Thursday, January 30, 2014

American Idol, Ep. 13.6

Omaha Auditions, the last audition city
Next week starts Hollywood week! They've changed up the format, so be ready for some changes. I can't wait!

Received Golden Tickets (21):

Quaid Edwards, 21
I wish he would have done a different song, but he is very talented. Love the voice. He seems like a great kid, and it was great to see him listening to what they were telling him.

Madisen Walker, 15
Really pretty girl, and she looks a lot older than 15. Really good voice, but it was a little safe for me. I agree with Keith, it was kind of like a karaoke version. There wasn't anything that wowed us.

Alyssa Siebken, 20
I really like her voice. She picked a great song that showed off her voice and her personality. I really liked it.

Tyler Gurwicz, 25
Another guy doing Adele...really interesting. Parts of it were good, but it was a little off pitch in a couple places. His second song was better than the first. I just realized who he reminds me of when he sings...Gomer Pyle! He totally makes a Gomer Pyle face!

Tyler Marshall, 23
Oh dear, now a guy doing Tina Turner, what's next. The bad thing is that it was actually pretty good, surprisingly.

CJ Jones, 20

How nervewracking to have to sing with Harry standing and awkwardly dancing beside you! He did a great job and didn't let it affect him really at all.

Dajontae Lenear, 16
He was really good, and I loved his personality.

Dylan Becker, 17
I really liked his voice. It was just so easy-flowing and calming. I know that sounds weird, but that's all I could think of. His voice was just so smooth. Loved it!

Paula Hunt, 20
She was good, but I found her, the song, and the performance just really boring. I knew the judges would just eat it up, but I wasn't blown away. We've heard much better.

Andrina Brogden, 18
She's 18, but she is dressed like an old lady. She has a really nice voice. She seemed like she was holding back a little bit.

Casey McQuillen, 21
Very pretty voice. I loved her falsetto and the little catches in her voice.

Tessa Kate, 25
She's really cute, and she has a very quirky voice and personality. I loved her rendition of the Johnny Cash song. I really like her! Harry said it perfectly when he said he could see her on a 70s singing show because she was very classic.

Just Bad

Simon Hauck, 17
Can't get more country than this kid. Wow...not good. He sounded more like an auctioneer than a singer.

Christian Scholl, 20
I think he needs to stick to square dance calling. He barely sang any of the song, did he even sing 1 sentence? He brought in his guitar but didn't even play it all.

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