Monday, February 4, 2013

The Bachelor, Ep. 17.5

Sean and the girls are off to Montana (Whitefish Lake Lodge)...

One-on-One Date: Lindsay

They are going to Glacier National Park...been there (just last year!). It's so beautiful there. We see pretty much nothing of their date. Basically, they just sit out in the wilderness and make out. Then, in the evening, they just hung out by the fire, as Sean was hoping to get a little deeper with her. He admitted that he almost sent her home on the first date because she arrived in a wedding dress, but he's glad he didn't. She got the rose.

After he gives her the rose, he takes her into town for a concert by Sarah Darling. I've never heard of her, and I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to music. Granted, I don't listen to country, but I know names, and I've never heard of I don't think she must be very popular. So anyway, she's singing and Sean and Lindsay are dancing...with everyone watching, and then out of nowhere, she just jumps on him and wraps her legs around him...that was just bizarre.

Group Date: Selma, AshLee, Desiree, Catherine, Sarah, Lesley, Robyn, Daniella

The girls meet up with Sean and Selma immediately attacks him...settle down girl! So for this date, it looks like they're gonna be milkin' some goats. Oh boy! It's actually a relay race and a team challenge.

Red Team: Selma, Desiree, Sarah, Robyn
Blue Team: AshLee, Daniella, Lesley, Catherine

Before the challenge even starts, Sarah's arm comes in to play. "I don't think having one arm is going to hold me back today." OK, we'll see. And they're off!

1st leg: canoeing=disaster. Clearly, none of them had any idea what they were doing. Remind me to never get lost in the wilderness with any of them. Finally, the blue team gets their canoe to shore.

2nd leg: stack hay=disaster. The blue teams bales completely fall apart.

3rd leg: crosscut a log: Selma and Robyn did pretty well, surprisingly.

4th leg: milk the goat: The red team's glass is getting full and the goat kicks it over. But, even with that, the red team finished and Des downs the milk for the win. And by "downs", I mean guzzled with it dripping all over her face, even though the blue team wasn't really that close.

And with that, the blue team heads back to the lodge. Except...Sean decides to break the rules because he doesn't want to send girls home who he hasn't gotten to spend that much time with, so they get invited to go to the party after all. Sean breaks the news to the red team. Desiree is pretty upset because she drank the milk for nothing. Basically them winning didn't get them anything special. Bummer.

As the girls are getting ready, Tierra has a little pity party for herself, because it just isn't fair. They get to spend time with him and she doesn't. Wait. Didn't she just say she didn't want to be on another group date? Just can't make that girl happy. Poor thing, she just feels so misled. Oh boy. She said she needs to talk to him to find out where his head is at. Low and behold, miss stalker decides SHE is also going to show up at the party. There's always gotta be one...

"I came to Montana to spend time with you. What the heck? Why am I getting a two-on-one?" Shocker...wait a minute...she came there to spend time with him? I'm pretty sure none of the other girls had that intention, I don't know why they are there. That's gotta be good for her, right?! Can we say delusional? Finally, it looks like Sean is starting to have some concerns about Tierra.

We finally get to see some interaction with Sean and Catherine. He says that he doesn't have to worry about her because she is so confident in what they have. He says he loves spending time with her. They must have had quite a bit more alone-time than we've seen, because pretty much the only thing that I can remember is her saying that she's a vegan but she likes the beef.

Meanwhile, Daniella starts having a meltdown when she sees Catherine sitting on Sean's lap. So, now Sean has to do some damage control and try to convince her that he hasn't forgotten about her. What better way to do that than to make out a little.

And the date rose goes to...Daniella. And apparently Robyn thinks the whole thing is a competition, because she's upset that someone from the blue team got the rose (it seems like even moreso than it not being her).

Two-on-One Date: Tierra and Jackie

Most people dread the two-on-one because there is a 50-50 chance you could go home. Tierra on the other hand? She's happy because she's sick of going on group dates. Ha!

Let's get this twisted, freakshow of a date started. Tierra says that Jackie doesn't know that she is going on a date with her and her husband (not future husband...husband). Cuckoo-cuckoo. Jackie also doesn't know about Tierra's little visit with Sean the night before. Can I just go on record saying that Tierra's laugh is so creepy when she is talking about her schemes...yikes!

The girls meet Sean at the Bar W Ranch for some horseback riding.

Jackie says that she needs to talk to Sean about Tierra. Oh boy...I see where this is going. Has she never watched this show before...or pay attention to what happened with Kacie? Uh-oh, here it comes...this NEVER benefits the tattler. Bye-bye Jackie, nice not-knowing ya. You just gave Tierra her chance to stay.

Sean says he's not sure who he wants to give the rose to. He thinks Tierra wants to love someone, but she comes with so much drama. You can say that again! Tierra realizes that she probably has to do some damage control, so she opens up to Sean about a guy she dated for 5 years who passed away in 2009. She says now she's afraid to get close to someone and that's why she scared of losing someone again.

Time for that awkward moment: 1 rose, 2 girls. We all know how this SHOULD go, but we all know how it WILL go. Congratulations, Tierra, you've got Sean fooled for one more round. It's too bad that he didn't feel more for Jackie. But at least on the way out, she leaves him with some more cautionary words....eventually he'll get it. Just not tonight apparently.

Ugh, and if things couldn't get worse, Sean surprises her with fireworks. Where's the vomit bag?

What an image...Jackie is bawling her eyes out and Tierra is laughing hysterically! Boy, I can't wait for the Women Tell All know that clip is going to be thrown in Tierra's face!

Cocktail Party

Desiree has kind of an awkward conversation with Sean. She doesn't know why he's making some of the decisions that he's making. Again, it all comes back to Tierra. She's confused, won't tell him why, so now he's confused and has doubts. That Tierra just infects everyone and everything she comes into contact with.

Tierra sits and stews over having to sit through another cocktail party. She says she wants to punch everyone in the face. OK, that's a normal reaction, right? No? "I wish I was a fighter because I would beat the crap out of these bitches." Holy crap, girl? Where is Sean for all this? Haha! Robyn is brave enough to enter the room and try to talk to Tierra. She looks like her eyes are daggers and she's stabbing Robyn right now! Things start to heat up, and the rest of the girls file into the room to see who's gonna punch who first.

Tierra lays it on the line and says they need to stop with the eye-rolling and all the talking about her because she's sick of it. Then for the kicker, she says that she likes Sean, but she's over it and doesn't care any more. "If I wanted to go get engaged, I could easily go get engaged. There are plenty of ****ing guys in the world." Oh snap! The **** just hit the fan!

The funniest part yet? She's yelling and screaming and Sean walks through the room. She sees him and says "oh great." Finally, he's gotten to see the REAL Tierra. He asks to see her outside and she lays down her sob story. "They are attacking me and I'm not a drama person. I don't know why and I don't deserve to go through this." "I'm a nice girl." What?

Now, finally Sean starts asking the girls questions. NOW it's OK to spill your guts people!

Uh-oh, you know that something out of the ordinary is going to happen, because Sean is sitting down with Chris. Could he be taking her rose away? Oh please, oh please, oh please!!!

Rose Ceremony

Already have roses: Lindsay, Daniella, Tierra

Receive roses: Selma, Catherine, Lesley, AshLee, Sarah, Desiree

Going home: Robyn (and Jackie on the two-on-one)

Darn...he didn't take back Tierra's rose :( But on the plus side, tomorrow night's episode promises EVEN MORE drama, and it looks like Tierra's faking more injuries again and then boo-hooing to poor Sean. It's going to be great!

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