Saturday, June 21, 2014

BBUK 15: Week 2 Recap

It's Week
2 in the BBUK House...

Mystic Mark
Big Brother has Mark uses his psychic powers to predict the future for 3 housemates.
Danielle - he said it could be her to be evicted
Winston - royal blue aura, which means he's loyal; something about a queen who was powerful...she had blonde hair, so Mark said that was Tamara, and thought that was a good sign
Helen - card with 6 cups represents the 6 people around her, then gets card with 5 cups which means one person goes away...she listed Tamara as one of the people in her group, and she was evicted!

A few days later, Mark decides to read tea leaves. He sees a face that looks like Marlon, and there was also the letter M. He, Ashleigh and Toya were there, and they all believe now that he is the Power Housemate.

Chris - Power Housemate

Chris's 1st nomination is for Pauline. He thinks he is the only person in the house who sees her for who she is, and who is not under her spell.

Pauline thinks it's all based on revenge. Steven thinks Chris is suspicious, and he wonders why he was called to the Diary Room 35 minutes before Tamra's eviction. Steven says he's too quiet and when he does talk he's making judgments about everyone else. Helen is also very suspicious and calls him out in front of everyone.

Chris's 2nd nomination is for Christopher. He thinks Christopher is a fake and he is acting, as well as being selfish in the kitchen.

His 3rd nomination is for Steven. He thinks that Steven has too many whispered conversations with Pauline, and that's not a good thing. He thinks that he is young and is too quick to just follow along with whatever Pauline says.

His 4th nomination is for Ash. He was asked to pick 2 people, and he chose Ash and Kimberly. He was told to ask a poll question to the public about the 2 to help him decide who he should nominate. His poll question was "Who is my biggest competition." He also was told he would get a Chinese meal to share with Ash and Kimberly. He can use this meal to find out more about them. He also chose 2 questions for Big Brother to ask each of them in the Diary Room, and he was able to listen to their answers.

Question 1: Who do you think is the Power Housemate?
Ash--Kimberly (not Chris)
Kimberly--Chris or Marlon

Question 2: Who do you trust the least?

His 5th and final nomination is for Marlon.
He chose Danielle, Marlon and Mark on his short list to be nominated, and Big Brother asked those 3 why they should not be nominated. He chose this 3 because they are different from the other people nominated. He also wanted to see what these 3 would do if they were nominated.

Flirt School
Kimberly teaches the boys the art of seduction. In school are: Ash, Marlon and Steven. The joke's on them because the tips are fake, and they are going to be fooled by the rest of the house because they will pretend like the flirting tips are working.

Steven sets his sights on Pauline (???). Ash goes for Toya, and Marlon goes for Helen.

Big Brother reveals that the best flirt was Steven, and they were all told about the joke :) Steven and Pauline are rewarded with a dinner outside.

Helen is Scolded
Big Brother scolds Helen for her constant bullying and name-calling of Jale. He said her behavior is unacceptable, and if the behavior continues, she will get a formal warning, or worse.

Winston's Challenge
Big Brother loved a story Winston told about getting sick and throwing up all over a girl. Big Brother told him to make up a bunch more stories to tell his fellow housemates. Each story must end with him throwing up everywhere. Let's just say...his stories were really gross! After seeing the previews, I was really worried. I'm glad to know he was just making all these up! He successfully got 3 people to believe his stories, so he was treated to his favorite meal in the Diary Room.

Chris is Outed from the Outside
Chris, Jale and Christopher were outside in the garden. Someone from the outside of the house shouted "Housemates can you hear me? Chris is the Power Housemate! Chris is the Power Housemate!" Christopher and Jale both told him they wouldn't say anything to anyone else about what happened. Chris reassured him that that was false.

It's not like this is new information, though. Just about everyone in the house believes that it's Chris. They watch him when nominations are announced. They notice when he's missing. They also noticed how his speech sounded rehearsed (Big Brother included him in the short list of housemates who had to say why they shouldn't be nominated).

Shopping Task: Farm
They have to produce food to sell back to Big Brother. Marlon, Christopher and Jale are in charge and the rest of the housemates are their animals who have to do all the work. They have to meet or exceed the standards set by Big Brother.

Cows: Winston, Chris, Toya, Ashleigh
Pigs: Steven, Pauline, Kim, Helen
Chickens: Matthew, Mark, Ash, Danielle

Pigs must mix the sausage meet and put it through the casing to make sausage. They made 12 trays and made £24 profit.

Cows had to whip milk into cream.

Chickens have to pass eggs from beak to beak to farmer Jale to put in the cartons.

Big Brother tells the farmers that they are going to have to diversify their farm if they want to be profitable. They will have to decide the value of their animals and they have to get rid of the weakest animal in each group. The farmers don't know it, but the house is watching them make their decisions. Jale made most of the choices, while Marlon didn't really offer any feedback at all. The house changed their opinion of Jale after seeing her performance. They saw a different side of her that they really liked and respected.

Matt was chosen from the Chickens. Kim was chosen from the Pigs. Chris was chosen from the Cows.

The weakest animals were sent fore re-education. They have to anticipate the farmer's answers or face the consequences.

Later, the animals are told that they have to sleep in the barn, and are taken to the workroom to sleep on the straw. The Cows are free-range, so they can sleep anywhere. In the morning, they have to eat cold porridge.

The Chickens have to suck the liquid from eggs and then add bites of cheese. Now, this is disgusting! I don't think Mark and Danielle are going to be OK. They had trouble just sucking a whole egg and passing it to the next person. I can't tell if they are laughing or crying or both! Luckily they filled 5 jugs and got £25.

The animals pair up to shovel and carry manure and put it into bags. They have to go across a very slippery course, so they are bound to get dirty! The teams are: Mark and Ash, Steven and Kimberly, Winston and Toya. They have earned £583! The goal set by Big Brother was £300, so they surpassed it by quite a lot!

I think Jale did an amazing job in this task. She was such a cheerleader to her housemates. She did nothing but encourage them. She also did a good job at being fair.

After the manure challenge, the housemates were cleaning up. Winston was in the shower (with swim trunks on as far as I could tell). Kimberly asked if she could join him. He said yes, and she went in, with her bikini on. Both of them remained "clothed" as far as I could tell. The other housemates didn't say anything at the time. They thought it was wrong of her to step in on Tamara's territory. They didn't blame Winston, they said it was her who got in with him. Pauline confronted Winston and said that if anyone ever asks him to come into the shower with him he needs to say "I need my privacy and you can wait your turn". Helen chimed in and said it wasn't aimed at him, it was at Kimberly. They said it was definitely crossing the line for Kimberly to get in the shower with someone who Tamara fancied. Helen then confronted Kimberly about it, and said it looked really bad for her to do that.Kimberly doesn't see anything wrong with it, and that she would shower with anybody in the house. Helen said if Tamara was in the house, she wouldn't have done that, and that makes it wrong. Kimberly said she would have and she doesn't think Tamara would have cared. Well, guess what Kimberly: Tamara cares! She took to Facebook and told Kimberly to stay away from her man!

Kimberly got upset with Winston when he joked that she was trying to wash him. That part wasn't true and Kimberly was afraid people would believe him and perceive it that way.

The biggest thing about this argument, I think, is the fact that Helen has no room to be talking! She had an affair with a married man! It went public, and she's pretty famous for it! How can she tell Kimberly that if she respected Tamara she wouldn't have done that and it looked shitty. Um...she did the same thing and worse!

Eviction Night
Jale, Pauline, Steven, Christopher, Ash and Marlon are up for eviction. When each are announced, Pauline gets a very loud boo again! The housemates all noticed that Pauline really toned things down this week after getting booed so loudly on the first night's eviction. Apparently, the public are still not impressed with her, and it looks like she will most likely be getting the boot this week. Constant chants of "Get Pauline Out! Get Pauline Out!" were heard in the crowd, while all the other nominated housemates received loud cheers. Steven's response was a little mixed. I wonder if his response is due to the fact that he is so close to Pauline in the house.

Mark notices a moth on Ash and Marlon's bed and it landed on one of the pillows. He thinks it's amen and it's a sign of death. It's really bad for it to land on a pillow. That means one of them is going to go.

Christopher and Ash were the first to be saved, which means they received the fewest votes to evict.'s PAULINE'S time to go! I didn't think she was ever going to go! She hugged and kissed everyone like 10 times each it seemed like. I've never heard Big Brother repeat "Leave the house immediately" so many times! He must have said it like 20 times.

And of course, she was received with tons of boos. She didn't seem to care. She still waved and did a little dance.

It was revealed that on night 1, she received 49.3% of the vote to become the first Power Housemate. Tonight, she received 79.4% of the vote to evict! And that was spread among 5 different housemates! That's incredible! I don't think there has ever been such a change of direction for 1 housemate. To be so loved on the first night and then turn out to be the most hated. I think Jale has had the biggest turnaround going the other way. No one seemed to like her at the beginning, and now everyone seems to love her.

Power Housemate
The housemates get to nominate the next power housemate! They each nominated the person that they think would be the most fair and they also used a reasoning of the person they picked as being smart.

Matthew -- Kim
Steven -- Kim
Danielle -- Ashleigh
Kim -- Mark
Winston -- Matt
Christopher -- Matt
Toya -- Chris
Mark -- Toya
Jale -- Kim
Pauline -- Toya
Marlon -- Winston
Ash -- Helen
Ashleigh -- Toya
Chris -- Danielle
Helen -- Toya

All the votes for Kim really surprised me. Toya received the most votes, with 4, so she is the next Power Housemate. After being announced, she has to pick someone to share the power with, to become the Power Couple. She chooses Matthew, even though her vote to be Power Housemate was Chris. She picked Matthew because she knows they will work well together and they think very similarly.

Their first task is to publicly nominate someone for eviction. They had a very tough time making a decision because they were put on the spot. They tried to go talk in the bathroom, but Big Brother repeatedly called them back to the couches. Big Brother said if they didn't decide, that one of THEM would face eviction. They whispered, and finally said Christopher.

Poor Christopher! Why can't people let him alone? He doesn't do anything to deserve the way he's treated.

Emma then announces that Toya and Matthew are not safe this week, and that one of them will be facing eviction next week as well.

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