Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 33.6

Vanua Camp
Zeke thinks it's hilarious that Gen X got rid of one of their own, on the one tribe that they had the majority.

Ikabula Camp
I'm really starting to like Jay. He talked about being there for his mom and his sister and wanting to win it for them. He and Will go idol hunting. Jay finds a stick with their tribe symbol on it. He broke it and "ah ah ah!" there it is! He didn't try to hide it from Will. Will was super excited, too. They both agreed not to tell anyone...and then...there comes Michaela! "Whatchu got there?!" The jig is up. She says she isn't telling anyone else...unless she gets wind of something going down, and then "I'm snitchin'". LOL

Reward Challenge
It's the blindfold challenge to collect puzzle pieces.
Reward: apple pie, cookies, brownies, and more; runner-up gets some chocolate chip cookies

Jess will sit out for Takali, Bret and Hannah will sit out for Ikabula

There are 3 tribes and a lot going on, so no play-by-play on this one.

Callers: Figgy, Michelle, Jay


  • David is blindfold and completely lost and cannot follow Michelle's directions at all
  • Figgy yelled "faster Ken!" and ran him directly into a pole - ouch!
  • Ken took another big fall flat on his face
  • Michaela got frustrated with David (opposite teams) and just pushed him out of the way
  • Probst: "David finally has something to do."
  • Hannah is on the bench and said she is feeling faint - Probst told her to move to the shade
  • Vanua was in dead last, but Zeke got them back into it at the puzzle with Michelle guiding him - and they win!
  • Jay and Michaela just barely beat Ken and Figgy, who had a big lead
  • Back to Hannah - she is starting to panic because her face and hands are tingly - she asked Dr. Joe if he was going to let her turns out it was kind of a panic attack, where she got too excited and was breathing too fast

Runner-Up: Ikabula

Vanua Camp

They are relishing in their reward. They all think they wouldn't have won if they still had CeCe. They also talk about how Figgy verbalized that she was happy to see Michelle made it through Tribal. Then she added, oh yeah, she's happy to see Zeke, too.

Takali Camp
Taylor sneaks a cheek kiss with Figgy. #Figtails is going strong. He thinks they might as well just tell Jessica and Ken about their relationship. Taylor told her to practice telling Jessica to him. She laughed her way through it, and then Taylor in a high pitched voice said "I already knew, darling."

So, she tells Jessica, and she said, "Ya think?" She told her she isn't very discreet. She tells Ken and he fakes it and says, "Really? I never would have guessed...when I wake up and see you cuddling and holding hands." He thought it was hilarious that they thought they were doing such a good job of hiding their relationship. Figgy really couldn't believe that they knew.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: race on balance beams on the water to collect bags of coconuts; open bags to get 3 balls to maneuver them through a table maze.

Adam sits out for Takali, Will and Sunday sit out for Ikabula

Ken, Jay, and David out first. Ken fell, oh no! Jay takes a big lead, but David is catching up...what?!

It's David, then Jay, then Ken.

Ken makes up time by being able to carry all 3 bags at the same time. David takes 2 bags that Probst says combined weigh more than he does.

Taylor is out, with Bret chasing his heels. Taylor carries all 3 bags. Chris is in dead last.

Figgy and Jessica start to open their bags for Takali. Chris and David are opening for Vanua.Jessica and Figgy opening for Ikabula.

Jessica and Figgy have the lead on the table maze. Michaela yells at Hannah to stop moving the maze too much, and now she's too stiff. This is tough because they have to stand on a post while doing the table maze with another person.

Michaela and Hannah get one ball, and now they have 2. Figgy and Jessica get ball #1. Michelle and Zeke are getting nowhere. And Michaela and Hannah get #3 for the win! Bret tells Michaela that there is nothing she can't do. True dat!

Michaela starts helping Michelle and Zeke. What?! And Vanua gets their first with Michaela's help!

Jessica and Figgy get #2, but so do Zeke and Michelle. It's tied! Jessica and Figgy are so close, the ball is going all around the hole, and Zeke and Michelle get it. Wow, Takali had bad luck in 2 challenges today. :(

Probst asks Michaela about her helping the other team. She said she wants to see the Millennials stay and when it's 2 and 2 somebody's got to go home. Taylor said there are Millennials over there as well, and she said "but there are 3 of you and if you can't figure out how to work together, you deserve to go home." Wow, always telling it like it is!

Takali Camp - Pre-Tribal
Super bummed...I sure hope Ken and Adam are going to be OK. I wonder if they will try to split up Taylor and Figgy. They would probably be smart to do that.

Oh no, Figgy and Taylor think they should target Ken :( You idiots! You need him for challenges! They pull in Adam. Taylor hopes they can trust him and that he's not smarter than he looks. Jessica wants Adam to work with her and Ken who are solid. Jessica knows that if Ken goes, she will be next. Jessica told Ken that he needs to tell Adam that he will stick with him and they will be solid. Ken tells him that he is on the bottom with the 2 lovebirds. Ken said he would fight to keep him safe if he'll vote with them. Adam doesn't know what to do. He isn't sure if targeting the power couple is what is best for him. He is worried about trusting 2 people he just met.

Tribal Council
Taylor said the Millennials will be sticking together. Jeff asks Adam if Figgy looks at Taylor the same as she does Taylor. Adam said whether it's a showmance or a bromance, there is some kind of "mance" happening. He said of course he doesn't look at him exactly like she does Taylor. Ken laughed at how he thought it was crazy they thought they were hiding their relationship. Jeff says he's an ordained minister and he could just marry them right now. Whoa!  Figgy was like, "why not?!" Taylor didn't look so sure. He said he wasn't sure he loved her, but he knows he likes her a lot.

Jeff said they have the romantic couple and then Ken and Jessica the 2 Gen Xers, and that leaves Adam in the middle. He said, "yeah, that sounds correct".

Adam says the person he is voting for is someone he genuinely likes, so it's hard. Someone will go home upset and someone will go back to camp upset.

The Votes
Come on, Ken! Fingers crossed. Too bad he doesn't have an idol.


Woohoo! Good job, Adam!

Adam whispered to Taylor, "I'll explain if I can." He looked so bummed...poor guy. Figgy walked away in tears. Too bad for their showmance, but they had to know that it couldn't last forever. They were way too complacent in thinking that them being in the open wouldn't make them a target. Figgy knew this, but Taylor was way too oblivious to what was going on. She went against her better judgement (even though everyone had already figured it out), and she paid the price for it.

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