Sunday, February 24, 2013

Amazing Race, Ep. 22.2

2nd Leg: Jessica/John lead it off

For a "Fight Club", the 6 members of the club sure do an awful amount of talking about it. I don't see this lasting very long.

Detour: Pick a Pearl or Take a Trunk

Seems like most teams are going with Pick a Pearl. Oops! Dave/Connor forgot to get the snorkel and fins before they left the shore. From first to last, just like that.

Spoiler Alert: Idries/Jamil are afraid of water! Guess you should have worked on facing that fear before you signed up for the race. They whine and complain and can't decide if they want to try the task or take the penalty. Lots of quitting and we're only on the 2nd leg of the season! After some discussion, they do decide to try it after all. Sort of...they really let the fear get the better of them. Nothing like 2 black guys flailing about in the water, having no clue what to do.

Pam/Winnie were stuck on the jetski for what seemed like forever. They were looking at the map and not all. Seriously girls, it can't be that hard!

Road Block: Kick a Coconut

They have to wear stilts to kick a coconut. Sounds easy, right? Joey was first to try, and Jessica and Connor were right behind. After 3 teams make it to the pit stop, Joey is still there trying. Max struggles and Pam (or Winnie...can't tell them apart yet) struggled and also ripped some major skin off her feet...ouch!

Run to the finish...Dave thinks he ruptured his Achilles...oh boy. His fate for the rest of the race is unknown.

Pitstop #2:

#1: Bates/Anthony
#2: Dave/Connor
#3: Jessica/John
#4: Meghan/Joey
#5: Chuck/Wynona
#6: Mona/Beth
#7: Caroline/Jennifer
#8: Max/Katie
#9: Pam/Winnie
ELIMINATED: Idries/Jamil

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