Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Survivor, Ep. 25.13

12-12-12...please let these magic numbers grant us the disappearance of Abi!!!!!

What we know:
-Malcolm has a hidden idol, that he must use at this Tribal
-Said idol guarantees him a spot in the top 4...IF he plays it for himself (strange things have happened in the past, so nothing is a sure thing)
-Abi is faking that she has an idol and no one believes her...and she is going to try her luck a second time at Tribal

Reward Challenge:
I love the slip-n-slide challenges! Great wipe-outs!!! Skupin wins, and I'm pretty sure Malcolm threw the challenge. It was don't want to have to pick people to go and leave some behind. He chooses Malcolm and Lisa to join him for a helicopter ride and food. Abi pouts about not getting picked "I guess my vote doesn't mean anything." Yep! You're right about that Abi. Again, she is totally clueless!!! She forgot all about the Tribal when she found out she was unlikeable.

Poor Denise! Spending all day with Abi is pure torture! Abi's mouth never annoying. Denise cracks me up. She says "I want to hang myself and gouge out my eyes." Ha!!!

Back at the reward, they get to swim with a humungous whale shark! Wow!

Oh no Denise is in pain! Uh-oh, she better not have to leave! I sure hope that she can win or that Malcolm can win and give it to her. BUT...Malcolm thinks he can't beat her, so he may not give it to her, even though they have been in an alliance.

Immunity Challenge
Oh no Malcolm falls down and has to start over. He is in dead last! Denise and Skupin are doing really good. Come on Denise! But watch out...Malcolm is making a comeback! And he does it!!! Woohoo! So happy! These people just don't stand a chance against him!

Oh no! Malcolm has no intention of giving Denise an idol because he thinks she's safe! What?! Why would you risk it! He's going to feel bad when she gets voted out. It will be a travesty if Denise goes and Abi, of all people, stays.

Tribal Council
Whoa...right off the bat, Abi throws Denise under the bus and says Skupin and Lisa will not win the game. She won't even let Skupin speak! She keeps interupting by calling him an idiot and a moron. Wow. The words that come out of her mouth continue to amaze me.

The vote: Malcolm keeps his idol. And can I get a "Hallelujah"???? Abi is voted out!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!!! I'm so excited!

The tribe is so happy, and on the way out, Skupin does a little happy dance!

It's a 12-12-12 miracle!!!

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