Sunday, June 26, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.3

Jozea puts on a big show after being nominated. He wanted it to be known...again...that he is coming for Nicole. Him saying he was coming for her was what got him in the mess in the first place. He goes to talk to Nicole and basically degrades her game and says what she was doing wrong - listening to people in the HOH room. He knows he wouldn't let anyone in the room and he's not listening to anyone. Nicole kind of played dumb, like he really knew what he was talking about.

New Competition: BB Roadkill
After nominations, an RV will pull into the backyard. Each person will individually compete and the winner will secretly get to nominate a 3rd houseguest! This person can even nominate someone from their own team. Whoa!

The newbies are kind of excited, but the vets are shaking in their boots. If a newbie wins, they will 100% put up a vet (unless it's maybe Corey or Paulie who win).

Da'Vonne knows the vets are in trouble if they can't get some newbies on their side. Da'Vonne thinks she has Zakiyah. Michelle told her that she knew coming into the game that if there were any vets in the game, she wanted to work with them because she's such a fan. Yay! They've got another one!

In HOH Room - Da'Vonne, Nicole, Michelle, Frank, James, Corey, Tiffany, and Zakiyah. They've got a tight group. Time for a name. Names discussed: Elite 8, Elusive 8...but the winner is 8 Pack. I like it! Finally a good name! (although I do think Category 4 is pretty good, also)

BB Roadkill: Take it Off

Weirdest comp ever! Keep 3 buttons pressed to "drive" the RV - they must strip down to their swimsuit in the fastest time. Taking off hand or foot from a button makes the timer run faster.

This was hilarious to watch! They each had some interesting strategies!

We learn that it is up to the winner if they want to disclose if they are the winner or not. The winner is FRANK!!! Way to go, Frank! The vets REALLY needed a win. That's awesome! I wonder who he will decide to put up. So many options! I'm guessing maybe Victor (because he's a physical threat, and is aligned with Jozea), or maybe Paul (similar reasons, and also because he's loud and annoying). I would LOVE to see him put up Paul. That would be AMAZING!

Frank tells James that he won, and they have a little dance party.

The newbies speculate who won. They think it might have been James - until Paulie left the room. Jozea thinks Paulie won it and isn't saying.

Frank lies to the newbies and says it wasn't him, and made a really good case for why he didn't think it was him. Jozea tells Frank he thinks it was Paulie.

Bridget and Natalie are bonding. Natalie really wants to start an all-girl alliance, along with Bronte. They say they will need to play dumb, and they are all really good at that. Team name; Spy Girls - Natalie will be "Flirty Spy", Bronte will be "Wifey Spy", and Bridget will be "Spunky Spy".

Tiffany is just as observant as Vanessa - she sees the girls forming an alliance right in front of her. Ha!

Frank consults with the 8 Pack alliance. Paul's name comes up (yes!) - if Paul wins Veto, he's playing for himself and not for Jozea. Bridget's name also comes up (not sure where that came from).

Mysteryland Punishment for Category 4
Frank, Paulie, Michelle, Bridget - their mystery punishment is that they have to wear no clothes for 1 week! Yikes! They have to wear pixelated cardboard hiding their private parts. And they have to wear that for a whole week! Not so rough for the guys since they often just go without shirts anyway, but not so fun for the girls.

Roadkill Ceremony
The 3rd nominee is announced via rotating pictures on the TV screen in the living room, and it is: Paul!!! Woohoo Frank! Nice choice!!! This couldn't be working out better.

I'm wondering how the Veto comp will work this year with 3 nominees. Normally, the 2 nominees plus the HOH each draw a name out of the bag and a total of 6 people compete. Will there be 8 people to compete? We'll have to wait until Wednesday to find out.

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