Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.1 (Night 1 Premiere)

It's finally summer, because Big Brother is back! I'm so excited to get these people in the house and see what happens! If you missed my preview, make sure you check it out, so you have all the necessary details about the houseguests and the twists in store for this season.

It's Night 1, and for the first time in US Big Brother history, not all of the houseguests are going into the house tonight! Only 8 will be moving in tonight, with the final 8 joining them tomorrow night.

Group 1, First Impressions:
Donny Thompson -- looks like he belongs on Duck Dynasty...nice guy..."no fancy britches"; sounds a little like Gomer Pyle; he seems very out of his element, and could easily be an outcast, but he's so likable, so I think people will want to be his friend and confide in him
Cody Calafiore -- hot! hot! hot! that doesn't bode well for him...the hot guys usually don't last long
Frankie Grande -- wacky and wild; he's going to be loud and crazy all about a major diva!
Amber Borzotra -- cute and sweet
Nicole Franzel -- cute country girl; scared of ghosts?
Devin Shepherd -- big muscles are going to be intimidating
Joey Van Pelt -- seems opinionated
Paola Shea -- seems high maintenance...3 months worth of eye lashes? she talks...A LOT and seems like she has to be in control; I'm sure this will get on people's nerves very quickly

1st group of 4 to enter the house: Joey, Amber, Cody and Donny
2nd group of 4 to enter the house: Paola, Devin, Nicole, Frankie


TMI: Nicole said she had to tell herself "don't pee your pants"...because that sometimes happens when she laughs too hard. Ha! How long before her voice gets annoying? But oh wait, Paola's voice is even more annoying. And I'm going to say this now: can we PLEASE not call her by her nickname "Pao-Pao".

Joey said that her and Frankie are soul mates, partly because of their hair. She said they are going to be peacocking around each other (whatever that means).

Paola and Frankie have a crush on Cody (who doesn't, am I right?). Paola is starting to look a little too obsessed with Cody. Spencer from last season tweeted that he hoped that Cody didn't bring a blue hat into the house (re: GinaMarie's obsession with Nick last season, and her keeping his hat after he was evicted).

Donny would like to work with Nicole because he liked how she didn't say too much and seemed nice...only problem...he can't remember her name!

Frankie is worried that Paola might recognize him because she's a NY dj and they run in the same circles. Apparently it won't matter too much, because all of the BB alumni seem to have no idea who Ariana Grande is, so...these people might not either. I think it's safe to say Donny will have no clue.

Time for Alliances

Alliance #1: The Crazy 8s (all 8 houseguests)
Wow, early call for a house meeting. But, as expected, the 8 think they should stick together and do what they need to to protect each other. They start to wonder who the other 8 people will be: all-stars? family of BB alumni?

Alliance #2: Double D's (Devin and Donny)
Donny feels like he's just won the Best Beard award.

Alliance #3: El Cuatro (All girl alliance of Joey, Paola, Nicole and Amber)
Paola, being the non-stop chatterbox that she is pulls the girls aside and says that she thinks the guys are forming an alliance. She thinks that no one will expect an all-girl alliance, and it's never been done before. She even named the final 4 alliance already (of course), and it's El Cuatro. Poor Nicole, she doesn't know what it means. Good thing she's pretty.

Side note: If it was spelled Quattro, I would say they stole the name from Season 1 of Big Brother Canada.
Another side note: I love that several BB alumni tweeted that the name should be feminine, as in "La Cuatro".

HOH Competition: Go Fly a Kite
This is like the Bull in the China Shop competition last season. The houseguests stand on a rolling log while holding on to a rope. The log starts rolling and they have to hang on. This theme is a beach and if they fall, it crashes a sand castle. But what's up with the creepy cardboard children? And why is there a fake child crying sound effect made when someone falls. That's just weird.

Paola is down! And Joey is down!

Cue the spraying sunscreen. That does Nicole in. Doesn't look like a girl is winning this HOH.

Donny goes and then Devin goes. "Doggone it" Double D is down!

Cody is down, and it's down to Amber and Frankie. Frankie remembered what Julie said about the HOHs not necessarily being safe, and she decided to throw it. She could have been a little bit more convincing her about the "throw", though.

Frankie wins HOH.

Julie leaves them with the twist, that we already knew about...but they didn't...until now:

  • 8 more people will be coming into the house
  • 1 of them will ALSO become an HOH
  • At the end of the week, only 1 HOH will be left standing
Let the theories and strategizing begin!

All in all, I think this is a great start to the season. It's already better than last season's disaster of a cast (but then again, it would be pretty hard to be worse).

Tune in tomorrow night to see the other 8 houseguests check into the BB house!

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