Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Voice, Ep. 3.28 & 3.29: The Finale

The show opens with a chilling and heartfelt tribute to the victims of the terrible shootings in CT. All the coaches and singers came together as a choir, holding names of the victims. It was beautiful and touching.

From 64 to the final 3. It's been a long and wonderful journey. Each contestant will sing a new song, a repeat of their best performance and a duet with their coach.


Song 1- "Great Balls of Fire"/"Fire"
He really was on fire with this performance...he was definitely feeling it. This could be his best performance. And those were some seriously crazy high leg kicks at the end!

Song 2-"Stand By Me"
Classic Nicholas.

Song 3-"Play That Funky Music" with CeeLo
Could there be a better song for these 2? funny! Who knew the song would suit CeeLo just as much as Nicholas? Great performance...I really enjoyed it! And then mini CeeLo, with some crazy dance moves! Lol! Complete with a "You complete me" at the end.


Song 1-"Over You"
Just as beautiful as the first time she sang it. She struggled a little bit on her low notes, but it didn't affect the powerfulness of the message.

Song 2-"Steve McQueen" with Blake
I don't think I have ever heard this song. Very interesting song choice, but they make a good team.

Song 3-"Cry"
Great song. She's gonna kill a good way. Beautiful set, and look at the train on that dress! She started off a bit shaky on the low notes again, but when she can sing full out on those high notes, right in her sweet spot, there's nothing like it. She gives me goosebumps!


Song 1-"Dude Looks Like a Lady" with Blake
Awesome!! Such a good song for the 2 of them to do together! Blake was struggling a little with those high notes..his voice cracked! Plus, loved Adam's cameo.. Complete with no shirt and long red wig! Lol! Such a fun performance!

Song 2-"Broken Wings"
I love this song! He actually started out a little weak and he seemed to strain a little on the high notes, but he found himself by the chorus and it was a great performance. It wasn't totally his fault, his earpiece or something was malfunctioning.

Song 3-"I Want To Know What Love Is"
I'm so glad he picked this was one of my favorite performances. So raw and emotional, and vocally so precise and right on. That ending gets me every time.

The Finale:
So many great performances! Way too many to talk about!

The Results:
In 3rd place: Nicholas
In 2nd place: Terry
And the winner is: Cassadee!!!!!!

I'm soooo happy! That is the exact outcome I was hoping for! So happy for Cassadee, she deserves it!

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