Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 26.1 + Malcolm on "Bold and the Beautiful"

Season 26: Fans vs Favorites is finally here!

I don't think I've ever been so excited for a season of Survivor to start! Mostly because it is the return of Malcolm! We all need a little Malcolm in our lives, don't we? I'm really excited to see some of the other Favorites as well: Phillip, Cochran, Brandon, oh my!

As a side note, before we get to the episode recap...Malcolm was on The Bold and The Beautiful today (all of about 15 seconds). Watch as he plays a guy named Malcolm :) Don't worry, you don't need to watch the entire 20 minutes of the video...Malcolm appears within the first 2 minutes and that's it. OK, moving on to our season premiere, which is entitled "She Annoys Me Greatly"...

The Fans look so in awe to be where they are right now as they step off their boat. Just wait until they see who gets out of the helicopters! Some great quotes from the Fans as Probst introduces each one of them...

"Nerd alert!"...someone yells, about Cochran. I would love to know who said that!

"She is so dangerous", someone says about Brenda

"Oh my God that's Russell's nephew!", about Brandon

Nothing but shaking heads for Phillip

Reward Challenge right off the bat...totally physical

Erik and Dawn vs Julia and Shamar:
Shamar scores. He's a big dude. I thought that might hold him back in the water, but he was pretty agile.

Brandon and Andrea vs Eddie and Hope:
The girls didn't waste any time getting physical! And then the guys really got into it! Brandon ties it up

Phillip and Brenda vs Michael and Brenda:
No surprise, Phillip is already in his underwear. He comes out very strong and pulls the entire clump of people and he scores!

Cochran and Francesca vs Matt and Laura:
The Favorites on the sidelines yell to Cochran to take on Laura. She asks if he can handle her, and his response is his first great quote of the season: "You wouldn't believe what I can handle". Francesca scores, it's 3-1.

Corinne and Malcolm vs Reynold and Allie:
Malcolm and Reynold go head-to-head! What a tough match-up. I sure hope Malcolm doesn't come out too strong too early. Malcolm scores and Brandon tackles him in celebration of the victory. Phillip starts acting like the coach and says "Bring it in, bring it in." Oh boy, it's starting already.

The Favorites win flint and beans (not "franks and beans" a la "There's Something About Mary"), and it's off to the beaches...

Gota: Fans

Shamar starts taking control and butts heads with or shelter? He doesn't get his way, so he sits down, turns his back, pouts and then starts mocking. Wow...way too early for that dude. Does somebody need a wambulance? He decides to watch everyone do all the work because he didn't want to risk dehydration. He studies what they are doing wrong and then come in and save the day. Good for them, they make fire without flint, and it didn't seem to take them too long, either.

Partners in the challenge = partners in the game apparently. Reynold connects with his challenge partner Allie. Eddie connects with his challenge partner Hope. Reynold and Eddie seem like a natural fit to pair up

It's bed time and Reynold and Allie a little to cuddly. Uh-oh...targets!

I really like the pretty foursome of Eddie, Hope, Reynold and Allie: "the cool kid lunch table." I don't know if it can last though. The rest of the tribe sees what that group is doing and they immediately plan to take them down. Michael wants to be "hip to either direction". Matt and Michael become friends.

Bikal: Favorites

Francesca still sees Phillip as a crazy person. First group to talk is: Francesca, Dawn and Andrea. Someone says "Cochran would stay loyal to us." Really? He is known for flipping! They also consider adding Brandon to their group.

Francesca makes a move to talk to Phillip and tells him that she was never coming after him. She talks, he says nothing. "She's stuck in a time warp. She annoys me greatly." And there it is...Phillip's first great quote.

Phillip needs a second scoop of food already? It's Day 1.

Phillip declares that he learned a lot from playing with Boston Rob. He goes out looking for recruits. Phillip approaches Corinne and he says he also wants Malcolm...and Andrea...and Dawn...and Cochran,,,and Erik. Each person seems agreeable, with the exception of Erik, who seemed pretty skeptical. Erik felt a little bullied, as if Phillip was saying "you're either with me or you're out." He doesn't think he wants to work with someone like that.

Phillip comes up with some nicknames for his recruits: Corinne="Dominatrix". Cochran="Intelligentsia Attache".

In other news, Cochran wonders if it's really hot or if he's just feverish. He's a red beat already! Why would you not do a little tanning before you get there? Oh my! Brenda: "He's swollen like a little pregnant lady." haha! Cochran said if they had a challenge right now he would die. Poor guy, he definitely looked like he was in a lot of pain.

Immunity Challenge

Neck and neck 3 rounds in! Favorites the lead in round 4.

Malcolm vs Reynold in round 5-tossing bags. Malcolm had the led for a little, but Reynold takes the win over Malcolm...oh no! Fans win Immunity and flint.

Cochran says that he's been able to connect pretty well with everyone on the tribe and uses the analogy that it has been like "the aloe to my sunburn."

Andrea tells Phillip that Francesca wants to vote him out. So, she's now a target. "None of your kind will exist again," he says.

I sort of like Francesca, but how funny would it be if she got voted out first...AGAIN!

Cochran thinks he can trust Dawn because of how she played last time. That is, unless she's changed or wants to play differently. He says maybe she is "A new Dawn" he realizes what he said, he cracked himself up...that was pretty good!

I have no idea who it's gonna be...Phillip, Francesca, Corinne? Lots of names being thrown around at this point.

Now everyone is skeptical of Andrea and think she's running to both sides. So, Erik and Brandon decide to go for her and not tell anyone on the other side. They convince Francesca to vote for her as well.

Cochran was a little conflicted: "I have morals and a sense of shame"...he likes Francesca so doesn't know if he can vote her out.

Where is Malcolm during all of these discussions. He needs to at least be present, even if he's not getting involved.

Tribal Council

It's Phillip vs. Francesca Round 2, deja vu: Phillip proves he can say Francesca's name and admits that he purposely mispronounced her name. I still don't know if I buy that.

The Vote:
Andrea-4 She was pretty surprised that she got so many votes.

And with that, Francesca makes Survivor history! First person to ever be voted out FIRST TWICE! She said in her pre-show interviews that she really wanted to make history and be the first person to go from being voted out first to being the winner. Well, she made history, but...

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