOH, but that doesn't mean they are automatically nominated. The other 2 nominated houseguests who lost the Battle of the Block will be the remaining nominees who would face eviction. UNLESS, they are still planning to have the Veto competitions, which, if the ex-HOH wouldn't win that, he/she could be put up as a replacement nominee. That's really the only way I see that working.

Team America
As announced last night, this twist involves America voting for a secret alliance. There will be 3 members. America will vote throughout the season on tasks to have the alliance members complete. For each task completed successfully, they will each earn $5,000.

Joey received the most votes, so she is the first member of the alliance.

Anyone else kind of surprised that Joey was the one who got the most votes? I thought for sure it would be Donny. He seemed to be an early fan favorite. Some people thought it might be Frankie. I'm glad it's not...although that could have been fun to watch. Who knows, there are still 2 spots to fill, so he could still end up getting one of those.

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