Wednesday, January 29, 2014

American Idol, Ep. 13.5

Salt Lake City Auditions 

Received Golden Tickets (30):

Austin Wolf, 16
Another awesome rendition of this song. Her vibrato was a bit too much in places, but overall, I really liked it.

Kylee Adamson, 18
She kind of had the same vibrato issue as Austin, but she has a lot of potential. She seemed to play it a little on the safe side.

Keith Sanders, 26
He had a very unique voice, a little raspy...not what I expected. But he also had a nice range. He had a really cool vibe about him.

Michael Simeon, 19
I really liked him. I loved everything about it.

Tessa Norman, 19
Very strong voice. I didn't really like her attitude when she was singing...but she was really sweet when she wasn't singing. It was a little strange.

Alex Preston, 20
Another original it! His voice reminds me of someone, I think maybe it's a little bit like Jason Mraz. He has a very strong voice, I like the tone. And he's a natural talent with no training. For as stressful as playing an original song, he was very comfortable and just made it look easy.

Samantha Calmes, 25
Another attempt at an original. I'm no loving this one, it's a little strange. It's a little like a poetry or dramatic reading at the beginning. Once she got to the singing it was a little better. Then they asked her to sing another song and she chooses the theme to The Jeffersons. What? She's very overly dramatic and making them laugh, but I'm not digging her at all. I don't think she was that great.

Lebryant Crew, 24
Pretty good voice, but it didn't blow me away.

Laurel Wright, 18
She sang an original. The song wasn't that great or "original" sounding, but her voice was really good.

DJ Bradley, 20

He could have at least combed his hair. He had a very strange way of playing the guitar. He sounds like he just woke up. It was pretty rough at the beginning, but the more he sang, the better it got. I actually liked it at the end. I think with some coaching on his stage presence that he could really grow on the show.

Julie "Awful" (they didn't show her name or age, but her name sounded like "awful"'s unfortunate they didn't show her name so we can spell it correctly)
Very pretty voice...maybe a little too "pretty".

Kenzie Hall, 16
She was so cute! She was shy and nervous at first...until she started her song. Then, it was totally amazing! I LOVED it! I love what she did with the song, I loved her quirky things she threw in.

Paisley Van Patten, 25
Wow, lots of baggage, and lots of sad stories. I didn't expect her voice to have such a rasp to it. She was very strong. And then the Cher impression!

Jocelyn Baker, 18
Another John Mayer song. I like John Mayer, but where is this coming from? Apparently Salt Lake loves them some John Mayer. It was OK

Blake Branscom, 16
He had a much more mature voice than I thought he would have. His voice was a bit too country for my taste, but it's a good voice.

CJ Harris, 22
I hope he sings clearer than he talks, because I can't understand a word he says. Good thing he's really good! I like his vibe, it was a great performance. There were a couple of pitchy parts, but overall it was good. He seems like such a nice guy, and seems like he could use a break like this.

Tequila Wilson, 24
What a loud voice! It was pretty much like screaming at the end. I think they could work with her by just reigning her in a bit. She has a good voice, but she doesn't need push it so hard. One other note...her celebratory screaming could get real annoying, real fast.

Emily Rottler, 17
Great voice. She was very refreshing.

Dexter Roberts, 22
Whoa, I am totally surprised that I liked this! He is so country! Maybe it was the fact that he was singing a Casey James song ;) Wow, really good!

Briston Maroney, 15
I love the story of his passed-down guitar. I didn't not expect his voice, and his voice with the song he picked was very interesting. He was really feeling the song, it was a really cool performance. I really liked this kid.

Sabrina Lentini, 15
I liked her "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree

Leia "Fish" Lotulelei, 19
He played it pretty safe, and boring. When he tried to change up the song a little bit, it didn't improve the song. I didn't care for it. I'm surprised they put him through.

Johnny Newcomb, 16
I really like this kid! What a raspy, deep voice for a 16-year-old. I loved his attitude and drive to prove them wrong. He was way too talented for them to let him go. I get what they were saying about him sounding too much like the original artist, but I don't think it was fake. He proved with his 2nd song that that's who he is. I loved it!

Carmen Delgina, 24
Her dad was in the Sugar Hill Gang! How funny that she chose Soft Cell's "Tainted". I don't know if anyone has ever seriously chosen that's usually a joke. It was OK, but I actually wasn't that impressed with her. I think a different song would have been better for her. 

Kassandra Castaneda, 16
Wow, what a cool voice. I loved her "Chasing Pavements" by Adele. Her body movements during the song that is a slow song, were just kind of weird and was way too much. I liked her voice, but she needs to learn to listen to the music and match the emotion of the song. She was smiling way too much, and it's not really a happy song. That aside, it's a singing competition and I loved her voice.

Kenneth "Woodie" Gaddie, 28
Pure gospel. Good voice, but I know he would probably be one of those annoying ones who always sing the same things.

Casey Thrasher, 22
How cool that he met Keith before and he said he would see him again some day and Keith said he believed in him. He's got a great story and a great voice. He had J. Lo in tears. I was hoping I would like it a little more than I did. I think it was the song. He definitely has a good voice though.

Good, But Not Good Enough:

Hayden Olson, 15
Very unique, young sounding voice. I don't think she was good enough yet, she was a little squeaky.

Jessica Bassett, 22
There's something just very easy-breasy about her voice. It was pleasant, but just didn't move me.

Ally Roundy, 18
Good voice, but I wasn't impressed.

Carson Henline, 16
He looks like he's 10! I think he did a really good job, but I agree with the judges that he wasn't quite ready.

Just Bad:

Samantha Townsend, 22
Yikes...lots of mumbling going on there. She had a really strange way of pronouncing her words. Just strange.

Chase Boyle, 23
Not sure if this is good or not. His hair reminds of the one guy that I really didn't like a couple seasons ago. I can't remember his name right now. 

Julia "Missy Cyclops" Flores, 18
That's some blue hair. Not horrible, but not good.

Chase Thornton, 20
Proof that a pretty face does not always equal a pretty voice. It was bad...really bad.

Kimberly Tosti, 25
All I can say is some of those notes were ouchy on the ears.

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