Thursday, January 23, 2014

American Idol, Ep. 13.4

Atlanta Auditions 

Received Golden Tickets (44):

Majesty Rose, 21
I love "Violet Hill" by Coldplay. I would never have guessed that that would be the song she would sing. Her crazy flower head band...I was all ready to not like her. But gosh darn it, she was amazing! It started out nice and smooth, and then it grew and then she backed off again, and it was really good.

Jesse Cline, 19
Another surprise! I thought he was going to be terrible, but wow, was I surprised!

Chris Medina, 23
What a cute dog he brought with him! Did not expect Adele! We didn't hear much of the song, but I liked it.
Side note: I was trying to figure out why his name sounded so familiar. I was thinking that there was another singer by that name, but I didn't remember him specifically trying out before. So, it bothered me enough to Google "Chris Medina", and the pictures that came up were of another American Idol contestant that I did remember! He was the guy who had an amazing audition and an amazing story: he was on Season 10, and his fiancee had suffered a traumatic brain injury after a car accident.

Kristen O'Connor, 24
Beautiful voice! Lots of runs, but wasn't overly annoying. I hated the constant voice overs, I would have liked to hear more of the song.

Emily Piriz, 17
Pretty good voice, but I wasn't really feeling it for some reason.

Ben Briley, 24
Wow, what a thick country accent he has. I didn't like it at first, but it kind of grew on me the longer he sang.

Nica Nashae, 24

Too much screaming for me, but the judges ate it up of course. And when you do a song like that ("Natural Woman") that's been done WAY too many times, you don't win any points from me.

Jordan Brisbane, 15
Whoa, again, I was prepared for a joke, but this kid was pretty serious. I didn't care for the nasally part of his singing, but there were some glimmers of possibilities as he matures.

Sam Burchfield, 22
Haha! I love that he's singing a song from The Jungle Book. It was really amazing! He's funny, charismatic, and just really cool! Then he made a trumpet sound with his mouth...I'm sold! Loved it! I can't believe Harry wasn't buying it.

Jessica Meuse, 22
Singing an original song, and she is definitely very original. I love her voice, and I like her song. She's got something special. She is very cool.

Lauren Ogburn, 19
She was going for a different look for a female country singer, and she definitely was that. Her voice was really good, but she struggled a little bit on the lower notes. Overall it was good, though.

Neco Starr, 22
Another repeat contestant. He was a little bland and vanilla. I think he will continue to blend in and not stand out.

Caleb Johnson, 22
And yet another repeat contestant. He was really, really good. I really like his voice. He killed it.

Bria Anai, 15
She looks and sounds a lot older than 15. She has got some serious pipes. Very natural talent with great tone and pitch.

Not Good At All:

Alyson Ragona, 19
Ukelele, pink hair...just not good.

Travis Hunter-Brown, 26
Boring! Pretty much just one note.

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