Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Survivor, Ep. 30.1

I am so beyond excited that Survivor is back! I have been reading nothing but good things about this season. Everyone is saying the cast is the best yet, and this season will rank as one of the best of all time. That's very hard to say with there being 29 previous seasons!

In case you missed it, here is my preview and cast bios for this season: click here

Here they come...they're comin' in on big flatbed trucks this season instead of on water.

Jeff fills them in on how they have been divided into tribes. Right away everyone knows they are on the right tribe and immediately you can see some animosity brewing between the tribes.

Jeff says they each need to pick a leader for their tribe.

White Collars choose Joaquin as their leader. Max knows it's not a good idea to step up as leader.
Blue Collars choose Dan. No Collars choose Will...because he promised to make them all sandwiches. Max thought they were struggling with their decision and wondered if they needed a White Collar person to help them out.

Next the leaders pick a person to help make an important decision. Joaquin picks So. Dan picks Scott. Will picks Jenn.

Nargarote (No Collar) - Red

True to their tribe mantra, they are just going to go with the flow. They vow to make all decisions as a tribe. Nina immediately filled in her tribe about her lack of hearing.

Will and Jenn follow their clue to 2 bags. They can choose to Deceive or be Honest. To deceive, they take a small bag of beans and get a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol. To be honest, they take a big bag of beans. They chose to be honest.

They are all getting along great and they just love their little community. I KNEW that Vince and Jenn were going to get along VERY well. They were just drawn together. She shared that she used to wear feathers in her hair. He said he felt like they were kindred spirits. Does he really need so many feathers in his hair? It's a little bit ridiculous.

Vince kind of took charge of building the shelter. Joe does construction, but Vince kept telling him what to do, and Joe didn't agree. I thought these 2 would click, but it seems like maybe they are too similar and are going to clash.

Joe said he watched on YouTube how to make fire and he was sure he could do it without the flint. He did some flirting with Jenn, and she flirted right back. Joe made fire, and he saw Joe and Jenn talking. He's worried about trusting her. He came right out and asked her "human to human", if she felt more comfortable with Joe. She said no. He asked her if she thought he was attractive. She said no. She assured him that she was just doing the flirt-game with Joe but she still wanted to be in an alliance with him. It worried her that he was so paranoid. He didn't seem to be buying her explanation, and he now thinks she's being fake.

So, I still don't know what to think about Vince. He's such a weird and interesting character. He seems to be channeling a little of his inner Phillip Sheppard, with the feathers. But didn't Coach also have something with a feather? He could be a combination of both of them...and that, my friends, could be quite scary. All I know is I want this guy to be around for a long time because it will make the season that much more interesting and fun.

Escameca (Blue Collar) - Blue
They choose to do the right thing and take the big bag of beans because it's too early in the game to make a move like that. They told the tribe about their 2 options to build their trust. Hali thinks they are not telling the truth because the bag is not very big. She thinks that is the smaller of the 2 bags. Little does she know, but the other bag was TINY! Already spreading some seeds of doubt.

Looks like it's crabs for dinner! They all got down to business and had no trouble building their shelter or building a fire.

Lindsey and Rodney bond over their tattoos. Rodney shared that he found his sister murdered a couple years ago. Rodney's plan is to go after the girls and be their leader.

Mike was cutting bamboo and saw a scorpion...which almost got him, but he got it first. He cut off the tail and "bam! down the hatch!". Let's just say, it wasn't tasty. Ha! He let everyone know that he got some extra protein that the others didn't. Then he realized that wasn't a good idea and took off to the bushes. Oh boy!

Building their shelter, they are struggling making some decisions. They couldn't make up their mind what they wanted to do, and they were going to run out of daylight. Lindsey tried to make a suggestion, and Dan kind of erupted in this loud and condescending tone and told her it wouldn't work because the bamboo isn't strong enough to hold him because he's a big guy. Finally he realized he was being too overbearing, so he decided to tone it down. He left for awhile and the group decided that grandpa needed to go. Mike kind of talked to him and calmed him down.

It's also worth mentioning, that Dan (whether he wants to or not) is becoming the Phillip Sheppard of this season....because of his underwear choice. I personally think the tightie-whitie choice is just part of his ploy to be remembered. He said he was going to be remembered, and whether or not it is for something good or not...he will be remembered for that. Well played, sir. Even if he is voted out tonight or next week, I think people will still be talking about it.

Masaya (White Collar) - Yellow
Joaquin said he knew exactly what they needed to do, which was to take the small bag. So said that that put them into an alliance. So wasn't so sure, but Joaquin wasn't budging and so they took the small bag and got the clue for the idol.

So tells the group that there were 3 boxes...a third box that was neutral which is what they picked. They said the other 2 came with consequences and they didn't know what those would be. Carolyn didn't buy it for a second. Shirin didn't buy it. They are pretty sure they got a clue to the idol. If they were going to lie, they should have at least discussed what would actually be believable. Having a consequence for choosing "Honest" doesn't make sense. The entire group knew they were lying. Uh oh. Shirin and Carolyn immediately buddy up and form an alliance. They pull in Max for a solid third.

Their first attempt at a shelter wasn't great and they didn't sleep too well. So, they made a plan to implement some changes. They still don't have fire, and they don't really seem to be close to getting it.

Joaquin snuck off and decided to go look for the idol. Carolyn watched both Joaquin and So to see where they were looking for the idol. She sees a funny looking tree, and decides that's a great place for an idol. And guess what...she was right! Joaquin and So had the clue, but she totally beat them to it! This Carolyn is one to watch out for, she's sneaky!

Immunity Challenge
I have been hearing about this challenge for some time, and I'm so excited to see how it plays out. I think this is a first, where the challenge has several choices, where they decide which thing they want to complete.

The biggest choice is a 5, 10 or 50 piece puzzle. The 5-piece, I've heard is extremely hard to figure out. It forms a diamond...but with just the pieces, you don't know what you're supposed to do.

Rewards are fire-starting components. Winner gets quite a bit of stuff, while 2nd place just gets flint.

The challenge starts and they race down an extremely steep hill into a pile of straw.

All 3 tribes choose keys to open locks instead of undoing knots. There's 20 keys for 3 locks. Yellow sends out So and she chooses to go for the knots. Vince gave up on locks and sent Joe in to take on the knots. Mike is now working on the knots for blue. So is blowing them away for Yellow.

Yellow in the lead and they get their ladder first. Joe is done next for Red. They are very close. Mike for Blue is falling behind.

Nina is falling down all over the place for Red. Finally Mike gets the last of the knots and they are moving quickly with their ladder.

The ladder has to move through a series of obstacles. Red is first with Yellow very close.

Red goes for 10-piece puzzle. Yellow goes for the 50-piece easy puzzle. Blue is still working with their ladder. Jenn gave up on the puzzle and Joe comes in for Red. He immediately gets one piece. Now he's got 3.

Blue can't figure out how to get the ladder set up to retrieve their puzzle. They choose the 10-piece puzzle. Shirin is working for Yellow. Joe only has 2 pieces left. He is clearly a puzzle genius! Nice job Joe!

Red wins Immunity and Reward.

Shirin is panicking on her 50-piece easy puzzle. Finally she swaps with Max.

Sierra started the puzzle for Blue, but she steps out and Mike comes in. Mike puts in several pieces right away. Max is a third of the way through his puzzle, but Mike only needs 1 more piece. He's got it and Blue wins Immunity and Reward. What a comeback! Clearly they made the right choice by picking the same puzzle as Red, who was in first place. That meant they could easily copy it and fly right past Yellow, the brainiacs who chose the 50-piece puzzle (which some are calling the puzzle for the dummies).

Yellow will be going to Tribal Council.

White Collar Pre-Tribal Council
They are all bummed because they were in the lead for most of the challenge. They blame Shirin because she said she was good at puzzles, and she blew it. Carolyn knows that a girl is going to be going. So is mad that Shirin blew the challenge, but Carolyn hasn't wanted to volunteer for too many things so far.

Carolyn sees So and Joaquin talking, and then she sees her talking to Tyler. She doesn't trust So at all...with good reason. She confronted So and Joaquin and they both tell her that her name has not come up at all. Carolyn sees right through them and she knows they are lying.

Tyler tells Carolyn that her name has come up. He tells her that he wants the tribe to be strong and he wants to keep her. He asks her what she knows about the idol. She said she knows they don't have it...and she tells him that she has it. Wouldn't that be crazy if an idol got played at the very first Tribal Council?!

She is taking it to Tribal and she knows she's not going tonight. She starts a rally to get So out.

Max thinks Joaquin and So's deception shouldn't go unnoticed. Tyler said if they want strength, Carolyn should she has an idol, and that's dangerous.

Tribal Council
I have no idea what's going to happen! I've read that this Tribal is ridiculously crazy, but no one knows exactly what we will get to see of it.

Jeff asks about the dilemma with the beans. Joaquin talks about their choice. Shirin says it's Season 30 and there are holes in their story. So basically says "us 4"...and then Joaquin is forced to say that Joaquin, So, Max and Tyler are the 4...leaving Shirin and Carolyn are on the outs. Then So says they were going to vote out Carolyn. Carolyn is furious because So told her that her name hadn't come up. Wow, it's the first TC and So is showing that she seriously can't keep her mouth shut. Wait, what happened to the Carolyn/Shirin/Max alliance? Someone's playing both sides!

Carolyn and So start going at it like cats and dogs. Yikes!

Max is excited because his dreams have come true on his first Tribal Council: "a wicked downpour and lots of drama".

The Vote
Carolyn did NOT play the idol! That's a gutsy move knowing your name was definitely on the table. She must really think she can read people well. We'll see if she was right.


Whoa! Carolyn was right! That's So not how I expected that to go (get it?)! I started out kind of liking her, and liking her chemistry with Joaquin. But then she kind of got mouthy and had diarrhea of the mouth. It was clear she was not going to last too long.

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