Thursday, February 5, 2015

American Idol, Ep. 14.10

Hollywood Week, Part 2

Continuation of last night...

Row 4

Gabby Zonneveld
After stopping her song, they led her off stage, while the rest of her group sang. She got a pep talk from her mom, and then came back out on stage, with her face still really flushed. She was able to pull herself together and complete her performance, but I'm not impressed. Her voice is too deep for me.

Kelley Kime
Really nice performance.

Katherine Winston
Boring, but nice voice

All 3 made it through

Row 5

Andrew Annello
This guy just oozes confidence. Somehow he managed to pull off an Amy Winehouse song. It was good, but lacked something,

Maddie Walker
Really pretty voice and nice vibrato

Alexis Gomez
Very strong performance, I really like her voice

Maddie and Alexis make it through, but Andrew does not...he was the only one in that group of 10 not to make it...bummer

Row 6

Cody Fry
Impressed by this guy again. I didn't care for the song, but man can he sing!

He made it through!

Row 7

Loren Lott
I do NOT like her voice! I think it's the way she pronounces things or something...I'm not quite sure. It sounds like a fake cartoon voice or something.

She made it through :(

Row 8

She is really annoying. I know the judges love her, but I'm not digging her screamy voice.

Rayvon Owen
I really like him. Didn't love the song, but he's got a great voice. Very interesting version of that song.

They both make it through

Row 9

Clark Beckham
Like his voice...but what's with the old song...come on. How many times do we have to hear "Let's Get it On"? But that ending...oooh!

Daniel Seavey
Ooh...he's growing before our eyes! I just love his innocence, but he's also got a confidence about him. It's so endearing. So cute!

They both make it through

Row 10

Dakota Suarez
I'm sorry, but no...please for the love of God no. And then that screetch...ouch!

Thank goodness, no Dakota this season

Row 11

Qaasim Middleton
As strange as he is, he is the real deal. I really like his voice.

He makes it through!

On to Group Round...bring on the drama! Let's hope we don't lose anyone good! And they are off to split themselves into groups of 4.

OK, so, as much as I'd love to recap all the fast as they switch from one group to another, it's impossible to try to keep up.

As usual, there's some very confident groups that call it a night very 1 AM. Has history taught them nothing? They will crash and burn like all those before them who did not practice enough together. They will forget all their words, and they will forget choreography. It will be the same story as every single season.

And then there are those who complain that they are sick. And then the sleepiness kicks in and everyone gets a little loopy.

6:45 AM comes very early. And guess what...we didn't see ANY drama or fights! They no doubtedly occurred, but this season, they flew right through them.

As groups go through sound check, reality sinks in...guess what, we didn't practice enough.

Group 1 aka Double Stuff: David Oliver Willis, J. None, Jesse Cline, Clark Beckham
Very nice performance, and they were all equally good. They had really nice harmony. I liked Clark the best.
They all go through!

Group 2 aka Shiva Squared: Shi Scott, Big Ron, Andrew Bloom, Adam Ezegelian
I really, really like Andrew's voice. He was clearly my favorite in this group. Gotta hand it to them, they had some great chemistry on stage and worked really well with each other.
Noooo! They cut Andrew! The one I really liked...of course. Just because he didn't stand out? He was amazing...he just isn't as loud as the other 3.

Group 3 aka Dream Team: Maddy Hudson, Reno Anoa'i, Tyanna Jones, Steffi Ledbetter
Ooh, they are so off. That was not good at all. Maddy's voice is just awful...not a fan. Maddy and Tyanna just couldn't sing together, it was like they were fighting each other. Reno messed up his words. I'm so glad the judges called them out for riffing and doing too many runs. My thoughts exactly. Steffi was by far the best one.
Steffi gets cut and the other 3 go through. Of course, again, the best one gets cut again. I'm not liking this trend.

Group 4 aka Team Dimples: Jaq Mackenzie, Nick Fradiani, Hunter Larsen, Michael Simeon
OMG best group! They were so good together! I loved what they did with the choreography and how the guys and girls played off each other. Their harmonies were off the charts! Seriously one of the best groups ever in the history of American Idol.
They all make it through!

Group 5 aka Sal's Gals
Alexis couldn't find a group and finally was taken in by this group...because Sal loves to be surrounded by women. Her not finding a group that would keep her should have been a red flag, but bless his heart, he wanted to give her a shot. Then she had a major breakdown...they called it exhaustion. There's always gotta be one to ruin it or nearly ruin it for everyone. Seemingly she recovered, but they get out on stage and she starts shaking, and nearly falls down. They carry her off stage, and...TO BE CONTINUED.

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