Saturday, June 7, 2014

Big Brother UK 15: 2014 2-Part Launch

I have been so busy, that I actually, very sadly, missed the entire Big Brother Canada (BBCAN) season 2. I was really looking forward to watching it week by week, but it just didn't happen. I'm going to try to do better with the UK and hopefully catch up with Canada Season 2 at some point.

So, this summer's BBUK theme is: Powertrip. Oh we go! Can I just say, that I didn't think I would miss them so much, but I really miss seeing last season's cast! Callum, Jack and Joe, Sam, and even Dexter and Gina! Hopefully this season's cast will be just as good.

Night 1

We get a tour of the updated house, and it's intense! The Diary Room is crazy! It's like electrified! Now, let's meet the housemates!

24 - Global oil and gas head hunter

She's manipulative and loves power. She will do whatever it takes to win, and the most important person in her life is herself. Don't see her making too many friends in the house.
24 - Visual merchandiser

Self-obsessed and very metro-sexual. He gets his hair done professionally, and he can't do it himself. He uses tarrot cards to help decide what to wear. He's obsessed with Mariah Carey. He has the weirdest match of face and unexpected.
27 - Personal business development manager

He's "a bit more smarter". He's out to win...just like in his name. He seems very cocky and apparently thinks he's God's gift to women.
27 - Salon owner

She's a mom of an 11-year-old. She was in the tabloids for sleeping with someone famous.
23 - Managing director for internal furnishings company

He's a! His parents and his brothers work for him. He wants to be Prime Minister of the UK. He's been to 119!
25 - Part time model and businesswoman

She's a strict Catholic. She thinks women should be classy.
23 - Media graduate

He can't stand people who aren't intellectual. Money comes very easy to him. Most people mistake him for being gay (I did), but he's in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend. He doesn't think he's going to do well in the house, and he looks like he's either going to vomit or wet himself right now.
23 - Full-time businesswoman and model

She has a law degree and a Masters. She likes to be a leader and is really dominant. Her personality is to be ruthless. She has a very American accent.
23 - Journalist

He grew up on a farm in Ireland, and his family still farms...that wasn't the life he wanted. He can be extremely argumentative. He doesn't get along with people who are boring, don't have a personality. He thinks that Kim Kardashian is the spawn of Satan. He's never been in a relationship.
49 - Dance teacher

She has also been a rapper and did music with Busta Rhymes and Kylie Minogue. She behaves like she's half her age. She's not a very predictable person. She looks like she's going to be a fan favorite. She got the biggest applause out of anyone. That is some tight outfit she's wearing.

That's the list of 10 housemates for Night 1. The public gets to vote for one housemate to go on a powertrip. I think this might be the shortest vote in history...2 minutes to vote! That's not very long.

It is revealed that Pauline received the most votes (not surprising by the overwhelming reception she received). As winner of the "powertrip", Pauline will have complete control over what happens in the house. She gets a special key to the control room. From the control room, a voice named Iris will assist her. Iris has access to information on all the housemates. Pauline will choose one housemate to reward and one housemate to punish based on the data she sees about her fellow housemates. She sees short clips of the same intro videos that we saw.

Reward: Mark (because she also loves Mariah Carey)
Punishment: Matthew (because she thinks he was the one who was intolerant of people who aren't that smart)

Big Brother reveals Pauline's decision to the house. I think Matthew is going to wet himself again. Mark is upset and he thinks he's being punished. They each have to step into separate glass boxes.

Mark's reward is the chance to win 5,000 pounds in a wind machine. He is catching absolutely nothing!

Matthew's punishment is to be excluded from the rest of the house for the first night. His cubicle starts lifting up and he has to stay in the clear box the entire night!

Iris tells Pauline that she will have the chance to use her powers again in 24 hours.

Night 2

We get a glimpse of what happened in the house after last night's show. People made the rounds to visit Matthew in his elevated box. Danielle shared that there are 2 people (one of them is Tamara) that she doesn't think she'll get along with.

Pauline tells Matthew why she chose him. She gave very valid reasons and told him she thought he could handle it. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with Pauline. She seems so down to earth, friendly and she interacts with everyone very well.

It seems like most of the housemates are getting along quite well. Lots of deep conversations going on as they try to get to know each other.

It's time to meet the last 6 housemates!

29 - TV host and Vlog host

She sold her ex-boyfriend's stuff on eBay and sent him the link in case he wanted to buy it back. She has dictatorish qualities.
33 - Professional actor and illustrator

He's obsessively polite and he finds everything funny. He thinks he has a normal-size ego. I think he's going to be hilarious. He is going to stir up some trouble, and says he would urinate in the kitchen. He's never had a 9-5 job. First he said he's like no one who's ever been on the show before, but then told Emma he's exactly the same as everyone and is very vanilla, so "lower your expectations"...ha!
18 - High fashion model

She's so young and she looks like she's 15! She's very opinionated and usually thinks she's right. This is her first time away from home.
22 - Works in optics

He loves the ladies and I think he used the word "ladies" at least 50 times in his VT. He doesn't think anyone will backstab him because he's always one step ahead. His alter ego is Marlicious Silver (not sure about the spelling).
26 - Model

He and his friends have no trouble finding girls. His mom says he's so laid back he could fall over. That's a good one! He says he's a bit lazy.
33 - Customer service advisor

Her name is pronounced "jaw-lay". She hates middle lane drivers, people who devour their food anywhere. She finds it hard to live with people and she has to bit her tongue about 20 times a day. How in the world is this woman in customer service if people annoy her that badly? I think her attitude kind of stinks and I can see why it would be hard to live with her.

Pauline's Powertrip, Part 2
She watched the 6 new people enter the house. She has the chance to grant 1 housemate a pass to the final. What?! Are you serious Iris? That's just not even fair! What a tough decision! I wonder if they will tell the recipient and/or the rest of the house her decision. That means, whoever she chooses doesn't have to do anything for the entire season. That is just an epic game-changer!

And Pauline's choice is............Helen! Very interesting!

While Pauline is still in the control room, Big Brother gathers everyone in the garden. Big Brother makes the announcement to everyone that Pauline has decided the fate for Helen and Helen is told to go to the glass box to await her fate. She is then told that she's been given a pass to the finals and confetti is sprayed everywhere! Helen is in total shock. Pauline, watching from the control room, is sobbing...she's so happy!

Iris informs Pauline that she will be immune from the public vote and will have a "killer vote". Whoever she chooses will be nominated EVERY WEEK they are in the house. Holy crap! That is VERY unfortunate for one unfortunate soul. I have never seen this much power on any Big Brother, ever. Wow.

This Powertrip twist sure has given a new dynamic to the game of Big Brother, that's for sure. Helen now has a free ride and never has to be worried. That's just so hard to fathom. I wonder if the recipient of Pauline's punishment will also be told that they will be nominated every week. That will be very depressing, for sure. Depending on who gets it, they might just crumble into little pieces. I can't wait to see how this all plays out.

Photos from BBUK Facebook page

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