Friday, February 1, 2013

American Idol, Ep. 12.6

Oklahoma City Auditions (last audition episode before Hollywood week)

Great singers to look for in Hollywood:
*my favorites

*Karl Skinner (aka "the ginger with soul")

*Nate Tao (aka "guy who has 2 deaf parents")

Halie Haburn (aka "the girl with the weird puppet named Oscar")

Kayden Stephenson (aka "cute kid with cystic fibrosis")

Bad singers to look up on YouTube for a laugh:

Zoanette Johnson (aka "the girl who butchered the National Anthem" and "the girl who made Keith fall out of his chair and Nicki spill her drink")...oh wait...she made it to Hollywood? Wow...train wreck.

Anastacia Freeman (aka "girl who couldn't stop crying and didn't know the judges were laughing at her" and "the girl who thought God told her to audition")

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