Monday, June 27, 2016

The Bachelorette, Ep. 12.6

Buenos Aires, Argentina

1-on-1 Date: Wells - "Besame, besame, muchacho"

Wells tells the group that he is the only guy who has not kissed JoJo yet. The guys are stunned. "Besame" means "kiss me" in Spanish, so clearly JoJo is giving him the green light. Clearly, the pressure is on. They all think that if this doesn't go well, he will be going home.

She takes him to a theater where there are people dancing in water above them.He thought he might kiss her, but the girls in the water above him were kind of ruining the moment. Opportunity #1: fail. Right before they give it a try, he awkwardly tries to high five her or hit her shoulder or something (not sure what) and then leans in awkwardly the wrong way and they have a half kiss on the cheek. Opportunity #2: fail.

As they are rolling around in the water and she is just waiting for him to make a move. Finally, he goes for it. She yells at him "That was the moment, Wells! We did it!" Opportunity #3: SUCCESS!

In the evening portion of the date, she grills him about his past relationships. He sweated it out - literally. He said they both decided that they were just better as friends and their love fizzled out. JoJo thinks this is weird to hear him say that because that's kind of what's happened to her.

Wells seems kind of skeptical of finding true love. JoJo is a big believer and she's not sure if she can invest time in someone who might not feel the same way. She told him that they have built a really great friendship, but things haven't felt 100% like she wanted them to. So, she decided not to give him the rose. It was a really tough decision for her.

The guys are stunned when Wells' bags were taken away.

Group Date: Luke, Alex, James, Jordan, Robby - "Living la vida boca"

James still feels out of place and can't believe he's still there because the other guys are so much more amazing than he is. He doesn't seem himself as a sexy dude. He kind of just started to fade into the background and wasn't really participating in their walk through the town, or in the little game of soccer they played. He continually compares himself to the better looking guys and the more athletic guys.

The locals said they should take penalty kicks and if they score they can kiss JoJo. Robby tries to pay the goalie off - but it still didn't work. James is up...he needs to step it up, and wouldn't you know, he's the only one to score.

The evening portion of the date is more of the same from James. He feels like Jordan is the frontrunner, so why is he even there.

Luke is the first to get some alone time. He said he's always so happy to get to spend time with her. He doesn't care how much time he gets to spend with her, it just always makes him happy. JoJo is running out of words to describe the passion between her and Luke. She said they have their physical connection down. The spark is just "crazy", according to her.

James gets to talk to her next. JoJo tells him that he seems a bit off. He said he's glad she asked. He said it's all about Jordan. He said he played cards with him and he made his own rules because he's "Jordan Rodgers" - he's a "celebrity" and people will listen to him because he's just so great. He seems to be entitled. He said you can't go against him because he's the ultimate source of wisdom. She reassured him that he was incredible and she wanted him to know she appreciated him telling her that. Definitely came off as a little whiny and a ploy to seek some validation from her. While what he said is, I'm sure, 100% true, and something she should pay attention seemed like not the right time to do it and just kind of came out of nowhere.

It's at this point that I realize that there is still an HOUR left in the show. They must really plan on covering a TON of the 2-on-1 date and JoJo's potential Jordan confrontation.

She decides to pull Jordan aside. She said it was brought to her attention that there was an altercation between him and James and it was unbecoming on his part. Way to throw James under the bus. She said he's a great guy and she believes what he says. Jordan wonders how this was brought up, and she said it was just brought up. He said James is one of his best friends in the house. She said he came off as entitled in the altercation, but he doesn't know where that came from. She said it was disappointing to hear that because she has this idea of him in her head. She wants to make sure that the Jordan she knows is actually who he is. It scares her to think he might not be. Jordan thinks what James did was pathetic and he thought they were friends.

Jordan enters the room of guys and James asks him how his talk went and Jordan just gives him the cold shoulder and angrily swirls the wine in his glass. The guys all ask him why he's acting so weird. James just stop...stop poking the bear. Jordan asks how James's talk went and he said it was good. Jordan wondered if his name came up and James said it did. Jordan asked him if he used the word "entitled" and James said he might have. Jordan doesn't understand how explaining the rules to someone can make him seem entitled.

James said in an ITM that JoJo deserves an honest, good man and someone who is there for her and that's why he decided to bring up what he did about Jordan.

The group date rose goes to: Luke
She said she wanted to give the rose to someone who makes her feel special and excited about the future.

2-on-1: Chase and Derek - "It takes 2"
First time ever (really?!) a second 2-on-1 date.

Derek is pretty confident that he's going to be sticking around at least a couple more weeks. Chase is taking things seriously and didn't want to end up on a 2-on-1 and he's not sure why Derek is so happy about it. Derek fully expects the rose and thinks this will be more like a 1-on-1 because the connection with JoJo is really obvious. Oh Derek, that confidence totally means that it's going to be you going home. I will be so sad to see Jim Halpert/John Krasinski go :(

JoJo takes them dancing - which is perfect since it takes "2" and there are 3 of them. They are going to actually attempt a 3-person tango. She said this dance is portraying exactly how she feels - torn between 2 men.

I think both guys actually did a really good job. They nailed the passionate "stare".

In the evening portion of the date, she wants to talk to Derek first. He said dancing with her, he really felt the passion. She saw the Derek she saw on their first date. She said after the first date, he kind of faded and got in his own head and that worried her. He said he's held back a lot in his most recent relationships. He told her that the first time he looked in her eyes he thought she was amazing and he's starting to fall in love with her. She was glad that he's telling her these things and showing how he feels. That makes her feel special. Poor guy...he's going to be heartbroken. She hopes her relationship can get to that place with Chase.

Chase is up next. He's not sure how she feels about him any more. She asked what was on his mind. He said it was getting scary because he's really starting to have feelings for her. She said she didn't feel like he was giving much reciprocation from him after she shared her feelings. He said he was shocked and didn't know that she felt that way. She struggled because she doesn't know how he feels and she thought maybe she just likes him more than he liked her. He felt like their conversation about feelings before, they ended on the same page, but clearly they didn't. He's now very worried. He wondered how he can feel confident when he sees how strong her relationships with the other guys. She told him she was in his shoes and she wishes she would have told Ben right away when she started to have feelings for him instead of waiting until it was too late. He said he wants a future with her and that's what she wanted to hear from him.

The moment of truth - Derek is about to be dumped and completely stunned.

She thanked Derek for sharing and she was glad they reconnected. She knew it was hard for Chase to open up and this was the most she connected with him. And there it is...she gives the rose to Chase. She said she was so sorry to Derek. He told her to "go find your forever". She just said goodbye to one of the good ones. :( Well Derek, you can give me a call anytime.

Poor guy, he cried in the cab and he says he never cries and he didn't know why he was crying. Meanwhile, JoJo and Chase are being serenaded with the song "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina". Ouch.

Cocktail Party
So, based on the spoilers after last week's show, they showed the guys celebrating after the Rose Ceremony and there were 6 guys there. That means that no one else is going home tonight.

Jordan grabs her right away. He wanted her to know that he is open to falling in love and he wants to be in love and engaged at the end of this. He thinks they can get there. He said he is falling in love with her and she is the person he wants to spend life with. He hopes that all of the tough conversations they've had are in the past.

Alex is worried and feels like he's behind the other guys because he is the only one who hasn't had a 1-on-1. She asked why he was upset after their group date. He said he's never had a 1-on-1 and he hasn't gotten a group date rose. She didn't want him to feel like he's behind.

James wanted to make sure she knew that he was there to fight for her. He said he has let himself fall for her. He sometimes feels stupid but he thinks about her and how much he wants to kiss her.

Rose Ceremony:
JoJo handed out 5 roses, and then walked out with the last rose. James and Alex are still waiting to find out who it's going to be. James looks like he's going to be sick. JoJo gives the rose to Chris and says she doesn't want to give out the final rose. She walks back in and says she's sorry but she couldn't give out the final rose...and walks Chris with 2 roses. What a mean trick...for them! Of course, knowing the spoilers, this was not a shock to see where this was going.

Alex feels like he and James both got pity roses. He's not sure why James is still there.

Receive Roses (6): Alex, Chase, James T., Jordan, Luke, Robby
Eliminated (2): Derek, Wells

Programming Note: Next week's Monday episode falls on July 4th, so there will be a repeat. A new episode returns the following week.

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