Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 26.3

After the Last Tribal
It hit the fan! Matt was the monkey in the middle and the line has been drawn. Shamar continues his reign of terror on his tribe.Laura: "Do us a favor and shut up." Well said Laura, well said. 2 episodes in and I already can't stand him and don't want to hear him talking any more.

Side note: Shamar's tatoos really look strange in the night vision...they almost glow black! You barely see them during the day because he's black, but with the whole night vision thing, they are so dark black...weird!

Fan's Camp
Reynold and Eddie: "We're in a tight spot",  "Revenge of the nerds", "We got our heads chopped off". Queen bee Sherri gives Shamar his orders for the day: do your best to let it roll off your back. Shamar: "It's not really worth it to me." Good, then go home!

Whoa, is he REALLY considering leaving? I was just kidding when I said "go home"...I didn't think he'd actually consider it! How awesome would that be? I don't think we can get that lucky though. He's all of a sudden not happy and realizing that he doesn't want the money that bad. He said the money isn't worth his unhappiness. Laura and Sherri try to persuade him to stay. He then decides because they have been loyal to him, that he should be loyal to them. Love Reynold's take: "he becomes a hero for unquitting?" Exactly!

Favorite's Camp
Ah Phillip...he sees Brenda working out, flexing with a he starts working out...with a coconut. And then we hear about what a stud he thinks he is on the basketball court. OK...

Malcolm and Corinne set off to find the idol. Gotta say I like this pair. I think they are going to work really well together. guessed it...they got it! Woohoo! The only problem is they are so close already, and starting to draw attention. As long as they can keep winning challenges, they'll be OK.

Oh my...what is Phillip wearing on his head? Balancing a huge bowl or something? He just kills me!

Cochran: "Freudian picnic"=girls in their underwear everywhere.

Andrea and Cochran talk and she says she wants Corinne out. Uh-oh...there's dissension in the ranks of Stealth-R-Us. Phillip better get his people in line.

Corinne's name starts getting thrown around a lot. Come on guys, don't make me start worrying for my favorites already.

Brandon: "I'll pee in the rice, I'll burn the camp to the ground." Oh dear...

Immunity/Reward Challenge

Mad dash of all Survivors in the water! Cochran...I don't even know what to call what he was doing, but it wasn't really swimming...poor guy. You can really see who the good swimmers and who the not-so-good swimmers are.

Favorites get into their cage first, but not much ahead of the Fans. And it's the Fans to get the chest out first and start to take it to shore.

At the beach at the same time! Malcolm and Reynold, head-to-head for the 3rd time in a row! It's Reynold beating him again. Malcolm does better the 2nd time around though...go Malcolm! Brandon vs close over and over, and it's Brandon!!! Favorites win!

Prep for Tribal
Shamar: "I have contacts, I needed the goggles man." Always about him, isn't it?

The big alliance decides to try to flush out the idol by splitting their votes...3 Eddie, 3 Hope...uh oh. Me no likey this plan. It should SO be Shamar. But I see why they want one will vote for him in the end.

Shamar spills the beans to Hope about what's going on! Hmmm.....after his big talk about loyalty? The others find out what he did and they realize he can't be trusted and he's not planning on helping any of them. Laura seems to have switched sides and it now seems like everyone's plan is to get Shamar out. We all know things never go as they seem, so we shall see.

Tribal Council
Shamar's temper is the first thing Probst brings up. Hope says what Shamar told her that she was going home. He says that's not what he said. He now is just playing the victim, when he's anything but.

Ha! I love that Shamar spelled Eddie's name "Eddy"...who spells it like that?

The Vote
Probst calls for the idol and Reynold doesn't play it.


3-way tie, revote for Hope, Eddie or Shamar (those 3 don't vote)


Poor Hope...the couples' alliance did her in. And with that, Eddie's snuggle buddy is gone and he and Eddie find themselves in an alliance of 2 against 6....doesn't look good, doesn't look good at all. They need to come up with a plan and fast. Seriously. It's time to call "mayday"!

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